
Monday 25 July 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   


A tender heart.  I am grateful that I have a tender heart. This means that I am touched very easily.  I cry at movies and reading books. I cry when I hear about others in the world that are suffering. My heart aches at the many injustices that are being and have been perpetrated in the world. But it also means that I find great joy in small and simple things which often go un-noticed.  I am able to rejoice in the sweet and tender things of life that many others might find mundane or boring.  The sight of baby toes, or the sound of a humming bird in flight.  I am open to feeling and experiencing all that life has to offer me, both the bad and especially the good. 


We're having a heat wave. The dog days of August are almost upon us.  I don't mind too much. It will be all too soon we will be complaining that it is too cold. These last few days of July are special. In August we will see things start to change quickly.  We will begin to really notice the passage of time. I am grateful for each and every season and all that they bring to my table. Even heat waves . . . 


I think oft times as night draws nigh
Of the old farmhouse on the hill,
Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred
Where the children played at will.
And when the night at last came down
Hushing the merry din,
Mother would look around and ask,
“Are all the children in?”

Tis many and many a year since then,
And the house on the hill
No longer echoes to children's feet
And the yard is still, so still.
But I see it all, the shadows creep,
And though many years have been
Since then, I can hear mother ask,
“Are all the children in?”

I wonder if when the shadows fall
On the last short, earthly day,
When we say good-by to the world outside
All tired with our childish play,
When we step out into that other land
Where mother so long has been,
Will we hear her ask, just as of old,
“Are all the children in?”

Grateful for a mother who always cared.   Oh how I miss her.

The sound of crickets.  Peepers peeping. The hum of cicadas. The sweet sweet cooing of the mourning doves. The sound of children's laughter dancing through the trees. Chipmunks chipping. The cry of loons echoing across the lake.  Chickadees calling to each other.  Chick-a-dee-dee-dee   . . . 

Summer sounds. 

This  . . . . 


Most days I put Music and the Spoken Word on You Tube on the television and it keeps me company while I work.  It is gentle and relaxing, comforting even. I love the way the singing of the Tabernacle choir embroiders my days with sweetness, and enriches my soul.  This is a simple thing . . . I am a simple person.   Simple things and I go together well . . . . like peas and carrots  . . . we are the best of companions. 

Nutmeg is always near me. If I am on the sofa, he is laying next to me, if I am here in my chair at the computer he is either on the desk next to the computer or sleeping under my chair. I think he loves me. 

Cinnamon is a bit more independent. She likes her space.  She loves to cuddle also, but on her terms and when she wants to.

They are the perfect companions, for each other and for me.  I love them both so much.


Family dinners  . . . with Cindy, Dan, Dad  . . .  yesterday Dan BBQed pork chops. They were lovely.  A BBQ is not an expense I am willing to pay.  I don't have a shed to store it in and in order to put it in my garage I would have to somehow move it all around the whole row of units. I suppose I could get a cover for one if I did get one, and just keep it out back,  but . . . for something which would not happen very often, the whole idea is just too much trouble.  It is nice enough and good enough to be invited to my sisters place from time to time so I can enjoy it with them.  BBQing on your own is not quite the same. Something like that needs to be shared with others.

I love family times. They are the best times of all.  I got to facetime with my oldest son and hit two boys this weekend, and of course I talk to my oldest daughter almost every day.  I often get to talk with my middle son and his boys as well. Now my brother is retired, we also speak most days. Family is a wonderful thing, no small thing . . . but everything. I am truly blessed to have a good family.  We love and support each other, and are there for each other in any and every way that we can be.

Going to church.  Going to the movies with a friend. Being able to take a few meals to another friend who just had an operation. Talking to other friends on the telephone.  Small and simple things that enrich my life and make me happy to be alive. Life is good.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *The dream of my life
is to lie down by a slow river,
and stare at the light in the trees.
To learn something by being nothing.
~Mary Oliver•。★★ 。* •。★★ 。*  

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Cheesy Chicken Pasta. A quick and easy skillet supper that is delicious. I took half to a friend and froze the other half to enjoy sometime when I need something quick and easy.  Its really tasty, and very adaptable. 

I truly hope your life is filled to overflowing with an abundance of small and wonderful things. Go. Be happy. Be blessed.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Ahhh ... family times are to be treasured. From one tender heart to another, I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  2. Aww another winner winner chicken dinner! Oy on the BBQ I don't go near ours nor our remotes lol.You are so glad to be home at last,Dorothy.:) Me ? tender.. to the hilt.But I can tune out forever too;)

  3. I have missed reading your daily blog so much. Life just got too overwhelming and busy. I am happy that I have seen you on Facebook and love your recipes. I consider you a dear friend, that I have neglected. I hope to be better, no promises here. I'm trying to blog again, and I love my blogging friends. I loved reading your thoughts today. I like that thought of small and simple things. I feel like you. I think I need to slow down a bit and take in more of the small and simple things of life that bring joy. I love your two adorable cars. It's fun to see how their personalities differ. I am happy they bring you so much joy. I love that you can have time with your sister, Dan and your Dad. I love telephone calls and it looks like you have some great ones. I'm afraid texting has taken over my life and it's not the same as hearing a voice.
    I love that you have a tender heart. I can see the passion and love you have for the beautiful moments in your life.
    Thanks for the poem today too.
    Blessings and hugs!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!