
Saturday 23 July 2022

All Things Nice . . .



Old things abide - the good and true,
Things that are born and bred in you,
The love of children - faithful men
Spring in the warm sweet fields again,
Old people puttering 'round the place
Peace like a light on someone's face.

Bright lamps that shine above the snow,
And send out such a heartsome glow,
Across the lonely country night,
The glint of wings that catch the light,
A prickly thorn . . . a rambling brier,
Golden rod setting the world on fire.

A blue print apron and a shawl,
An old cow sleeping in a stall,
The odor of new hay and sheaves,
Rain dripping softly from the eaves,
A little girl with rosy cheeks,
A dog so smart he almost speaks.

Old things abide - a garden patch,
An old shed with a rusty latch,
A supper table warm and bright,
Windows shining against the night,
A mother gentle and serene -
These are the sort of things I mean.
~Edna Jaques, Old Things Abide
Roses in December 


Somehow I blinked even though I was warned not to, and here I am sitting here, almost 67 years of age, with most of my life stretching behind me and not a lot of it stretching in front of me.  When you are young they tell you not to blink . . .  that time will pass by too quickly, but you pay them no mind because . . . well, you're young and you have forever sitting across from you, and forever seems a long, long, long way off.

And then you blink.

And all of a sudden it seems . . .  forever . . .  like Jack Frost  . . .  is nipping at your toes. Nobody can say you weren't warned. 

But there are advantages to the passage of time. You now know what it is to make every moment count, in a much more meaningful way.  Something you did not comprehend all that well when you were a much younger person. Your days become all the more precious.  Time still seems to pass at the speed of light, but . . . it is more golden.  I guess that is why they call these the golden years.


A list of blessings leads to even more.

Did you know that gratitude can make you happier, healthier and more compassionate?  Its true!  It also helps you to draw closer to God. I try to make a list daily of the things I am grateful for, and always, always in my prayers at the end of the day, I thank God for each and every one.  Some days the list can go on and on, but others I have to dig deeper.

Oh there are things that I am grateful for every day for sure  . . .  faith, family, friends, home, health, food in my belly  . . . but there is so much more than that.

Its in the little things.  

  • The unexpected message or e-mail that lets you know you're appreciated, loved, or even missed.  
  • A cat snuggling next to you on the sofa because he just loves to be near you while the other one plays a tune upon your beating breast with her gentle paws as she sings a purring song.
  • A sister who stops by on her way home from work just to say hello and brighten your day.
  • A father who calls because he was thinking about you and wanted to let you know he's still there.
  • A neighbor who knocks to tell you she saw an ant in her bathroom and she wanted you to beware that the ants are back.
The list goes on and on, but you get the picture I am sure. It really is the simple and small things in life which bring us the most joy and acknowledging them with gratitude makes them even more joy-filled.


I was thinking this morning of an old set of China I had bought in a second hand store many, many years ago. It was not much, four dinner plates and four soup plates. I like soup plates.  I think soup looks more elegant in them. I know it cools off quicker, but it does look more elegant.  These plates were covered with pink roses  . . .  the china was grazed, but they were beautiful to me because I had never had china of any kind, so even old china was a blessing to me.  I would take them out when we had our dinner parties with my friend Mabel and her husband. I was so proud of them.   

I have always enjoyed old things.  Worn things.  They are treasures to me. 

I used to love to yard sale. I don't any more.  I have enough in my house that I don't want to add much to any of it if I can help it.  Issues of love however, that is a different story, and I fear that if I went to yard sales I would fall in love with too many things and I am trying to keep my possessions down so that it isn't much of a problem when my time has come so that there is not a lot for people to dispose of.

But I do love old china plates  . . . 


I am always buying eggs. I will be in the grocery store and I think to myself, oh but it's been a long time since I have had a boiled egg, or a scrambled egg, etc.  And I only like to eat really fresh eggs in that way.  I have a thing about eggs.  They often make me feel queasy when I am eating them. I am not sure what that is because I do enjoy them from time to time.

I do bake a lot however and so I always use them up. 

The ones I like most of all are the free range ones we buy around the corner from where I live.  They go by the honor system. There is a small fridge on the porch of this small shed and inside are the eggs and an honor jar for the money.  $5 a dozen for the freshest, nicest eggs you would ever want.  You can look over the field and see the hens running around the yard. Happy hens.  I like that.


I would like a book like this.  I am thinking of putting one together. A place where I can practice my embroidery stitches. A sampler in book shape. Our friend Linda has put one together that is perfectly delightful. You can see it here.  I hope you don't mind me sharing it Linda! I think it is just lovely!

I have always loved to embroider.  My mother taught me how when I was very young.  Mom loved to embroider also.  I have a few of her things.  

I used to do a lot of counted cross stitch, but got away from it as my eyes don't always co-operate with such fine work these days. I love embroidering tea towels and all sorts.  I think a stitch book like this would be a wonderful project. 


When I was a child, one of my favorite tales used to be this one we had in our encyclopedia entitled, East of the Sun, West of the Moon. This old fairy tale fascinated me then and still does.

It involves a white bear that offers to take the youngest child to fix a family's poor situation. They accept and the bear takes the young girl to a castle where a man slept in the same room as her at night in the dark. As such, she could not see who it was. 

When she was homesick she was allowed to go home with one condition: She is not allowed to stay with her mother alone. Of course, the young girl doesn't listen and takes a magical candle from her mother. When she returned to the castle, she was able to see the face of the man that has been visiting her bed at night, who was actually the bear. After a what have you done moment he gets taken away by his troll stepmother to marry a troll princess. Before leaving, he tells her that he will be at a land East of the Sun and West of the Moon. 

I always loved fairy tales. I was a great believer in the idea of happily ever after.  I was longing for a Prince of my own.  Things do not always turn out the way we plan, but that's okay.  I think happily ever after's don't always have to involve Princes and golden castles.  Sometimes they come in the shape of a small house, perfectly built just for one and two furry companions that bring daily joy . . . 

Happily ever after is what you create for yourself.


Oh how I love books like this.  Filled with botanicals. I love painting flowers and I love looking at paintings of flowers and other plants.  In the Manor house where I worked there were many framed botanical paintings.  I loved to look at them.

I guess I just really love nature.  

I love watching nature shows, like Planet Earth, etc.  My only problem with them is the voice of David Attenborough.  It lulls me into wanting to go to sleep.  But, I could not imagine them being narrated by anyone else!  

The only thing I do not like to watch about nature shows is when one of the animals gets into trouble. I want to yell at the television screen, help them!  How can you film this and not help them!

I also don't like to see animals hunting other animals. I know its nature and its necessary. I just don't want to watch it.


My father is coming here for his supper today. Cindy and Dan are having a day off and going on an adventure.  They have a beautiful day for it. The sun is shining and it promises to last.   

I have made a pot of chili for him to enjoy and I have a loaf of bread in the bread-maker, plus I have some jello in the refrigerator. He likes that with squirty cream. 

I actually have a very busy day ahead of me. I have to drop two meals off for a lady who has just got out of hospital and I have a lesson to finish for church tomorrow. Plus I have some of  my own work to do and my son wants to facetime, so I best get my skates on! 

I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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˛*We can only be said to be truly alive
 in those moments when our hearts 
 are conscious of their treasures.
 ~Thornton Wilder  *。*˚*。*˚ 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  No Bake Oatmeal & Chocolate Bars. Simply delicious. A small batch recipe which makes only six bars.

Have a beautiful Saturday and weekend!  Be happy and safe and blessed!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Thank you so much for the link to my Stitch Doodles book Marie, I am so enjoying working on it, and already have plans for another one. It started with my quaran'tea'n sewing here, You do have a busy day ahead of you, take it one thing at a time. Enjoy dinner with your Dad tonight.

  2. Have a great day.. yes we have less ahead than behind..:( So we do things..that bring us joy:)

  3. Such a lovely post, Marie! The stitch book is just beautiful - if you make one, please share it with us. And your thoughts on gratitude resonate deeply with me - so beautifully stated.
    And that recipe! Just what I want to make. Thank you and have a lovely, busy,happy day. Enjoy your supper with your dad.

  4. Oh, it sounds like a busy day today and tomorrow for you. I know you enjoy every minute. Counting our blessings is in itself a blessing….so good to stop and appreciate…good for the mind, body, soul. Good day to you, V.

  5. Beautiful post, I related to so much you said. The stitch book is just gorgeous, and so are the old books. Have a great day!

  6. Lots of lovely ideas...thanks! It is good you are able to stay so busy...that is part of happiness too!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. Marie, I am new here but this post was so lovely and heartfelt. I appreciate your thoughts so much. I love books and nature too! Blessings.


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