
Monday 6 June 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

Being able to partake of the Sacrament each week. Renewing my Baptismal covenants, taking His name upon me.  I am not sure I can ever adequately explain how important being able to do this is to me. This is something the Savior asked all of us to do.  To partake of the bread and the wine/water and remember Him . . .  to remember all that He did, taught, will do yet. I always use those moments to reflect on Him and to replenish my spirit with the strength I need to get through another week.   I am not perfect, none of us are. Oh  how very much I need His love, guidance and strength each week.  Some weeks perhaps even more than others. I am grateful for this small and simple act which helps to keep me anchored in what is right and what is true.

I love this dear sister of mine so much. I am so grateful that we are now having this time together.  When we were younger we always said we wanted to end up our days as the Baldwin Sisters, together.  Well,  maybe we don't live in a big house together, and distill moonshine, but we are as together as sisters can be.  She is a great blessing to me and I hope that I am able to bless her life in some ways as well. I think this week we are going to go to Michaels together, maybe even tomorrow. We shall see. Spending time with her means everything to me. She is my best friend and always has been.  I don't think there is anything about me she doesn't know and she loves me anyways!  

Being able to celebrate Dan's birthday together as a family. It was great. My sister made a really good pizza and I brought a chocolate cake and some salad over and we just enjoyed some family time together.  He is a good man and a great Brother/Son in law.  He does so much for me as well.  Helps to put furniture together. Washes my car. Brings the life and spice to every family get-together. He is like me in that he has a brain like a steel trap for trivia. I think if we were ever on a Quiz team together  we would clean up! I just love him and I am sure I don't tell him enough how very much I appreciate him.  He is good people. 

Unexpected dinner invitations. I was sitting here yesterday afternoon when I got a phone call and it was my Branch President and his wife inviting me over for supper/dinner.  I decided to jump out of my comfort zone and I accepted the invite.  There was myself, another older single sister, them, their children and the missionaries. It was really nice.  Often people won't invite me over because they are afraid to cook for me. I am not that great a cook, lol. I don't cook anything anyone else can't cook. I don't know why people are afraid. Anyways, I am always happy for the invite and I did enjoy myself very much. It was very thoughtful and I was happy that I broke out of my comfort zone a tiny bit.

These two and all the joy they bring into my life. I think I made a good choice when I chose to take both of them. They are great company for each other when I am working and they are great company for me. I am never alone really. The other night when I had heard about Peter Lee and was crying, they were very concerned and were right there with me. They knew I was upset.  They are the first to greet me each morning and the last to say goodnight at the end of the day.  They have helped to fill the huge hole that was left when I had to give Mitzie up.  I will always miss Mitzie. She was a great dog and a good friend. I am ever grateful that I was able to find a good home for her. I have always had pets. Since I was a child. I could not see me without having a pet to love and care for. 

Speaking of Mitzie. Its her Birthday today. She is 12 years old. I hope that she has a really wonderful day.  I am sure that she will. I am so grateful for all the joy that she brought to me and I hope that I brought her joy also. 


Being able to support myself. I never thought I would be able to do that.  I guess I always underestimated myself.  It is only through the Grace of God that I am able to do so now.  I will never take it for granted.  God willing I am able to keep it up until the day I move over to the other side.  I try not to think about it.

My cozy little home and life. God truly is good. I am so very, very blessed. I never thought I would be able to be happy again, but I am. Oh sure . . .  there are elements of sadness in my life, but who doesn't have things that they wish were different?  The key to joy, however, is taking your blessings as you find them and being grateful for each one.  Recognizing the good in your life and giving thanks for it. A life filled with gratitude is not a bad life at all.


I have been blessed with good friends in my life, and I don't know why.  But I accept the blessing graciously.  I will miss my good friend Peter Lee, but I am grateful for having known him and having had his good example to follow. I am happy that he is at peace now and reunited with his dear wife. I have no doubt that he will soon be busy on the other size doing the things he needs to do.  I will miss his e-mails. He was a good, good, good man.

Being able to spend this time that I do with my father. We talk several times every day on the telephone and also see each other a few times a week. Wednesday night suppers with him and his friends. Its all good. I had never thought I would see him alive again. I am so grateful for this silver lining.

I truly am blessed and I hope that I never take any of my life's blessings for granted. God truly is good.  The key to a happy life is in being able to enjoy and appreciate the fullness of what you already have.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Wherever you are
be all there  . . . 
~Jim Elliot•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  a simple Pesto Potato Salad. Delicious, quick and easy, and pretty healthy also!

I hope you have a wonderful week, filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. A wonderful unexpected dinner invitation. Enjoy the new week that is starting, fresh adventures with your sister and dinner with your Dad.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! I hope your week is likewise blessed. xoxo


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