
Saturday 4 June 2022

All things Nice . . .

I have known little homes where Love was lord,
Where all the winds of earth could blow in vain
And never blast the peace from their rude hearth,
Where sin could pass and never leave a stain.

 I have known homes where Peace reigned like a dove
Within the boundaries of their whitewashed fence,
A tiny Eden bright with growing flowers,
With Love a bulwark and a sure defence.

I have known hearts so faithful and so true,
That naught could undermine their trust and love,
Where days were filled with peace and happiness,
And lives as pure as the blue skies above.

Here in a world where evil holds such sway
They shine like stars above the purple night,
Their kindly fold who go their quiet way,
And walk forever in the path of right.
~Edna Jacques, Little Homes, Aunt Hattie's Place


All week I have been catching up with all things Platinum Jubilee.   I have heard that it is being called the Plats Jubes in some circles. Whatever it is called, I think it is a wonderful thing.  I love patriotism. I love the Queen and anything Royal. It has ever been so. I had my own little single house street party here yesterday afternoon, complete with scones and herbal tea.  I had baked the scones early in the morning. They were lovely.  I even made Devonshire cream, which however delicious cannot compete with the real thing. I enjoyed a scone with some of the cream and copious dollops of my sister's homemade strawberry jam.  I watch Good Morning Britain every morning on my Brit Box and its lovely to hear the accents, catch up on the news . . . I loved living in Great Britain.  I truly did. It always felt like home to me.  I did miss my family very much however and if I could have transported them all over there I would have done. At the end of the day, family is everything. 

I very much enjoyed this week watching the Trooping of the Colours Parade and fly past on the television. There is a real air of festivity surrounding all of these celebrations. Adding to the feelings of jubilation are feelings of gratitude and joy at people finally being able to gather together, after a long two years and some of having to keep their distance.  I know I am personally still keeping my distance from others, but it is nice to see so many enjoying renewed freedoms. 


Today I am grateful for shoes.  I am not a person who has a lot of shoes. I have never been a person who has a lot of shoes, but I am grateful for shoes.  Yesterday morning I was on my way to my sister's for a short and I saw a woman walking down the sidewalk in her bare feet.  Then my sister and I saw her again later in the morning coming out of the grocery store in her bare feet. I do not know if it is she has no shoes or what. But it made me very grateful that I do have shoes.  I wanted to go and buy her some  flip flops or just anything for her feet, but was not sure how it would be received.  Maybe she was barefoot by choice. It is hard to know what to do in such a situation. But today I am grateful for shoes  . . . 

Late yesterday afternoon I got a message from my friend in the UK Carolyn to tell me that our good friend Peter Lee had passed away in his sleep the Thursday night.  I was very upset about that. Peter was such a good friend to both Todd and myself. He was Todd's best man at our wedding and had been a great support to both of us over these past months as well.   Peter was such a good husband. I don't believe I have ever seen a man so dedicated to his wife or family.  When Audrey finally needed to be put into a home, he was there every day without fail, from 9 am until well into the night, caring for her, reading to her, feeding her, etc. He was a beautiful example to us all of a person who cared selflessly and always for others.  I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone. I will miss his friendship and am sad for that loss, although another part of me is very happy that he and Audrey are once again reunited on the other side of the veil. What a joyous reunion that must have been.  Together again, for time and all eternity.  


Later today we will be celebrating Dan's birthday. We didn't get to celebrate it earlier this week on his actual birthday as he was working until 6, so we are doing it today. Dan is a really great guy. He has done so much for me over these months I have been back in Canada and now in my own place. Helping me put furniture together, washing my car, helping to decorate for Halloween, etc. He is a man with a huge heart, and a really good guy. I love Dan. I am baking his favorite chocolate cake for him today and will be popping over to their place later. My sister is making pizza for us all.  It will be nice to celebrate together as a family. 

I picked up a cheap little bird feeder to hang up on my shepherd's hook in front of the house when my sister and I were at the Dollar store the other day.  My first visitors were this pair of gold finches.  So pretty. I have seen blackbirds, Blue Jays and cardinals all on the same day.  The kit kats have also been enjoying bird watching. (as you can imagine)  They have been glued to the front window.  Happy happy joy joy!

not  mine

I am enjoying very much seeing my red geraniums hang at the front of my home. They are such a cheery sight. I always think red geraniums make a home even more of a home.  There is just something about them that makes my heart feel all warm inside.  Very comforting and Home Sweet Home.

Luna Lapin is coming along.  I have had to pick out and redo a number of times, but I am getting there. She is not as easy to make as it looks. But I am enjoying making her. Its been nice getting my hands stuck into some craftwork again after not having done so over these past months.   She is quite the rabbit!

And with that I best get on my horse and get started on the rest of my day as time is a wasting, so here is a thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Curiosity is the  most
powerful thing you own.
Imagination is a force that can
actually manifest a reality.
~James Cameron•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Rhubarb & Ginger Scones served with a homemade Devonshire Cream.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Saturday. I hope its filled with some of the things and people you love most! Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Have a fun bday..we will have Max's 15th today.Sun is out..things look good and so does Luna Lapin.

    1. I saw some of the photos and it looks like it was a fabulous birthday Monique! You have a lovely family! xoxo

  2. Happy birthday to Dan, enjoy your family meal. I'm sure the cats are enjoying the feathered visitors. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. The cats really are Linda. Thank you! xoxo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am sure they are very happy to be reunited with each other Elizabeth! xoxo

  4. Have a happy day celebrating Dan’s birthday and remembering all the sweet memories of your friend who has passed. ❣️ V.

  5. Marie, so sorry for the loss of your good friend, Peter. Nice you are celebrating Dan's birthday together. I love all things Royal, too. We used to play "Coronation" when I was six years old. We had a crown and a robe and took turns being queen. Great fun. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh wasn't it fun to be Queen for the day! In reality I don't think I would change places with her but I am very grateful for her service to the country and commonwealth! I think when they made her they broke the mold! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I love that countryside picture with the Swallows swooping and Luna is looking great .... turning the legs out of the body is a scary moment , i know , but you got them on the right way ! Yay ! 🐰 x

    1. I had to take them off and sew them back on! I had them all wrong the first time! It is a scary moment for sure, I was tempted to give up! xoxo


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