
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Ten Things to Love About October . . .

 I make no secret of it. Like Anne of Green Gables and Lucy Maude Montgomery, I am a girl who loves October. Here are just ten reasons why! 


1. The sound of geese flying overhead as they begin their journey South.  It has a rather haunting sound, but it is a sound that has embroidered all of the autumns of my life.  Even in the UK, I got to enjoy it, albeit it was often a bit later than October.  I remember once I was standing outside the shed in the back yard and they flew over. They were so low in the sky, I almost felt as if I could reach out and touch them. It was a special and a beautiful moment.  


2. Pumpkins. They are everywhere.  You see them lined up outside grocery shops and farm markets and they come in a huge variety of shapes, sized and colors.  Ready to be made into pies and cakes and cookies and Jack-O-Lanterns.  When you think about it a Jack-O-Lantern is quite a luxury and we are very blessed to live in a place where we can afford to carve a pumpkin into a flight of fancy instead of eating it. I think I will carve one this year to sit out on my porch on Halloween.  

I used to love carving pumpkins with the children. We would cover the table with newspaper and each one would have their own to carve.  What a messy lot of fun that was.  Pumpkin guts and lots of chatter and laughter.  


3. Misty Mornings  . . . waiting for mystic smiles.  Mom always said a misty morning foretold a sunny day., when the mist burns off. This morning I can see frost on the rooftops across from me.  Cool, crisp, misty mornings   . . . 


4.  The changing colors of the leaves.  They start slow around the end of August, you begin to see the tell-tale signs, every increasing until in the month of October there is no denying it and the browns change to golds and reds and everything in between.  I love that quote . . . the one about the leaves teaching us how beautiful it can be to just let go  . . . 


5. Apple Cider donuts . . .  I have never had one. They were not  thing before I moved to the UK. I aim to change that this year, even if I have to make my own.  They sound and look delicious.

6. October General Conference.  Twice a year our church leaders share with us and October is one of the times. I look forward to it every year. It is a time of great spiritual nourishment for me and I am inspired and strengthened, ready to face whatever the next six months will dish out for me. 

7.  Darker nights and candle light.  The way they flicker and make us feel all warm and cosy.  October ushers in the season of cosy.  I especially love scented candles that smell like cinnamon and cloves and pumpkin, apples . . .  like you have been baking something incredibly delicious. Sometimes just the smell is enough  . . . 

8.  Apples.  Here in Nova Scotia the air is filled with the scent of the apple harvest and farm markets are filled with bins of apples. Fresh picked.  Crisp. Juicy and sweet.  I want to make some crockpot apple butter this year.  

9. Thanksgiving.  Here in Canada October is the month of Thanksgiving.  I love Thanksgiving and the opportunity we have to celebrate our thankfulness for the blessings in our lives. I love everything about Thanksgiving. The turkey, the stuffing, the pies for dessert.  The love of family and having them close. This will be my first Thanksgiving celebrated with those who really know and get the meaning of it in about 22 years. It was 22 years ago that I celebrated my last Thanksgiving with my family. I did  not know then that it would be the last one for a very long time. I might have enjoyed it even more than I did, if that were possible.  I will enjoy this one, even though we will still not all be able to gather together.  I will enjoy this one with the family I do have and dream of a day when even more can gather. 


10. Halloween. With Jack-O-Lanterns, and Trick-Or-Treaters, black cats, goblins, witches, etc.  I love seeing people decorate their doors and their car trunks, front porches, etc. The smell of burning pumpkin and leaves in the air, of bonfires. The sound of children scurrying through the dry leaves from house to house and those voices crying out "Trick or Treat!"  The cute costumes.  The excitement.  This year I will not be left wondering how many we will get if any at all. I know I will get quite a few and I am looking forward to it!  I say, Bring it on!  Yay!  When we were children there were always people who went all out with spooky music and the lot.  Growing up on Armed Forces Bases meant we lived in communities that were filled with children and with houses not too spaced apart. It was a very exciting time for us, as well when bringing up my own children.  We all loved Halloween and much discussion was enjoyed each year as the children tried to make up their minds about who or what they would be on Halloween. 

My son Anthony texted me early this morning asking me for prayers.  He had been at the hospital with his oldest boy, my oldest grandson since the wee hours. Gabe was experiencing a lot of pain in his stomach.  I did speak to them for a few minutes. They were exhausted.  I have  not heard anything since. I hope it is nothing too serious.  

Virus numbers are increasing again. A recent Canadian study has found that the Delta variant has a 108% increased risk of death for those who are not vaccinated.  I am grateful that I have had both of mine.  They are saying we may need a booster before Christmas. 40 new cases were reported here yesterday with 4 new ones being reported in this area. We are not through this yet. Kind of depressing. In New Brunswick they are saying it is going to be a single family Thanksgiving.  I am not sure how it is on the Island.  Masks are still a requirement, although things are opening up  a bit here in Nova Scotia. I will still be remaining cautious and vigilant.

A thought to carry with you . . .

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*And the sun took a step back,
the leaves lulled themselves to sleep,
and Autumn was awakened.
~Raquel Franco •。★★ 。*  

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Favorite Cheesy Potatoes.  Delicious! 

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! My dad is going out for his fish and chips tonight with his lady friends and my sister is making Nachos!  Can't wait. I love nachos!  

Whatever you get up to today, don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. Love Fall colours. Fall harvest brings wonderful veggies. Granddaughter’s birthday is Oct 31.

  2. I will pray that your grandson is ok and doesn't have the covid. It's so scary for them that can't yet get vaccinated. Hopefully all will be well.
    Hope you enjoy your day !

  3. This post brought to mind many October memories. I do love the fall and all it brings in. I love the changing weather and leaves. I enjoy walking through the leaves myself.
    I feel grateful for these months. Halloween is a fun one. Right now I don't have any decorations up. I hope to by Monday. Life has been out of control of me.
    I too love General Conference and this was a magnificent one. I receive some personal direction to make some changes so I can do more of what i love, like reading blogs and blogging.
    I look forward to Thanksgiving moments. This year, my youngest daughter and her family are coming. I haven't been with her for a long time. it will be sweet.
    Thanks for the memories brought to mind as I read through this spectacular post.
    Blessing and hugs for you!


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