
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Prayer Request


My grandson, Gabe is scheduled for an appendectomy later today.  If you are a praying person I am asking for your prayers that all will go well, re the operation, Covid, etc.  Also for my son, Anthony,  who is exhausted after having been up all night and is beside himself with worry, for my daughter in law, Anne,  and for my other grandson, Luke.  They are a very close-knit family. On top of everything else this is a bit much for them.  Even if you are not a praying person, please spare a few happy thoughts for them. I thank you very much in advance!  💖

UPDATE- Operation went well and he is now recovering. Thanks for the prayers, happy thoughts, and the love!


  1. Hope the surgery goes well, positive thoughts and vibes sent your way.

  2. Yes, will do so...hang in there Grandma...tough times lately!! So sorry!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

  3. Yes, I prayed for a successful surgery for Gabe and a quick recovery for him. That is stressful for you as grandma, and for his whole family.

  4. Praying for all, and a quick recovery for your grandson.

  5. Was so glad to see that all went well!! GOOD NEWS!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. I thought it might have been Gabe's appendix. Glad his surgery went well. I'm praying for Gabe's family, too. A lot to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Love and hugs, Elaine

  7. I will pray for a full recovery. Glad to see your comment that all went well.

  8. Of course, I am sad that I didn't know so I could pray for your Gabe and family. I'm happy the surgery went well.
    Sending hugs your Way!


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