
Thursday 30 September 2021

Quick Update

 Just a quick update to let you all know that Doug got through the op safe and sound and they have released him from hospital. He has to stay I. The hotel nearby overnight, and all being well, he will be on his way home to PEI in the morning. I spoke to him on FaceTime. He’s in pain but says it’s tolerable. Thanks so much for your ongoing prayers! ❤️


  1. Goon news, prayers answered!! Now I will pray for continued healing. XOXO

  2. Good to hear Doug is out of the hospital and heading home to PEI. I am praying for his complete healing.

  3. So glad Doug's procedure went well and you were able to speak to him on FaceTime. You'll sleep better tonight, I'm sure. Love and hugs, Elaine

  4. I was hoping to hear he made it thus far...PRAISE GOD!! So hope to hear all goes well for him from now on...his Mama needs him too!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  5. Praise and thank the Lord for our good doctors and nurses ! Hope Doug feels more comfortable very soon . It's all behind him now . xxx


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