
Thursday 30 September 2021

My Favorite Things . . .



A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    I'm pretty sure however, that these things mainly make my own heart sing.    

Autumn. It is my absolute favorite season of the year. There is so much to love about Autumn and you can enjoy it without being too hot, or feeling zapped from too much humidity!  


The colors of the changing leaves  . . . . 


Cake time  . . .  cake o'clock . . . cake . . .  


Lemon  . . .  anything lemon  . . . 


Fresh croissants  . . .  crisp and buttery.  Best ones I ever had were in France. No surprise there! 


A proper tea. Oh that I was a much younger woman. I would open a proper tea room where ladies could come to enjoy the delights. 


 Ice cream in a bowl  . . . 


Tree houses  . . .  if I was young and fit I would live in a tree house. Of course I would also have to be rich, because a tree house is a very expensive thing.  I have wanted to live in a tree house ever since I saw Swiss Family Robinson. 


Jack-O-Lanterns. I hope I can make one this year! 


Dormer windows  . . . 


Turkish delight  . . .  ohh, especially if it is covered in chocolate. 


Pizza . . . love me some pizza  . . . 


Sweaters with pockets  . . . . 

Blankets to curl up in  . . . 

My new Pumpkin Pie candle  . . . its gorgeous . . .  both to look at and to smell  . . .



The Bronte's . . . .


Sleeping gingers  . . .  love ginger cats  . . .  


Door stoppers  . . . 


Fresh plums  . . .  oh, there were plum trees in the orchards at the manor, simply dripping with purple jewels.  I loved picking them and then using them. I was spoilt.

Gold lockets  . . .  I used to have one  . . .  mind you I don't have a neck now that I would want to show off  with a necklace. 


Hot Buttered Toast and honey  . . .  


Vintage Pyrex . . .  these are especially nice  . . .

White plates, especially cutwork ones  . . . 


Enamelware  . . .  miss mine  . . . 


This  . . .  this was one of my favorite stories when I was a child  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week. I hope some of them were yours too! 

Doug was supposed to be having his operation about 8-ish this morning.  I am in tears thinking about it all, but it is in the Lord's hands and always has been.  I am praying and praying.  All will be well.

My babies did alright at the Vet's yesterday. They got their first jabs, and she weighed them, cut their nails, etc. I have some more flea stuff to put on them, and some worming tablets to give today. They totally charmed her.  Both are tabbies, she said.  Cinnamon has traditional tabby markings, and Nutmeg is what is known as a mackerel (stripes) and both will be long hairs. I have another appointment for their second jabs on the 27th October. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛We are in for a spell of perfect weather now,
every day luminous, every night
brimming with stars, Picnics at noon,
suppers by the apple-wood fire at night,
a walk in the cool moonlight before bed.
~Gladys Taber   •。★★ 。* 。 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  A Simple Pain Perdu . . .  the dessert of the Gods  . . .  with ice cream and fruit, made with cake that would normally be thrown away.  A cross between a bread pudding and French toast.  Delicious! 

Have a great Thursday. My dad is coming for supper tonight, so I am looking forward to that.  I am going to make him a meat pie, and he will enjoy the kittens. Don't forget ...

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And I do too!  


  1. Hi Marie! I'm so happy the kittens are doing well. I was thinking of them often, since you mentioned the fleas bothering them. I told my sister, whom I live with now. We are each other's best friend, much like you and your sister. I had purchased a vintage squirrel figurine from your sister when she was selling pieces on Facebook, to give to my sister.
    I love autumn as well. It's my favorite time of the year. I love the leaves changing color and the days where it's windy and you can walk in the leaves, crunching as you go.
    Have a wonderful day.

  2. So glad you got to the vet and have more flea meds for them. Maybe now you will finally get rid of them. Hope you have a nice dinner with your day, hopefully you'll have a successful surgery for your son to celebrate !

  3. Hope all is going well..and thank you for The Starling recommendation.Enjoyed:)

  4. Hope you got good news about Doug and his heart procedure. Autumn is my favourite season, too. I love Susan Branch's Autumn book. Do you have a copy, Marie? Bulk Barn has lovely Turkish Delight. We always have some to enjoy at Christmas. Take gentle care. Enjoy your dad's visit. Love and hugs, Elaine

  5. Hi Marie~

    I'm so happy that Doug is doing well! I know this is backwards, but I thought I commented earlier, and it must not have posted, I've been having that problem a lot lately! Anyway, so happy about your, Doug!

    I love anything Pyrex, I have several pieces from when I got married, and my sister has gifted me several beautiful pieces as well. I don't use them often, but when I do it make my heart happy.

    I'm so happy the kittens are doing better. Fleas can be difficult to get rid of. They are so adorable, I can only imagine them melting the vet's heart...;0)

    I'm really enjoying the beautiful colors and the crisp, cool air. I wish we could have these lovely temperatures all year long!

    Have a wonderful Friday...and...breath...XOXO

    Hugs and Love,


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!