
Friday 17 September 2021

My Friday Finds . . .



A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . Maybe they will do the same for you!  



It's paper art by Helen Musselwhite!  Totally fascinating.  I love it.  Found on  a misura di bimbo.  Paper sculpture.  It's gorgeous. 

Little Paper Machier Birds from Middleburg Folk Art Studio.   So cute! 


A hanging flower chandelier.  There is a complete tutorial on Honestly wtf.  (Can't say I like the name of the blog, but hey . . .  live and let live!)  This is so pretty. 

Free Halloween Printables.   From Birds Party Shop


Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Game in an altered Altoid Tin.   Such a cute idea!!  Kids would love this.  It would make a great stocking stuffer too!  Found on Canadian Family

A Crochet Puppy Dog Scarf!  So cute!  Found on Craft Bits

Mini Caramel Apples.   So cute and I am thinking delicious.  A lot easier on the waistline than a full sized one I am sure!  From My Litter

Free printable Party Box Templates.   Found on Tip Junkie.  These would come in handy for all sorts of things.  Loving them! 

I know it's another printable box, but these are just TOO CUTE not to share!  Printable Animal Pillow Boxes.   FREE!  From Ars Pro Toto.  It's in German, but if I can figure it out, you can too. 

DIY your own Evaporated and Condensed Milk from powdered milk!  Found on Food Storage and Survival. 

Found on Happy Hooligans!  Just brilliant!  There is everything from table toppers to Christmas Decs here.  

 I know it's another paper roll thingie, but with Halloween just around the corner, this is just too cute not to share!  Isn't it adorable.  Paper roll Bats!  I love it!  Found on Molly Moo Crafts


 I just love this DIY bedside table made from an old drawer.  I would never think of doing anything like this.  I am so impressed with the ingenuity of others!!  Found Mobel Pobel.
 I think it's just brilliant! 

 And look at this one!  It's an old step ladder!  I love it!  I found this on Casa e Jardim.  Brilliant! 

How to make your house smell like Fall.  I Love this.   I really do.   I am a great lover of scents and I love it when my house smells nice.  Found on First Home Love Life

How to make a teacup candle.   I have one of those a good friend gave me.  I love it.  This is totally sweet and they look really easy to make.  Found on Homemade Crap.   Novel name. Obviously the author has a unique sense of humor. 

DIY Spray Painted Lace Lamp Shade! Paint the lamp shade- yellow first, then wrap the lace around and spray it blue/gray. Remove the lace..and this is what you get! beautiful.  I love it.  Found on Stay At Home Artist. 

DIY Collar Necklace Ideas.   There is a complete tutorial on Style Hive.   I think it's very pretty and what a unique idea! 

Oh how I wish I had nice ankles and slender feet, because I just adore this idea for shoes.   Found on Stars for Streetlights.   That is  one pretty saavy lady.   She does all sorts.  These button shoes though . . .  I adore buttons and these are just so sweet! 

How to make a homemade Cough Remedy, which she says really works on Surviving the Stores.  It uses simple things we probably already have in our house like honey and cider vinegar.   There's also a printable recipe for it.  I am keeping this handy for the upcoming months!  

Cooking tips and tricks from the 1940's and 1950's.  I love it!  Found on Tip Nut.    There is a lot of really valuable stuff here like how to rid your house of cabbage smell, etc. 

And I guess that is it for this week.  I hope I found something that you can use!  I always really enjoy doing these posts and I hope you enjoy reading them!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 * A light heart
lives long. ~William Shakespeare 
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There are some delicious Tuna Patties for Two in the English Kitchen today.  Simple and tasty!  I enjoyed with some mac and cheese and leftover vegetables! 

Have a fabulous Friday!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. People are just so creative. Lots of fresh ideas. I'm going to make the tuna burgers. I love tuna sandwiches. Enjoy your Friday, Matie. Love and hugs, Elaine

  2. I like the idea of keeping powdered milk on hand. There is so much we can do with it and it lasts a long long time.

  3. So many cute ideas to be found.

  4. Hi Marie!

    I love all of your fun ideas...especially the ring to dry roses, so clever! I also love toilet paper roll projects, why fill up the landfills, right!?

    Have a great week-end! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,


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