
Saturday 18 September 2021

All Things Nice . . .


I'd Like To Know 

The things that pine trees whisper
In the sill and dead of night,
The ageless tune that wild geese chant,
Through the  long hours of flight...

I'd like to know what waters say,
Flowing toward the sea,
I'm sure they speak of quiet springs,
Back where they used to be.

Of sloping banks where cowslips bloom
And trees whose feet are pressed
Against the heart of Mother Earth,
Where all things come to rest.

I'd like to hear the ageless song
That lonely mountains know,
When winter crowns their ancient peaks
With diadems of snow.

The language of the quiet beasts,
Must be a friendly thing,
When something deep within their breasts,
Is telling them of spring.

For earth and all that dwells therein
Are part and parcel to
The spark of that eternal life,
That beats inside of you.
~Edna Jacques, Fireside Poems 

Just when I think I have a favorite poem that I like to read, I discover a new one.  I am not sure why I had not noticed this poem before, but it speaks to the very footprint of my soul.  It is like I could have written it myself because this is the way my mind works.  These things are the kinds of things I wonder about . . . think about  . . . 


This is a photograph of my sister and I. I was about 6 and she was 3. It was taken in the back yard of the first home we lived in, in Gimli Manitoba. We always refer to that as the two-bedroom house.  Its funny how when you look back at things they always seem smaller than you remember them. I remember thinking that field behind our house was huge and insurmountable. It seemed to go on forever, but you can clearly see in this photograph that it wasn't that big at all.  That car on the road that passed by on the furthest edge of it doesn't seem to be so very far away.  There was a set of train tracks that ran along the back edge of our lawn, with a wire fence that separated the lawn from it and kept us safe from the train. I can remember standing at the fence line and waving at the Engineer and being thrilled because he would wave back. 

I wonder did I know back then that this treasure by my side would be the best friend I ever had in my life.  Always by my side, through thick and through thin, and through all the storms of my life.  Next to God, she has been the most steadfast presence in my life. I hope that she knows how very much I love her.  

New Paintbrushes.  Finally. I bought myself a set. When I left everything in the UK to come over here to Canada, I also left almost all of my craft supplies. All my paper punches, rubber stamps, paper, etc.  And almost all of my paint brushes.  I did bring my paints. I needed brushes because I only brought a few small thin brushes.  What was I thinking of?

I don't know what I was thinking about really.  Clearly not what I should have been. My brain was such a muddle. In retrospect I would have chosen very differently what to bring.  Instead of boxes of broken glass and china I might have had things that would have stood me in far better stead. 

But anyways, now I have some new paintbrushes.  They were not the most expensive ones, but seemed to be a fairly decent mid-range set of water color brushes. Hopefully I will get to try them out in the weeks to come. 

 These two curious little monkeys.  Always wanting to help out. Look at the stripes on Cinnamon's tail, you can see there on the window ledge. So pretty.  That look in Nutmeg's eyes. Its like . . . 

"Is there anything I can do for you?  Smell the stew?  Lick the plate?  Don't hesitate to ask.  In fact, why don't I just jump in and do what I can!"   
My life is sure not quiet now, nor lonely.  Right now their soft little bodies are curled up next to my feet underneath my table. (I am saving up for a desk, but for now the dining room table does fine.)  Every present. Ever curious.  Ever loving.  Each night when I watch tv I have one curled next to me on the sofa and one curled up on my chest and the music of contented purring ringing in my ears.  How could that ever be bad.

I miss Mitzie dreadfully.  I have not heard how she is in a while now.  I am assuming she is well and content and happy.  I hope that she is.  I'm sure that she is.  In the meantime these little darlings are helping to fill the gap.  Even if my legs and arms are full of scratches, lol. This too shall pass.

I went with my sister to Walmart and the Pet store yesterday morning.  I picked up some Halloween Candy. One of my neighbors said we get about 100 or so kids here because they are quiet streets, off the main traffic  and the children can move easily from one house to the next. That will make a change after only having a handful of children at most over the past 21 years!  I thought I better stock up early.  I now have 140 138 (oopsies) treats to hand out. I better get some more because there is no telling what will happen to them in a month and a half!  


I'm meeting my father for breakfast this morning.  Yesterday he called me while I was out and he seemed disappointed we had not met him for breakfast if we had been at the Mall, so I told him this morning I would meet him at the Green Elephant.  It will not be as fancy as this delicious looking pancake, but it will still be nice and the best part will be spending time with my dad.

And speaking of that, I best get my skates on because I only have about an hour to get ready and to get there!  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

Its a picture one.  I loved this  . . . 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Four simple ingredients, six cookies.  Peanut Butter Nutella Cookies.  Incredibly moreish! 

Have a wonderful Saturday whatever you get up to!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!



  1. Hi Marie~

    The poem...oh my...just beautiful. I watched a man the other day talk about a near death experience he had while surfing. The one thing he remembered the most, is the connection that we all have to every element of the earth. That's what this poem reminds me of, I love it!

    Your sister is definitely a special person, and what a darling picture! I can tell you loved her back then, with your little arm hooked in sweet.

    New paint brushes are always the best! Can't wait to see what you do with them ;0)

    Your kittens are so cute, I can tell they are loved, they seem so content. And those stipes on Cinnamon's tail are impressive, very pretty.

    We never get trick-or-treaters. They do a, trunk-or-treat at the church every year and that takes care of that. I kind of miss the kids coming, they are so cute.

    Your cookies look really good, I have been in the mood for cookies!

    Have fun with your dad! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Lovely to have a sister who is also your BFF. You must enjoy your breakfasts with your dad. I'm sure he does too. We usually have over a 100 trick or treaters. Halloween was cancelled last year so don't know what might happen this year. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. Sisters are the very best! And how blessed you are to have her and your dad so close! I love the poem, thanks for sharing. Enjoy the brushes !
    xxoo, V

  4. Missed stopping by to see this post, busy day yesterday. I need new brushes too. The kitties are growing.


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