
Wednesday 25 August 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


 There comes a warning like a spy
A shorter breath of day
A stealing that is not a stealth
And summers are away  . . . 
~Emily Dickenson 

Its hard to believe that here we are nearing the end of August. Summer is coming closer and closer to an end and I have not made it to the beach yet, or even the shore.  The crickets are cricketing and the leaves are beginning to change.  The days are becoming noticeably shorter.  Why oh why does summer have to end so soon? It doesn't seem long since it had begun.

Although, having said that I am a lover of Autumns and Octobers. 


One thing I really love about this time of year is the abundance of fresh produce at the local farm markets.  There is so much of it and I want to buy it all, even though I know I cannot possibly use it all, not on my little old lonesome, and so I have to content myself with buying a bit here and a bit there.  But its all good.

We recently bought two different kinds of squash.  Mash Potato Squash and Sweet Potato Squash. Both are very dry squashes, and benefit from adding other things to them. They would be excellent squashes to make pies with. Not as wet as pumpkin, so you wouldn't have to do all the draining and squeezing that is involved when you make a pumpkin pie from scratch instead of using canned cooked pumpkin.

I have also bought myself a spaghetti squash which I am going to cook one of these days. These are all things that were not readily available when I was in the UK, and I am sure enjoying having my fill of good corn on the cob, something which I missed greatly over there.

You never know what you are going to miss until you cannot get it anymore.  I found when I first moved to the UK, there were things there that I really missed and now I am back in Canada, there are things here which I really miss from over there.  Things I took for granted as always being available like celeriac or endive.  Baby Gem lettuces. I will have to source some seeds out during the Winter this year and then maybe try some container gardening next year. 

I am a bit late getting this finished today because my oldest son facetimed me early this morning.  Anthony. He's such a good man and father and husband and son. I know, I say that about all my boys (and my girls) but I only speak the truth. 

We must have talked for about 2 hours. We laughed, we cried and everything in between, and of course we came away saying we need to do this a lot more often, but then time passes and before we know it a month or so has gone and we haven't. 

Must do better. 


A few years back I had given my sister a book on fermenting with lots of great recipes in it for making pickles and ferments.  I borrowed it back this week to do a bit of photocopying.  I had thought I might get the book on Amazon, but heck, they want like over a hundred dollars for it, so that's a no go!  I wanted to make some Kraut and there are some really nice recipes in there for making kraut.  So I photocopied them and I have ordered myself a couple large jars from Amazon along with some fermenting weights, etc. That is something I am going to be trying in the very near future, and I want to get my sour dough started again. I should have brought the dried sour dough with me, but I wasn't sure how to get it through the airport. I didn't want to be hassled trying to explain what it was. They can be really funny (not haha funny) about stuff like that.

I started to watch that new show that Monique mentioned, 9 Perfect Strangers with Nicole Kidman in it.  I persevered through the first episode and watched the second and it is getting better, but boy oh boy. Nicole Kidman.  Maybe if I was married to a successful rock star I would be concerned about my looks, but she has had so much plastic surgery/botox done that she is hardly recognizable. Her face literally doesn't move. Its totally unnatural and a bit unnerving to say the least. It makes me sad when what are already beautiful women feel compelled to alter their looks in that way, but then again I don't work in an industry where looks matter.

Kudos to the woman who can old gracefully and still hang on to and maintain their careers.  Where are the Katherine Hepburns and the Lauren Bacalls?  I think that when you are a great talent you should be able to carry that talent with you and evolve/grow into rolls that, whilst not as exciting or glamorous as the rolls you might have played when you were younger are still fulfilling and a way to practice your craft. If men can do it, why can't women?  I think when women allow themselves to fall prey to the surgeon's knife and needle they do themselves and other actresses/models a great disservice. But that is just my opinion, and I am sure there are many others which are quite different than mine.

What do I know?  I am just a fat lady that is trying to age gracefully. I am not ashamed of being who I am, but then again my livelihood does not depend on how I look on the outside.

I best leave you with a thought for the day. I am having Cindy and Dan over to supper tonight for Taco night and I have things to do and the day is fast disappearing!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.What lies behind us and 
what lies before us are tiny matters 
compared to what lies within us.” 
~Henry Stanley Haskins•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, a delicious Cherry, Almond and Coconut Snack Cake.  Simple and quick to make and oh so tasty!

Have a wonderful day.  I hope your day ends up being blessed beyond measure. Whatever you do, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Yes, summer is ending and I haven't made a trip to the beach yet and it's not that far away here either. The shores of Lake Erie are only about 1/2 hours drive from here. I'm going to take a trip to the farmer's market this week to get some fresh sweet corn I haven't had any of that yet either. Thankfully there is a farmer's market near by, even closer than the shore, only 10 minutes at the most.

  2. I love going to farmer's markets this time of year. We gave already enjoyed 3 baskets of peaches. We have beautiful tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden as well. It's another hot day here. Fall can't come soon enough. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. I agree that time goes too fast. Lovely to have a Facetime with your son. The heat and humidity continues here in Ontario, went out early to get some needed groceries, now home and inside for the rest of the day. Happy Wednesday.

  4. Oh the celebs are all the same. Plastic is their game. UGH! after awhile, their faces looked paralyzed, and having known a sweet neighbo in my childhood who had a stroke and was partially paralyzed I prefer to grow old gracefully the way God inteded. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Rainbow seeds is a fantastic seed source.I got my Little Gems there.I love that place.
    Totally agree..have you seen Martha?
    I agree wit tata's cottage.
    Paralysis happens in so many cases.I have met some..and botox is a great MEDICINE.Not for beauty.
    Audrey Hepburn.Queen.

  6. Even a couple weeks ago, I’ve been seeing colorful leaves that have fallen from the trees already! I’ll be raking soon! Boo! Then I’ll start baking more when the nights get cooler again. Yay! Lol
    Stay safe!


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