
Thursday 26 August 2021

My favorite things . . .


A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    I'm pretty sure however, that these things mainly make my own heart sing.     

These two have me wrapped around their little paws.  Its pretty hard to get a photo of them together because when they're together they are usually  at a high level of hyperactivity! But they're pretty cute. I love them, and they love me right back. (Don't worry my sofa is covered, totally. And will be for the unforeseeable future! Because my sofa is another one of my favorite things!) 


Front Porch Rocking Chairs.  On the lookout.  I don't care if they match or whatever. Old, used . . . I'm not fussy. If the price is right.  Sitting in a rocker on the front porch would be a dream come true. 

Barns.  Any kind. Any color.  Love them  . . . 

Seeing fields filled with freshly mowed and baled hay. It makes me happy.  I don't know why. 


The moon has always fascinated me.  I love to look up at it and wonder about it.  Thinking about how awesome it is that man has actually walked on it, stuff like that.  The lesser light in the heavens . . . 


Sunrise or sunset. I love them both  . . . 


I love the Temple.  Even just being on the grounds.  Always a beautiful spiritual experience, inside and out.  
Varenna, Italy . . .  wish I had gone when I had the chance to go  . . . 


A well made bed  . . . 


Botanicals  . . . 


Fields of wild flowers  . . . 


Foxgloves  . . .  I wonder if I could get them to grow here  . . . 


Blackberries  . . .  tis the season  . . . 


How do they make those hearts in the foamed milk.  I am sure there is an art to it.  And Zinnias  . . . 


Homemade jam  . . . 


Stone bridges  . . . 


Tea light holders, this one is especially pretty  . . . 


Fresh Tomatoes  . . . 


Canopies  . . .  dust collectors?  Perhaps  . . . 


Bubbles  . . .  magical  . . . 

This  . . .  its true  . . .  love quotes, especially inspirational ones. 

Blue shutters  . . . 

Blue and white china  . . . 


Climbing roses  . . .  had them once upon a time. 

Statuary  . . .  love any kind of statuary . . . 

And those are my favorites for this week. Were some of them some of yours too?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛Start by doing what's necessary,
then do what's possible, and
suddenly you're doing what's impossible.
~Saint Francis of Assisi•。★★ 。* 。 

Sharing something old today.  Easy Chicken Gyros.  Always delicious.  

I wish for you a wonderful Thursday filled with lots of your favorite things! Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. I love foxgloves but have never had luck growing them in Canada. Cute kitty photo, they sound very adventurous.

    1. They are little bundles of energy! Love them to pieces already. One of my neighbors had foxgloves growing earlier this year and my sister has some. It can be done, but I'm not sure how! xoxo

  2. Foxgloves are annuals for me except the small yellow ones that have disappeared from here..We ve had lots of canopies lol with 2 girls..dust dust dust.Check Varage sale for chairs…

  3. I hope you are able to get those rockers for your porch, I've spend many happy hours in mine. Very relaxing for sure !

  4. Lovely favourites, Marie. Loved the picture of Cinnamon and Nutmeg together. So cute. Stay cool. Love and hugs, Elaine

  5. Rockers on the porch...YES, great idea!! Hope you find some!! Kitties sound fun!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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