
Friday 13 August 2021

Today . . .



No Friday Finds post today. I have a deadline looming, and I was really late getting up this morning.  I had everyone here for supper yesterday and was late getting to bed and then to sleep, but that's okay!  I can play catch-up on everything this morning.  If I work hard then I can play later on! I am going to my sister's for supper and I hear I have a peanut butter cup ice cream cake in my future and pizza!  Plus my sister, Dan, dad, David and Christine, so its all good.  😃 

I'll be back tomorrow.  In the meantime, have a great day!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. I wish you luck on getting it all done. Enjoy your day and your family dinner. The ice cream sounds delicious !

  2. Happy Birthday dear Marie. I am so sorry thatI did not get a card off to you. I meant to but was so overwhelmed and exhausted with all that was happening our 2 weeks in Utah that I never got it done. I was so happy to get the card and note you sent me. I will make up for it now that we are back home. I am wishing you a happy day with your family and the start of a much better year ahead . I keep you in my heart and prayers. Happy Birthday with love

  3. Hi, Marie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have room for a treat or two day, in spite of the deadline! Very sorry to be behind with keeping in touch. June & July were crazy months here with repairs work on our house. There are still some things left to do, but slowly getting there… I think… haha! LOVE & BLESSINGS to you, my friend! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. That cake sounds delicious, Marie. Happy Birthday, with love and hugs, Elaine.

  5. Well, Happy Birthday!! Hope your celebration is awesome!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. Happy birthday, Marie. I hope you were loved on a bunch today. ~Elaine

  7. 🎉🎈🎂Happy Birthday Marie!🎉🎁😺 I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!


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