
Saturday 14 August 2021

All things Nice . . .


A Life is Good 

A life is good that holds within its span
The normal healthy life of common man;
Boyhood and youth with dreams enough to show,
How rich the days . . .  how wide the road we go.

A home is good where laughter is a guest,
Where there is a quietude and joy and rest,
A haven in a world beset by fears,
A blessed shelter for the creeping years.

A face is good - whose lines are kindly drawn,
From which all selfishness and greed are gone,
Leaving the blessed virtues of mankind
Goodness of heart, serenity of mind.

A day is good whose dawn is rosy red
And all day long warm sunlight overhead
Shining on homes were working people live;
A wounded heart that can at last forgive.

A night is good - when quiet stars look down
Upon its huddled rooftops of the town,
Shedding their peace upon the souls of men,
Giving them strength to rise and work again.

A life is good - that holds joy in its score
Small children . . . old folks and an open door,
Where friends are welcome and the poor are fed
And dignity and truth dwells at its head.
~Edna Jacques, Fireside Poems

 I know you are probably tired of seeing the poetry of Edna Jacques, but I can't help sharing it. I love it so.  She is my favorite poet.  I have loved her words since I was a little girl.  They have always spoken to my simple heart.  She sings the song of my soul.

I thought that it was a very fitting poem for this morning because life is very good. 9 months ago, I thought I would never be able to find joy or happiness or peace again.  I just kept moving forward as best as I could even if every step was really difficult to take.  And  I am not 100% still, but I am getting there and I do feel very blessed. 

Sometimes the reality of all I have had to cope with catches up with me and I cry big soppy tears and my heart breaks a little tiny bit more, but at the same time I am incredibly grateful for the journey and for the love of my God, family, friends and people who have helped to carry,  and still carry me. I could not, would not have come to where I am now without them. 


I got some really nice cards yesterday.  Dad gave me my card the night before. I guess he wanted to make sure I had it when I got up yesterday morning.  My friend Maxine in the UK even sent me one. She was my next door neighbor over there.  I loved the cards from everyone but especially from my dad, sister and brother. They all touched my heart in a very special way. I am so grateful to be back here and close to my family again.

It has been wonderful spending this week with my brother and his wife, and becoming reacquainted. Although I was not able to go on the walks etc., it was nice to just sit and enjoy their company and talk. 


They gave me a balloon pump so that I don't have to blow up balloons by mouth anymore and a much needed oven thermometer. Now I can check to see if my oven temperature is accurate  They also brought pizza and an ice cream cake (peanut butter cup) to the family get-together last night. The pizza was fabulous and so was the cake!  I dread to think of what my blood sugars are today!  But hey ho!  It was worth every mouthful! 


Monique sent me one of her infamous Paris People!  I was thrilled to get it.  She is so talented and this one was so me, especially with the doggie.  I loved it and I love her.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! It was/is perfect.  


Dan built me a birdhouse to paint.  That was so kind of him. I had a birdhouse in the UK that I had painted with cherries. It got left behind. Now I have another one to paint.  I wonder what I will paint on this one. I love it! 


My sister gifted me with this Corelle gravy boat and plate I had admired for a long time! 

And these beautiful Corelle bowls, I had also admired. 


It is hard to get a good photograph of them, but they have the traditional Corelle pattern printed on the side in white.  I love them. 

And this brilliant tin!  So now I have a place to store my cookies.  I love it too! And I love her.  She did not have to give me anything.  I have already been gifted by having her as my best friend for all these years and now being able to be so close in proximity to her again.  That is a treasure to me. We always said and hoped that we would end our lives close to each other. 

The best gift of all was the love of family and I did feel loved. Very loved.  My oldest son messaged me first thing in the morning and my daughter Eileen as well.  I will be seeing Eileen on Sunday. I am picking her and Tim up in the afternoon and they are coming over here for supper.  Plus I am going to do their laundry for them and they are going to flatten boxes for me, so maybe I can finally get rid, or at least be well on my way towards being rid!  


Mid afternoon these beautiful flowers arrived from my friend Diana in Ontario. I was so touched by them. They are beautiful and now I have a vase!  Yay!! 

And all the day long the chipmunk visited and the hummingbirds.  I was well loved up by everyone. I did not have time to feel sad, or occasion to.  I felt very blessed instead.  And that is as it should be.  Everyone should feel blessed on their special days.

I wish I had gotten some photos of us all together, but alas, I did not. 

Oh funny thing.  My dad and I know our tickers are okay.  About halfway through supper my brother said what is that and was pointing behind me, I turned my head to look and jumped out of my chair screaming.  (That's me folks!)  My dad jumped too because of the fuss I made.  I thought it was this really weird insect.  It was an ant carrying a piece of dry cat food up the wall.  The piece of cat food was easily 5 or 6 times the size of this ant and it had it and was carrying it methodically, slowly up the wall.  Amazing, the strength of these tiny creatures. It was a good halfway up the height of the wall. Amazing. Simply amazing.  Even if it did make me scream.

I have felt like that ant at times during these past months. Like I was carrying a huge load up a wall, but it has gotten easier and easier as time has gone by. I think I may be at the top of the wall now.  Oh sure, I know there have been and will be moments of great sadness to come, but I am getting there.  That's a very nice thing. 

If I were to die tomorrow (and I really hope I don't!) I could say, its been good.  I have had a good life.  A full life.  A happy life.  I may not have accomplished all the things I set out to do, but I have done enough, with more good things to come. 

I am loved, and I am blessed. My dad thinks I should write a novel.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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*.˛.If you must look back, do so forgivingly.
If you must look forward, do so prayerfully.
However the wisest thing you can do is 
be present, in the present . . .  gratefully.
~Maya Angelou   •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon Delicious pudding for Two.  Its really simple to make and incredibly tasty!  Light lemon cake on top, lush lemon curd filling on the bottom.  Yum!!

Have a great Saturday!  Whatever you do, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Such a wonderful birthday you had, the love of family and friends all around you. Happy weekend,

  2. You had a lovely birthday, Marie. Beautiful gifts, cards, flowers and beautiful people. Love the watercolour by Monique and the Kellogg's tin is so retro. Have fun with Eileen and Tim on Sunday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. It was one of my best birthdays in years! Xoxo

  3. I agree what a lovely birthday! I agree a novel!
    What dear things your sister offered you and Dan and etc..Your sister knows you soooo well!

  4. Hi Marie~

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I looks like you were sufficiently spoiled...and rightly so! What beautiful gifts, and what a great reminder of how much you are loved!!

    Have a great Sunday with your kids! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  5. WOW, what a celebration, Marie...never have I had a single such in my whole life...some smaller ones is all...but just wow and I am so happy for you!! Thanks for sharing with us all!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. Happy, happy Birthday Marie! Looks like you had a marvelous one! Your gifts are awesome! Love the Paris painting and the gravy boat, lucky you! I’m sure you are deserving of your wonderful day, because you do the same and more for others. Have a delightful weekend. Blessings, V


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