
Sunday 8 August 2021

Sunday morning thoughts . . .


Well, I watched church in the UK early this morning.  My ex Bishop gave me permission to do so and the code to do so and has told me there are no plans to stop it anytime soon, so I am free to watch it for as long as I want to or need to. I am grateful for that.

The UK is pretty much out of lockdown now, and things are getting back to normal, or as normal as they may ever be again.  I don't think anything will ever get back to the normal we once were. Of course we are not that close to being out just yet here in Canada, but then the UK locked down about a month before they did here. 

It has been a very long and difficult 18 months.  For some of us life changed forever during that time.  Many of us lost loved ones and were not able to say a proper goodbye.  Some of us had lives which changed in ways we could never have envisioned when the lockdown started.  All of us have had to be very brave . . .  and obedient.  We have had to think of the greater good in order to protect our own personal good, and many of us are still doing so.  


But it has not all been bad.  There have been lessons learned that we can all take from this mutual experience . . . this Global experience.  Our lives have changed in some ways that are hopefully forever ways.  Many of the things and the freedoms we took for granted prior to the Pandemic suddenly became more important and more precious to us.  May they remain so.  We learned to find joy again in small and simple things.  May we still do so.  Many of us drew closer to our God.  May that also continue.  Our families became more important and more precious as we were restrained from being able to gather together. May we never take those relationships for granted again, nor the blessing of being able to gather together.  

I predict that this next Thanksgiving we will truly have much to be thankful for . . . grateful for . . . that our prayers of thanks around our tables will truly be more heartfelt and meaningful. 

We learned to be much more inventive in our methods of communication and work.  Our life's priorities turned upside down, and for the better.  Life slowed down. Many of us became less selfish and more selfless. We served, even if the most service we could give was as simple as wearing a mask.

We honored those who did not have the choice to stay home and stay safe.  The health care workers, the service workers, the store clerks, etc.  Their strength, tenacity and bravery amidst such fear was and is awesome and inspiring.

We very well might have to live with this forever. Its not been easy, but we have learned to cope.  I can do it. We can do it.  I can do it if it means that I am safe, and my family is safe and my community is safe.  I can do it and I will do it for as long as I have to, even if it is forever.

It was fun getting together with my dad yesterday for breakfast.  I had never been to that café before. It was a very happening place and very busy with people in and out the whole time we were there. I had what dad had, a simple breakfast but people all around us were ordering these Belgian Waffles with whipped cream and fruit, etc. They looked amazing.  I was just happy to be there with my dad.

I went and did some grocery shopping afterwards at the Super Store. I was just about done, when I heard this small squeaky voice behind me, saying "Excuse me, excuse me."  And I thought to myself, what now.  It was my sister.  She is so funny. It made my heart smile.  She always makes my heart smile.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.°The smallest things were often
so much greater than the great things . . .
the trivial pleasures like cooking,
one's home, little poems, especially
sad ones, solitary walks, funny things
seen and overheard.
~Barbara Pym  •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, small batch.  Deliciously simple.

Have a great Sunday.  Whatever you get up to make sure you don't forget!


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And I do too! 



  1. I know i learned never to take anything or anyone for granted.Hopefully I'll never forget it either.

  2. Good to hear you can continue to enjoy the British service online. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. Bon Dimanche..Here in QC we will have passports re vaccinations..proving our vaccinations..those w/out will be denied entry to many non essential things..Huge protests will happen..some say they will move..I say..Happy trails to you:)
    So our boreder is opening up wide to tourists..not the US one..

  4. Have a lovely time with your family! Happy times to everyone! xo,V

  5. How did your Sunday go, Marie? Hope your brother and sister-in-law arrived safely. Did you choose your kitty? Love and hugs, Elaine


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