
Saturday 7 August 2021

All Things Nice . . .



Oh, make my soul a many windowed place,
Catching the sun from morning until night,
That I may see the glory of the dawn
And, in the evening, stars of splendid light.
Oh, keep my heart alive to wind and rain,
My soul attuned to happiness and pain.

Oh, make my heart a mirror to reflect
A thousand images that break and pass,
Like dormer windows facing on the street
Catching small happenings upon the glass.
Oh, may I ever keep myself aware
Of clouds of glory that plain people wear.

And may I see, beyond a tired face,
The heart of the immortal shining through;
Dreams lovely as the day, hope's tender wings,
Brooding above the things that people do;
Fathers and mothers planning in advance
To give their little son his precious chance.

Oh, may I keep the mirror of my heart
Untarnished by the sorrow of the world,
To voice the wonder of a common life;
Smoke from a cottage chimney softly curled
Above a little yard where glory lies
In the bright splendor of plain people's eyes.
~Edna Jacques, Back Door Neighbors
Oh Make My Soul 

I do so love the poetry of Edna Jacques. It seems to reflect perfectly the way I think and feel about the things of life.  I am a dinosaur methinks, but I hope that I am ever mindful of the simpler, kinder, more genuine things of this earth and life, and ever able to appreciate the goodness and joy that is free for the asking. 


I had a surprise visitor to my hummingbird feeder one morning this week. It is a little Downy Woodpecker.  He was there for quite a while.  I had no idea that Downy Woodpeckers liked nectar.  You learn something new every day.   


He was there for quite a while actually.  I watched him the whole time and took a few photos. He wasn't overly bothered by my presence at the window. I suppose the glass between us made him feel safe.  


A hummingbird in flight. I wish that the light had been better but it was nearing the end of the day.  I do so love to watch these little aeronauts. They put on quite a show. 


Is there such a thing as a bird lady, like a cat lady?  I think I am becoming one. 

My ornament stash is growing.  I am on a roll! Maybe I will eventually have enough to dress a tree properly. We will see, a small one anyways. 

My sister stopped by last evening with a jar of wild blueberry jam.  Made with berries she and Dan picked.  I know that is hard work which makes it even more precious.  That is so kind of her. I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful sister.  We are both excited at the prospect of seeing our brother tomorrow!!  Can't wait.  I am sure he is getting this trip in while he can.  Who knows if they will lock things down again, making travel impossible.  Nothing is outside the realms of possibility. 

Dan kindly moved my tomato plant to the front of my house as well where it will get more sunshine. I am blessed to have people who care about me in my life, and I thank God for them every night.  


Whenever I see raspberries I think about my Grandparent's old house in Lawrencetown.  We stayed there one summer in the apartment that my grandfather had made upstairs.  The next door neighbor had raspberry bushes out back, and my sister and I spend several hours one hot sunny day gorging ourselves on them until we got yelled at.  I hadn't supposed that they belonged to anyone.  I had never seen raspberries growing before and I thought they were wild, like strawberries.  I am sure the neighbor was really annoyed with us and quite rightly so. It was quite naughty of us. We were hungry, the berries were there and we did enjoy them. 😳 


I am going to see my kitten with my sister tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to meeting my new companion.  Its exciting. Its been many years since I have had a cat.  I will need to relearn the art of cat care. 

I am going to meet my father for breakfast this morning. It is a bit out of my comfort zone, driving that far to have breakfast. He always goes to a restaurant on Saturday mornings and Sundays too for that matter. I had been going to make him crepes here, but alas, he changed his mind, thinking they would be too sweet for him, so now wants me to meet him there in Kingston.  I best get off here and get ready.

I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.°“When we treat people merely as they are, 
they will remain as they are. 
When we treat them as if they were 
what they should be, 
they will become what they should be. ” 
~Thomas S Monson  .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Golden Vanilla Cake. Its delicious! 

Have a wonderful day, whatever you get up to. Be happy, safe and don't forget! 


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And I do too! 



  1. Cute little woodpecker, the young ones will investigate all food sources, Lots fir you to enjoy, breakfast with your Dad, a visit to kitty, and a visit with your brother tomorrow.Have a wonderful day.

  2. Marie, we saw the small, sweet wild blueberries for sale at $16 a pint. Enjoy that jam your sister made. What an exciting weekend you're having. Enjoy! Love and hug

    1. Wow! That’s a lot, but it is hard picking! I will enjoy my jam for sure! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Marie, we saw the sweet, small wild blueberries for sale for $16.00 so treasure that little jar of jam from your sister. You have an exciting weekend ahead. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Wow, that's a lot for blueberries! I know that they are hard work picking them. I hope you are doing okay sweet friend. I think of you every day and say a big prayer. Love and hugs, xxo

  4. Have a great day! Although I have started the twelve days on Christmas for my girls..only 1 lol Im smitten with your felt house..can you tell me where you purchased the pattern please?


      That’s the link Monique. It was a kit. Darling ornaments. I got it last summer while I was still in the U.K.. I might be able to scan the pattern pieces and email them to you if you like. I started those 12 days ornaments a while back. Very laborious intensive! Xoxo

    2. Oh gosh you're doing the whole 12 days? Kind of pricey for all maybe I should bite the bullet lol and go quietly..;)

    3. Well, I have never even gotten one finished. I bought the patterns a long time ago. But they are so involved and in the UK I couldn't get the proper materials, etc. so I gave up, lol If you have gotten any finished, kudos to you!!!

    4. Only the first day..comprising two ornaments..a partridge and a pear tree.. x 2 for both daughters.
      She has a trick I wish I had known 50 yrs ago lol...

    5. Just ordered on the second day LOL you inspired me.

  5. You are blessed to have such a loving family. They have made your transition so much easier. Enjoy the day with your brother !

    1. They have been a real blessing to me for sure! Xoxo

  6. are sure one busy lady these days...hope your drive to eat with Dad went well!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It did go well Elizabeth! Feast and famine! Xoxo

  7. Wishing you a most lovely weekend, it’s off to a fabulous start!
    xo, V
    ps….I am a dinosaur, methinks….also. :-)

  8. Hi Marie...When you get your new kitty, as she/he grows, will really enjoy "bird watching" with you. My daughter has 3 fur babies and when she sets the TV to a cat, bird or fish channel, they perch in front of the TV and watch for hours..LOL!

    1. I am looking forward to it Lynney!! I have plans to put a bench in front of the window just for that purpose! xoxo


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