
Sunday 22 August 2021

He knoweth thy walking . . .


As I sit here in my little home this morning I am sitting in wonder at the life I find myself living.  A year ago I could never have imagined just how much my life would have changed in just 365 days, one circle around the sun. 

I got up this morning and two small warm furry bodies flung themselves at me with joy and loud little voices greeting me, loving me.  Last year it was a furry black body with soulful deep brown eyes.

I sit here at my table and I am watching a large woodpecker feeding itself at one of my feeders, while a smaller one feeds at another.  A hummingbird flits between the blossoms on the hummingbird feeder, and two small furry orange bodies are nestled next to my slippers on the floor.

This is a life unimagined, unfathomed, unexpected.  It is not how I thought my life would end up. Not at all.  I have lost everything I thought was dear to me, and yet I have gained so much more than I ever thought that I could. 

I have been to the abyss, and to the very depths of broken-ness and sorrow. I have experienced a portion of the unimaginable in a very personal way.  And yet, at the same time I have been lifted up on high, born upon the wings of love.  The love of a Heavenly Father and Savior who must have known all along that this would happen and who were preparing me in some unknown way to be able to bear up under the blow.  Lifted up by the love of family and friends and strangers.  Born on the wings of countless prayers.

I do not understand where that strength came from, and yet somehow it came, and I managed to do what I had to do and here I am.  My life is completely different.  There are very few whispers of the past clinging to the hem of my garment, and the whispers that do are a gentle mix of heartbreak combined with renewed joy, and plenty of peace.

My son, the other day when we facetimed, told me, "Mom, you look happier than I have seen you look in months. Your whole countenance has been lifted up." I felt it.  I was happier than I had been in months. My joy is made complete.

Oh for sure, things are not perfect.  I have many things yet to do. "i's" to dot, "t's" to cross, but the cracks and fissures in my life are being welded back together with seams of gold, and I am grateful for all of it. For the cracks that have helped me to grow and to become a better, stronger person, and for the gold that is helping to set that growth in place, a part of the me I have become and am becoming.

God is good.

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.He knoweth thy walking
through this great wilderness
these forty years,
the Lord thy God hath been
with thee. Thou has lacked nothing.
~Deuteronomy 2:7  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Peanut Butter Cup Pretzel Cookies.  The recipe makes only 8 deliciously moreish cookies.  Yummy!

Have a great and blessed Sunday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. You have persevered through adversity and emerged into a wonderful world full of loving family (humans and critters) and friends ❤️🇨🇦

  2. Good Sunday morning, Marie. We all fear change but sometimes change is a blessing. You have shown the world what stern stuff you are made of. Enjoy your hard earned independence. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. I think you are far happier too:)You were brave..and it paid off big time.

  4. So glad things are going well. Lovely post. God does help us through the rough times and brings us out on the other side. Much love from Utah.

  5. There are times we simply need to be carried through the storms of life and yours have been severe, grateful GOD is helping you and your life is good! We are in the midst of our own storm here (multi-layered) and I find myself in tears a lot now...but I know WHERE we will ONE DAY be...and that sustains me most.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    What a beautiful post, full of gratitude and love. You are very blessed, Marie! I know people who have gone through trials and never recognize the blessings! But you, my friend, always see the silver lining and the blessing in every situation. You are an inspiation to me, and when I am having an off day, I generally think of my dear friend, Marie...and I smile! XOXO

    Hugs and Love


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!