
Saturday 21 August 2021

All Things Nice . . .


Here come real stars to fill the upper skies, 
That though they never equal stars in size, 
(And they were never really stars at heart) 
Achieve at times a very star-like start. 
 Only, of course, they can't sustain the part. 
~Robert Frost, Fireflies in the Garden 

I remember one summer as a child where we stayed at a hotel just across the road from the Saint John River in Majorville, NB. My father had wanted to visit a ham radio friend of his.  He and his family lived just a few doors down from this hotel.  My brother, sister and I witnessed the miracle of the firefly that night. We had never seen them before and I remember thinking them to be quite magical. 

Year later I would own a house very near to that same river, right on the edge of a marsh, and my own children would experience the magic that is a firefly on hot summer nights. They caught them in jars as they danced above our lawn.  


I am sure Jake and Charles know all about chasing fireflies across summer lawns at night. Every boy needs a dog. When Jake's daddy Doug was about 10 I got him a dog. Her name was Lady. She was part husky, part terrier and totally white. She was Doug's responsibility.  They were inseparable.  She chewed the leg almost off our dining room table, the baseboard edging, etc.  She also loved to chew shoes.  I remember telling my sister in law at the time to make sure she put her shoes up out of reach.  Well, she didn't and we had to buy her  new pair of shoes!!  That darned dog had them for a snack! 

I don't know who's cheekier here, Jake or Charles! 


I listened to a wonderful talk this week that Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf gave at BYU.  In it he presented five things all people need to hear.  Sometimes I find myself wondering how different my life might have been had I found the church much earlier in life.  But then, you can't go back, the past is gone forever.   The future is yet to be.  All we have is the now and we can start again right now, wherever we are in our lives.  In his talk Elder Uchtdorf outlined five messages we all need to hear now.  They briefly follow, but if you want to read/listen to the whole talk, click here.

During the periods of times when individuals feel in darkness, they can be reassured that God, like the sun, is always there. “When we incline our hearts to Him, He embraces us and fills our souls with light, warmth, knowledge and guidance. “That’s a message we all need to hear,” Elder Uchtdorf declared.

 God will take individuals’ talents, abilities, words and actions and magnify them and use them to bless multitudes. God does not need people who are flawless, Elder Uchtdorf said, but those who will offer their heart and a willing mind. “That’s a message we all need to hear,” he declared. 

 How can individuals be better parents, be happier or magnify callings in the Church? “One, love God. Two, love our neighbor.” “This is the bull’s-eye of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the foundation of who we are as His followers,” Elder Uchtdorf declared. “That’s a message we all need to hear.” 

 There will be conflict in life. “But our all-powerful Father in Heaven has promised that He will fight our battles for us,” Elder Uchtdorf taught. “That’s a message we all need to hear.” 

 Heavenly Father is a God of new beginnings, Elder Uchtdorf repeated. “Every day, every hour, can be a fresh start — an opportunity to renew ourselves in the Holy Spirit and become better at walking as true and faithful disciples of the Savior. His gospel is the good news that we can begin again — we can become new creatures in Christ.” No matter individuals’ shortcomings or flaws, God can heal, inspire and cleanse. “For He is the God of new beginnings. This, too, is a message we all need to hear,” Elder Uchtdorf declared. 

I have become all too familiar with new beginnings, and I can testify that the healing power of God is real and available to us all. 


This little chappie, Nutmeg,  is the most endearing little monkey.  Yesterday he got right up on my chest as I was sitting on the sofa and was pushing his nose against mine. He is the one who is practically sleeping on my head at night. For some reason he likes to get right on my pillow.  I couldn't find my eye glasses this morning. I did find them eventually.  They were under my night table. I think I need to find a different place to put them at night.  

Cinnamon is equally as endearing. I think she is a bit braver than Nutmeg. She is a born leader and the first one to explore new things.  

I keep trying to get a photograph of it but Nutmeg likes to eat with his head in his dish and his back legs splayed apart.  Its hard to describe. I will have to show you.  I'll keep trying to take a photo of him. Its really cute.

There have been a few accidents. Its to be expected.  They are both very charming.  I am a bit worried that I have bitten off more than I can chew, but time will tell.  I am in love already.

So is my sister. She wishes now that she had gotten one of the kittens, but they are all gone now. 

I have been trying to make every day my best day so far.  To inject something good into every day, even when its a day that its harder to find something good about it. When I look at all the things happening in the world, I am incredibly grateful for the life I am living. There but for the grace of God go I and all that. I recognize that I have always lived a life filled with blessings.  Even in the hard stuff, especially in the hard stuff, I am reminded always that things could be and are much worse for so many others. Being able to recognize the crusts of bread in your life, and having a gratitude for them,  is the secret to a joy filled life I think.   I am always careful to thank God for the crusts every day.  

And for what it is worth, I quite enjoy the crusts, and am grateful for each one.


I have been enjoying McCartney 321 on the Disney Channel. (My son shares his with me.) If you are a Beatles fan, you will enjoy this series, which explores a lot of the Beatles catalogue and goes through how their unique sound developed, etc.  I think I appreciate and enjoy their music even more as an adult than I did when I was growing up.   Are you a Beatle's fan?  Who was your favorite Beatle?  Mine was George.  There was a wonderful film done about him a few years ago. Living in the Material World.  I highly recommend.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.And thou shalt be missed
because thy seat shall be empty.
1 Samuel 20:18•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Blueberry & Lemon Snack Cake.  Filled with puddles of wild blueberry jam and lemon curd, swirled through a deliciously moist sour cream cake. 

Have a great Saturday!  Whatever you do, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. If at one point two is too many at least you know sis would take one♥

  2. So nice to see the new kittens there in your house. They are delightful. Enjoy !

  3. Enjoyed your post today. We all have so much to be thankful for. Cindy can help you raise your little ones. They are so cute. Enjoy your Sunday. Love and hugs, Elaine


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