
Sunday 25 July 2021

Today . . .


I can see that I  am not ever going to have a lot of time on Sunday mornings to write much. Not unless I do like I do with my food blog and do my posts a day ahead.  I've never really wanted to do that on here, because here is where I write what is on my mind and my heart at any given time, and I don't always know a day ahead, how I am going to be feeling or what the spirit is going to impress upon me to say.  Sometimes I speak a lot of blah, blah, blah, but sometimes I think what I have to say is valid and perhaps even helpful to some.  Sometimes heaven reaches down and touches my mind and I speak words that are inspired, words which allow me to touch you with the finger of God.  And I say that with the most humility. So, no, I don't think I will ever write these posts a day ahead of time. I will continue to write them on the day as and when.

And sometimes you will get a lot of blah, blah, blah   . . . and sometimes you will get a spark of light, a hint of heaven, and for that I am grateful.

Not really feeling that good this morning. Just a bit foggy headed and my ankles are hurting. I don't know what causes that. I just checked my blood sugars and they are good, so I know its not that. Perhaps it is my iron.  I ran out of iron tablets about a week ago.  Before I left to come over here the Doctor had put me on extra iron again, and I was supposed to go back in 3 months time and have my levels checked.  Of course I haven't been able to do that.  Because I don't have a family Doctor anymore.  I will need to go get some more iron tablets methinks because I think it is an ongoing problem.

I have always been on the edge of being anemic.  I am not sure why that is.  Just me I guess!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day.  Maybe it will be something you need to read.

A thought to carry with you . . .

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 *Grace is the invitation
to come as you are.•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Coconut Lime Oatmeal Cookies.  Seriously tasty! 

I hope you have a wonderful day.  I am invited to my sisters for a Roast Beef Dinner later on!  I am looking forward to that. She cooks a great Roast Beef!  Whatever you get up to, never forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Enjoy your roast beef dinner at Cindy's, a real Sunday meal. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! You have been much on my mind. I hope all is going well. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Roast beef dinner at your sister's, and those yum looking cookies. I love when some of God's light shines out.

  3. Enjoy your meal at your sister's house. Hope you are feling better and able to go to your church today.

    1. Thanks Linda. I did and was blessed for doing so! xoxo

  4. Enjoy dinner!! There are health food stores that carry liquid iron..maybe check out a health food store!

    1. I will have to check that out! Thanks Monique! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Always fun to be invited to dinner...and it sounds delicious! Sorry to hear you don't feel well. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, and make an appointment to go to the doctor ;0) XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I wish I could make an appointment with a Doctor Barb. No Doctors here. You have to go and sit in emergency for hours and hours and hours. Its no fun. Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I wish I could get some good beef Becky! I love spinach, which is a good thing! xoxo


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