
Saturday 24 July 2021

All Things Nice . . .



So many things are common to us all;
The love of food and little homes to tend,
A child's first toddling steps across the room,
The gay heart-warming laughter of a friend.

A little self-sown tree beside the door,
A stone rimmed flower bed, a lily pool,
A cook-stove sending out a happy glow,
The homey comfort of a kitchen stool;

The fun of planning meals and making jam,
Of painting chairs and buying drapes to match,
Of doing pickles up, and canning stuff
Gathered in fresh from your own garden patch,

The first shy opening buds of buttercups,
A rainbow arched above a waterfall,
The little home where love keeps tender watch,
Life's precious things . . . so tender to us all.
~Edna Jacques, Back Door Neighbors 


There's two blooms now on my window geranium, one is fading the other one just opening.  In the UK I had chocolate geraniums and apple geraniums, lemon geraniums. Mint geraniums.  Usually geraniums have a really obnoxious smell, but those ones had fragrances which had really lovely scents.

Kath Kidston used to make a soap that was the fragrance of lemon verbena and geraniums and I loved it.  She stopped making it and I found myself wishing I had bought more of it  when she was still making it.  Stocking up as it were. 


My sister dropped a small box off to me this week filled with some treasures and nik naks that I had sent to my mom through the years.  By all means only a small portion of the things I had sent to mom on various occasions.  She had forgotten that she had put these things aside.  

I used to try to get my mother unique things, unusual things. She had gotten to the age where she pretty much had everything she needed and it was difficult to get her anything.  She was also a very fussy woman in many ways.  She did not like receiving food gifts, etc.  But she was quite sentimental, and so throughout the year if I saw something pretty and unusual I would get it to give to her.


In the back is a Holly Hobbie figurine.  From 1981.  That was the year my middle son was born.  I remember buying two of those. One for myself and one for mom. Mine of course was lost, so it was nice to get this one back.

The figure in the front I remember falling in love with.  Two figures one in the back hugging the one in the front. It just made me think about how much I loved my mother, and the figures were unusual, based on the art of Clair Stoner.  Down in the corner it says, thanks mom, although you cannot see it here.


I loved my mother so very much.  I could never ever begin to repay her for the many kindnesses she had done for me through the years.  I did try to always be there for her whenever I could.  I was quite distraught that I was unable to be there for her in the last years of her life, and it pains me to think of why and what prevented me from being there.  Were it not for that I surely would have been.  It is not that I did not want to be . . . 


An  angel with flowers containing mom's birthday stones  . . .  ruby coloured little stones . . . 


When I first came over to England for that first visit, I had picked up mom a little china cat in a curio shop.  A Cheshire Cat covered with English roses  . . . I brought it back for her when I returned from my visit.  She loved it.  Or at least I think she did.


A pretty little china boot that I found in a charity shop.  I had actually found two. I gave one to mom and kept one for myself. That one is gone now of course, but I now have mom's.  Funny how that goes.


Two little girls. I used to do ceramics.   I had done these when I was living in Greenwood, long after I had gotten married. Mom and dad had separated and mom was going through a particularly bad patch. I remember her admiring these and so I gave them to her.  

I wish I knew the stories of all the women in my family tree.  That they were more than just names to me.  I am sure I would find some great examples of strength and love there.  It always amazes me that people have this wealth of photographs from their ancestors, stories, etc.  How very important it is for us to put these things down on paper for future generations.  So the stories are not lost. 

The beauty of every day things.  Ordinary things. Simple things. Tender mercies. Small blessings. I have a very abundant life. To be able to experience the magic in the ordinary is a gift I hope I never take for granted. The ability to choose the positive most days. 

It is hard to believe that we are already almost into August now.  Just another week remains of July.  Is it just me, or is this year whizzing by? My brother will be here two weeks from tomorrow for a week. I am really looking forward to seeing him.  It has been 8 years since I have seen him.  We were both here when Mom had her lung operation.  David was here for the first week while she was in the hospital, recovering in hospital and then for a few days after she got home. Of course she had the heart attack and ended up back in and unfortunately David was unable to stay longer and had to fly home.  We shared some special moments during that week or so that he was here and I cannot wait to see him again, and of course my Sister in Law as well. 

It is nice that things are starting to open up again so that we can start to do a few more things. 


We have all (in my family) had both of our vaccines now so we feel a bit safer.  Eileen and Tim had theirs this week and Eileen has been feeling quite poorly these last few days.  I told her I would make them a pizza and bring it over to them later today.  She likes pizza.  Or maybe I will pick them up and bring them here for it, which would actually be easier.  I am loving that I am living close enough now that we can do these things together. 

And with that I best end this off for today as I need to get dressed, etc. and be out and about before it gets too late and too busy.    

I will leave you with a thought for today.  I probably won't have much of a post for you tomorrow morning. Its Sunday, I'm going to church and I find that it is taking me longer to get things done these days. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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.There is always, always, always 
something to be thankful for ...
~ Michael Traveler  
•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Mexican Chocolate Lava Cakes for two. The recipe makes two perfect little cakes, and they are gluten free. 

I am sending extra special love, prayers and hugs to Elaine today.  She needs them.  

I hope that you all have a beautiful Saturday, filled with lots of loveliness! Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 




  1. What delightful treasures your sister gave you, and they will be lovingly displayed in your beautiful home. Hugs to your sister, hope she feels better after her vaccine. Enjoy your day.

    1. Its a good thing I didn't have any nicnacs! They fit right in! Thanks Linda! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie~

    I loved the poem at the beginning of your summer!

    What a wonderful treasure your sister gave you, I can't even imagine how you must have felt to have those beautiful gifts, gifted to you...again.

    I hear you about not being able to do as much. Sunday is always a busy day, but especially a day of rest.

    I'm so happy that you live close to Eileen and Tim, what a blessing it is for both of you. I hope she is feeling better after her vaccination.

    Take care, have a wonderful day, sweet Marie! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! It is and I was so pleased and surprised when she brought them over. I didn't even know she had them! Love and hugs to you and Bob, xoxo

  3. Your sister is genuinely tenderhearted and kind♥No wonder shes your BFF:)♥

  4. Oh my, what a gift. A treasure for sure filled with some wonderful things and memories too to go with them. You are so blessed to have your sister. Hope you enjoy the visit with your brother too!

    1. I truly am and I cherish her dearly Pam. She has been and is a real blessing to me. xoxo

  5. What a most lovely sister! I have one also! Lucky us. xo,V

  6. Serendipitous to have your mother's treasures retuned to you by Cindy. Hope Eileen is feeling better. Larry felt bad after his second shot for a day and a half. I was okay. Have a nice Sunday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I was okay as well, just tired. Hope you are doing alright sweet friend. You are very much in my heart. Love you. Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. I know mom knew I would have been if I could have been. But it still pains me that I was not. The only time in my life that I was unable to be there for her and when it mattered most. xoxo


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