
Sunday 18 July 2021

Today . . .


I just want to apologize in advance. I won't be able to do a full post this morning. I am going to church in person for the first time in 18 months, and for the first time since my return to Canada in November. I have not been to church here in Nova Scotia in over 8 years now. Its a big day for me and I am way, way behind!  I have a ton of things to do before I leave. I hope you will forgive me!  I cannot wait to partake of the sacrament and see some of my old friends, albeit distanced and masked. Who would have thought.  Sigh  . . .  no hugs, but still.  Looking forward to it. I'll be back tomorrow, running off at the mouth as always!    In the meantime do remember . . . 

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And I do too! 


  1. Wonderful day for you, hope it all went well.

  2. Hope you had a lovely church visit. It's a red letter day! Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. Hi Marie~

    I can totally understand why you are so excited! Much love to you sweet friend! XOXO


  4. Don’t apologize to us Marie. It will be fun for you to see your friends again after all these years!
    Stay safe and be well!

  5. So happy for you to be able to go back to church today. What a blessings that will be in your life.
    Big hugs for you!!


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