
Saturday 17 July 2021

All Things Nice . . .



Answer July—
Where is the Bee—
Where is the Blush—
Where is the Hay?

Ah, said July—
Where is the Seed—
Where is the Bud—
Where is the May—
Answer Thee—Me—

Nay—said the May—
Show me the Snow—
Show me the Bells—
Show me the Jay!

Quibbled the Jay—
Where be the Maize—
Where be the Haze—
Where be the Bur?
Here—said the Year— 
-Emily Dickenson, Answer July

There's a bit of a hazy sky out there this morning. Mom always said a hazy morning foretold a hot sunny day.  This is the kind of day you might jump in the car and go up to the shore to seek relief from the heat.  Margaretville.  Right on the Bay of Fundy.  With a lighthouse and cool breezes. When we were children we would get an ice cream cone from a shop right near the lighthouse. I am not sure if it is still there or not.  Pity if it isn't. 


There used to be a wharf, smelling of tar and heat, weekend fishermen standing along its length, lines cast into the water. Men and little boys out for a day of adventure. I don't think the wharf is there any longer, just the lighthouse, small cottages and a seller of local art.  Rocks and beauty, and a bit of sand. 

I have fried potatoes left from last night's supper.  Eileen and Tim came over. We dined on fried potatoes, chicken pies, corn on the cob and then fruit for dessert.  Tim had two helpings of the potatoes. Its a good thing I made lots.  I wanted to empty my potato bag to make room for new potatoes which will soon be coming, so I boiled up all of them yesterday afternoon, then peeled and fried them last night for supper.  

A few of them with an egg and some toast would be lovely this morning.  Eggs for breakfast are not something I have very often, but I have noticed the last few weekends when I go outside the neighborhood smells like bacon and eggs . . . .  and toast. Why do other people's breakfasts always smell so good?  Its true and they do.

I had fun with Eileen and Tim.  We had our supper and then we watched a film. Miss Potter. They like Peter Rabbit so I thought they would like this film and neither one had seen it.  I hemmed her jeans that we had bought on our shopping trip a week ago while we watched.  We talked about Thanksgiving.  Tim's parents are going away.   

This will be my first Thanksgiving home with family in over 22 years.  I remember the last one. Before my then-marriage broke up.  All the children were there, my son from Fredericton with his wife,  Amanda had come home from University. Mom. We had a houseful.  I had gotten the top of my ear pierced and Amanda helped me to put a hoop in it. A lot of water under the bridge since then, much of it stormy water, but life goes on.

This is a new Thanksgiving and I have much this year to be thankful for. It would be nice to have another family one, but I don't hold out much hope with Covid and all. But I can have Eileen and Tim, would like my dad, sister and Dan also.  Who knows what the future holds.  I try not to think too far ahead these days.  Its unwise. 


I overslept this morning. I didn't wake up until almost 6:30.  I have not done that in quite a while now.  I  must have been tired.  I was in bed last night about 9:30.  That's pretty normal for me.  I was feeling quite tired.  I had had an ocular migraine yesterday afternoon. It was the first one I had had since before I left the UK.  I was getting them quite frequently there.  At least one or two a week at one point.  They don't hurt. You just can't see because your eyes are filled with bright flashing zig zags.  

The first time I had one I thought I was going blind.  The one I had yesterday didn't last too long, only about 10 minutes and then it went off, but it leaves you feeling a bit disoriented.  I guess they are a tiny bit scary.  I had been sewing a curtain for my bedroom window. I had spent an hour ironing material, cutting, trying to thread my sewing machine and bobbin.  I still don't have it right. I need to adjust the tension methinks.  It was stressing me out a bit.  I am a well practiced seamstress, but I couldn't figure this out yesterday . . . 


I just had a visitor.  I had not seen it in a few days. Chip usually sits on my railing staring at the house. If I don't notice him there and give him some peanuts, he goes away.  This morning I noticed him. 

Its cute the way he fills up his cheek pouches with three or four nuts. You would think he would have a hard time breathing with so many in there.  Nature is pretty wonderful.  

And he's back. He's been here twice. lol  He must be making up for lost time. 


Happy Josh.  Another day in their summer adventures.  I think this day they went to someplace called Shining Waters.   

Jake and Kayla. They do such fun things with the kids  . . . 


Mind you there are a lot of things to do on the Island. Not a lot over here really. There is the Oaklawn zoo, but not sure if that is open.  There used to be a theme park, Clements Park, but that's been shut down and its being turned into a posh boarding school, Gordonstoun, a branch of the one that is in Scotland that Prince Phillip went to, as well as Prince Charles.  It was set to open in September of this year, but I am not sure how Covid has affected that.  It is said to be Covid friendly, with a net-zero carbon footprint with solar energy, geothermal heating, greenhouse-to-table for food, including what the school will buy from local farmers, and local butchers and bakery shops to feed the students. 

Sounds nice.  1/3 of the students will be Canadian, 1/3 American and 1/3 from other parts of the world. Tuition is only $68,900 a year.  😮 


And that's about all I got for today.  My days pass quickly.  They no sooner begin than they are ending. I like to stay busy.  Aside from sewing yesterday, I changed my bed, did a couple loads of wash, baked a loaf of bread, cleaned the bathroom, watched an episode of The Great British Menu. (I get it free on Roku) and generally puttered about.  Talked to my dad, my sister, etc.  Oh and I talked to my oldest son first thing in the morning. He had been teaching his youngest boy how to ride a bike this week  Life is full and busy.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Give every day the chance 
to become the most
beautiful day of your life.
~Mark Twain  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Banana Bread Pudding.  Very tasty.

Have a wonderful Saturday. Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. It seems to be early thinking about Thanksgiving, but i know summer flies by and before we know it, it will be fall.Hope you can have lots of family together, I'm hoping so too. The vaccine has helped a lot but the variant now has cases rising. I can't wait until it's available to everyone. My grandchildren need to be protected too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy !

  2. A lovely life now:) YAY.
    Seems so much fuller and funner;)

  3. Enjoy your weekend, Marie. Not too early to think of Thanksgiving. I love autumn but I can wait for it. Susan's blog is back up but still missing her lastest post. It's a rainy day here. Love and hugs, Elaine

  4. Hi Marie~

    Time does seem to fly by, summer will be over before we know it! I love that you fixed diner for your kids, what a dream come true for you. Thanksgiving will be fun for you as well, even if you can't all get together.

    Have a wonderful week-end, Marie...XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  5. Not planning ahead not wise...yea, seems so these days for a good many of us. I have found not having expectations makes for a more peaceful life. Going with the flow and know.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. I'm so happy for you, Marie! Now that you have come home your days seem filled with, driving, shopping, cooking, decorating your home. You sound as though you have found some freedom to be yourself again. God bless you.

  7. Wow, you have developed a full and happy life. I love reading of your moment's with family and the things you are up too. I think the dinner with your daughter and husband sounded so fun.
    I do believe you will have a full and wonderful Thanksgiving with your family; even if all can't be there. I do believe someday you will have them all back.
    Little Chip is so adorable. I always love photos of him.
    Sorry about the eye migraines. My husband has those once in a while.
    Blessings and hugs for you!


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