
Sunday 23 May 2021

Sunday morning thoughts . . .


 I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer when we lose our way

Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe 
~Carol Bayer Sager, David Foster

I woke up about 4:45 this morning.  I couldn't go back to sleep so I just lay there in my bed, watching the sun come up in the open window space above the brown paper (I have not got my curtains sewed yet, or the rods up.) 

It was quite a peaceful moment in time.  I was thinking of the last six months and how far I have come.  It is impossible to fathom how very much my life has changed over the last year.  Life truly does turn on a dime and we never really know what the future holds.  

Not all change is bad.  It may seem at the first like it is the absolute worst thing that we could ever go through, but I can testify that if we will just hang on . . .   and allow Him to work in our lives . . . with great faith, our trials can be turned into temples. 


Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is holy
Be still oh restless soul of mine
Bow before the prince of peace
Let the noise and clamor cease 

Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is faithful
Consider all that He has done
Stand in awe and be amazed
And know that He will never change
Be still 
~Steven Curtis Chapman 

I watched church in the UK this morning.  They are not having church here in Nova Scotia at the moment due to the current lockdown. It has been extended now until at least the middle of June.  So its nice to be able to tune into the service in the UK and have that opportunity to listen to the thoughts and feelings and talks from like-minded people.

Still  . . .  when I see the masks, I cry . . . little tears roll down my cheeks. I think my heart is still broken at what is going on in the world, and we are not even in the center of it all. There are so many places where it is so much worse than here.  Still, I hate to see those faces I love hidden behind those masks. 

Be still and know that he is god
Be still and know that he is god
Be still and know that he is god
Be still
Be speechless
Be still and know that he is god
Be still and know he is our father
Come rest your head upon his breast
Listen to the rhythm of
His unfailing heart of love
Beating for his little ones
Calling each of us to come
Be still
Be still
I got a bird feeder yesterday. I had gone to the local hardware store to get a tub stopper as the one for my bathtub is missing.  I also wanted to pick up a sink stopper for the kitchen sink as the one I have doesn't seem to hold the water in. I saw the bird feeders and thought to myself. I should get one and so I did. I have always found a lot of joy in feeding the birds, and watching them.  I have really fond memories of doing this in every place I have ever lived.  

Birds are such a wonderful example to me of faith.  Nature is one place where I have always felt really close to my Heavenly Father.  I see these little woodland creatures and there they are, in all kinds of weather . . .  with little to no protection from the elements, summer, autumn, winter, spring  . . . no matter what, they sing. 


My hanging geraniums.  I can't wait to see the all blooming. They are just beginning now.  I wonder if in the winter I can't bring the basket into the garage, prune it back and store it and maybe it will come back to life in the spring?  I know in the UK, our geraniums always came back every year. It did get cold sometimes, but it was not a sustained cold. Dare I hope?


Except for the curtains, my living room is basically all sorted now.  It is a view that makes me happy when I see it.  Looking out the window to a peace-filled neighborhood. I am content.


I fell in love with this painting of my sisters from the moment I first saw it.  I am investing in her future by buying it from her.  She gets some dosh to buy more art supplies so she can create more art and I get to have a piece of her work that I really love in my home. We both win. 😄 It makes me happy just to look at it.


She and Dan came over yesterday to help me get my television out of the box and set it up on my fireplace tv stand.  After they left I sorted out the tv and got it all set up electronically. I was a bit nervous about how I could or would do that, but it was so easy.  I was nervous for nothing. I got my Netflix on it and everything and last night I was able to watch television from the comfort of my chair in big screen without having to watch it on my iPad.  Happy Days.  I sat here crocheting on my father's blanket and watching in comfort. It was nice.


My sister gifted me with this, and a matching salt shaker (I will be on the lookout for the pepper shaker at yard sales, when they open back up.).  I had admired this napkin holder for quite a while. 

I had supper at theirs last night.  She made a lovely asparagus quiche and some pan fried potatoes and salad.  She is baking homemade beans today and ribs and I am going over again. (I know, they are soooo good to me!  I love homemade beans!)  I might drive down to see mom today. I will see how it goes.  I have not gone on my own yet. Oh, I know she is not there, its just a headstone, etc.  But it is a comfort to be able to visit her resting place.  One day I will be there too, right next to her.  

A lot of my family on my mother's side is buried in that same cemetery, going back at least a hundred or more  years.  Its quite a nice, little cemetery, situated at the base of South Mountain, with a grassy knoll.  It is very near to where my Great Grandparents had their farm, and where my Aunt Freda lived, where my mom grew up, where Rachel and Boyd McNayr made their way to Springhill to start the settlement there. 


I can think of much worse places to end up.  Cindy and Dad are going in there as well.  My sister said something to me the other day which warmed my heart.  She said, we began our lives together and now we will end our lives together. I like that thought.

I will leave you with some inspiration for the day  . . . 

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 *Maybe night is about to come calling,
but right now, the sun is still high in the sky.
~ Barbara Crooker •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon Love Notes.  How can you resist something with such a lovely name!  Delicious!

Have a beautiful Sunday.  Be blessed and happy and safe.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Good news your tv is set up and working. You can bring geraniums inside over the winter, cut right back, and they might should come back next year. i’ve had hit and miss success. The bird feeder will be a lovely addition to your home. It does look peaceful out your window, have you met any neighbours yet? Enjoy those hone made beans.

    1. Thanks Linda. The man directly across from me is the father of one of my best friends when I was growing up. A church friend just lives a few doors down. I have met the women directly next door to the left, and a couple of women from the end across the way. Its a quiet neighborhood. All seniors. I like that. xoxo

    2. Lovely to know some neighbours, and all being seniors makes for a nice quiet neighbourhood.

  2. So glad your TV is now set up and working so you can enjoy it. It is amazing all you've done in such a short time. I hope you too have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Thanks very much Pam! The internet buffers a bit, but hopefully once my cable is installed that will help! xoxo

  3. You seem very content, Marie. The grace on the serviette holder is the one we always said growing up. Love Cindy's painting, too. It's a real pop of colour. Have a peaceful visit with your mom. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Its a lovely grace to say Elaine. We said grace as well, but it was the simpler, God is great, God is good one. I love Cindy's painting. She is so talented. Have a sweet Monday, Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Hello! Looks like you have many happy days ahead of you, pretty amazing to think about from six months ago. Enjoy every minute in your new place. xo, V

    1. Thanks so much V! I have come a long way in a short time, even if at times it felt long! xoxo

  5. Glad to hear you are doing well, Marie!! And that you are enjoying setting up your apt!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth. Baby steps! xoxo

  6. I really loved your Sunday Morning thoughts. I will always think you are amazing and wonder how you got through it all. Then I see where you are and the good things that you are doing now. I then see clearly that God is in the details of your life and you have much good to do with your family.
    I love your home and your TV. I love thinking of you watching a favorite show and crocheting. i think your sister's artwork is awesome. You are very creative sisters.
    I love that you get with your family for dinner.
    We started back to church with masks optional today and it was like before. It was a great moment. Although, I worry that maybe it is a bit quick. Your turn will come. it is awesome to be able to attend your UK church on Zoom; such miracles.
    Have a lovely week Marie; sending hugs!

    1. God IS in the details of my life LeAnn and I am so grateful for that and for a heart that recognizes it! Hopefully it won't be too long before our church opens up again here. I am also anxious to go to the Temple and finish what I started before all this began! Love and hugs to you and Roger! xoxo

  7. Bonjour,

    Une très jolie publication...
    De très belles photos l'accompagnent.

    Gros bisous

  8. I feel very much at peace here Becky. I was missing here so much in the UK, although I will miss my friends I made over there I know. I am surrounded by family here, and hopefully it won't be too long now before we can start to get together with our families again. I am hopeful! xoxo

  9. There is that distinct possibility Becky! xoxo


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