
Saturday 22 May 2021

Saturday this and that . . .


I saw this picture this morning on Pinterest and I thought it was really nice.  I love the sentiment.  I wish I could get into gardening.  I think I may have to give it a pass this year.  I can't really afford to be buying gardening tools at this  point and I can't kneel, etc. to do the weeding. Maybe once Covid settles down again I can get Tim over here and he can do some weeding for me.  That is a happy thought!


Plenty of those and they pop up seemingly overnight. They are not so pretty once the wishes have blown away, lol.


This chipmunk has been visiting me every night about 7 pm, although it didn't show up last night.  I have been putting out peanuts for it.  The other night he had a nice grooming session right on my veranda railing.  Last night I added a cherry to the mix, but alas, he gave us a miss.  I hope he is okay.  I have quite enjoyed watching him/her.


I got a card in the post from Sister Stonehocker.  She is a missionary who has been serving in our area with her husband, albeit virtually from Red Deer, Alberta.  Because of Covid, they have not actually been able to travel down here, so its all been done via zoom, etc.  

They are really nice people, she and her husband.  I talk to them every Tuesday afternoon on the zoom.  We usually do the Come Follow Me lesson together.  I really appreciate that because it not only gives me someone to talk about it with, but it also helps to keep me on track.  I also happen to enjoy it very much. 

The last few years I could feel my husband slipping away from the Gospel. I think he knew what was coming. We didn't have a lot of spiritual talks, etc. And you know when someone or something in your home isn't quite right like that, you have a more difficult time accessing the spirit.  Things just feel better now, more right. Holier.


My sister brought me a flower.  I was really surprised.  I had not bought any flowers because I didn't have any vases.  She brought this one along with the rose.  It was such a beautiful thought and gift.  She said the other day, we started our lives together and now we are going to end our lives together.  That's a beautiful thought.  And our cemetery plots are next to each other as well.  I need to buy a stone.

Yesterday she came over and had picked up some chain for me at Allan's in town ( a lumber yard)  so that I could hang up my hummingbird feeder properly, as well as two hanging planters I had gotten with red geraniums in them. 

Today she and Dan might come over to help me unpack my tv and get it up on the stand. I can't do it on my own.  I had not planned on buying a big one like that, but the price was so good, I ended up getting a much larger one than anticipated.


I got this beautiful handmade card from Elaine's friend Carol. It is gorgeous, and covered with strawberries which are a real favorite of mine. I just love it and it was so thoughtful of her to send it to me.  She and another friend had sent me postcards when I was in limbo. This generosity of spirit is something I am so very grateful for.  People have been incredibly kind.  

So often people think that they cannot possibly do something to help another, that they are lacking in money or talents, etc.  All we need to do is to lift where we stand and it doesn't not have to be a grandiose gesture.  Small and simple things.  They often mean and count more than the larger obvious things. 

A card, a letter, a phone call, a simple hello.  All are priceless.


I got two pictures hung.  The top one of the Savior is by Simon Dewy, entitled "The Dawning of a brighter Day."   It was the first picture I bought to hang in my new home.  I thought the sentiment very apt. 

The lower one is by Robert Boyd and is called "To the Rescue."  It depicts that story in the bible of the disciples in the boat in the storm and Christ walking across the story sea to get to them to rescue them.  That has always been one of my favorite bible stories.  If you keep your eyes on Jesus, there is nothing you cannot do, or any situation in life that you cannot work your way through. 


What you see here are two shoes.  The one on the right is one of the shoes I came home in. It is my only pair of shoes.  They are Easy B shoes, size 6, extra wide.  I needed to get some shoes because they have developed a hole in the sole.  I saw this deal online to buy a pair of wide shoes, and they had my size.  I thought if nothing else they would be a stop gap until lockdown eases and I can get out to buy a proper pair of shoes.  

I will say one thing, they cost me over $80.  Supposedly they are a size 6, extra wide. 

Apparently the Chinese have a completely different idea of what a size 6 is.  Also what extra wide is.  And they smell like they have been through some sort of chemical wash. You just have to laugh. It beats the alternative.

Plus there is no way of returning them.  No papers/invoice/option in the plastic bag they arrived in. Nor a return address. That will teach me.


And on a bright note, I got my birds hung in my front window.  They are a cheerful sight!  My father stopped by on his way to my sister's yesterday and I was telling him what each bird was.  He was here for about an hour.  I really enjoyed his visit.

He was telling me about how he travelled down to Montreal by train when he was on his way into the military training.  From there he met up with two other young men.  He was 18 himself.  They travelled to Trenton from there.  He said he didn't have a uniform for a while because he was so small, they didn't have a uniform small enough to fit him.  One had to be specially made. 

I am loving hearing these stories. I should record them on my phone.  These are precious times.  I am so sad that I missed being able to spend the same kind of time with my mother before she passed away. 


Once I had moved into my new place here, I sent messages to my youngest son and daughter to tell them my new address and to give them my telephone number again. I could see that they had read them, but there were no responses.  Its been well over a week now. Not a lot I can do about that, except to keep trying.  You cannot force other people to do the right thing.  Whether they do or not isn't what matters anyways. What you do is what counts most of all. I will continue to do the right thing myself, for as long as I can. 

And how exciting is the Friends reunion show. I can't wait to tune into it. I was never allowed to watch Friends when it aired the first time. My ex husband didn't like television shows like that so I just never watched it. I have watched all of the series now, several times over.  I love the show.  I never thought I would. It was the same with Seinfeld. I never got to watch that the first time it was on either.  I am also enjoying that one now.

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *Don't judge each day by 
the harvest that you reap,
but by the seeds that you sow.
~Robert Louis Stevenson•。★★ 。*  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chunky Monkey Snack Cake.  This is fabulous!  A banana cake filled with semi-sweet chocolate chips, salted caramel chips and toasted nuts.  Yummy yummy!

Have a great Saturday whatever you get up to. Stay safe, stay blessed and don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. I love the birds on your window. Lovely to talk with your dad about his military life. We live very close to CFB Trenton and watch the planes all the time. Enjoy that little chipmunk and hope you see hummingbirds. So good you got your tv set up. Enjoy Saturday.

    1. Thanks Linda. I see hummingbirds, but am not sure they are getting anything from my feeder. I need to check to make sure. Enjoy your Sunday! xoxo

  2. If you bought the shoes with a credit card or via Amazon, you should get ahold of them and see if they can help you return the shoes Marie...that is a horrific price to pay for something you cannot use!! I think ordering things now or shopping has become very difficult. I have had issues the past 2 years too. Glad you are enjoying your location!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I bought them from a link on Instagram/facebook, so I have no real way of contacting anyone. Lesson learnt. Eileen has very tiny feet and they are even too small for her! xoxo

  3. Looking all settled in..:)you are better ordering shoes from reputable online Canadian shoe stores:)Just make sure you are a Cdn 6 or US not sure if UK is different.

    1. I have tried looking and looking. The problem is I have wide feet. Nothing is open due to Covid. I knew where to buy them online in the UK, but not here in Canada. :-(

  4. Your glass birds are perfect in your front window. Lovely you had a nice visit with your dad. My friend who makes the beautiful cards is Paula. I'm going to make your Apricot Chicken this weekend. Enjoy your Saturday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! Paula makes gorgeous cards! I love berries and her card was all strawberries. It made me smile! I hope you enjoy the chicken! Happy weekend, love and hugs, xoxo

  5. So nice to hear how you are settling into your new place. One day at a time. Lucky you to have such lovely visitors and sharing stories and thoughts. Love the cards too. Happy weekend to you. xo, V

    1. Thanks so much V! I am truly blessed! xoxo

  6. Maybe you could do container gardening like I do. I have flower boxes to fill up that sit on my car port. I don't have to bend or week, only water them when its needed. Something to think about anyway. My son just came to mow my grass which was very appreciated. It's very summer like here now and I watered the flowers last night. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I got some easy spirit shoes and they are very true to fit. I ordered mine and they are very comfortable and cushioned too..

    1. That is an option I think Pam! I have been thinking about that! I would like to grow some herbs! I will look up easy spirit shoes! Thank you! xoxo

  7. Marie I take a size 6 shoe as well and find Walmart on line is extremely easy for shoe purchasing. If they aren't what you want, the closest Walmart will do the refund.

    1. My problem is I have extra wide feet, so I just can't go into most stores and buy them. I knew exactly where to get them in the UK and the brand to buy that fit. I am in a no-man's land here! xoxo

  8. I love reading about your dear Sister and how she is doing such sweet things for you. I also think it is awesome that you spend time with your Dad. You should maybe record his history. I did my parents and it's priceless.
    I'm so sad about the shoes. I did the same things with a dress I bought for my 50th Wedding Anniversary. I was finally able to send it back; but it was not a fun moment.
    Love that you can watch some of the series shows you enjoy. I think you will love the bigger TV.
    I'm thrilled that you have missionaries you can Zoom with and discuss the lessons this year.
    Have a delightful Sabbath Day dear friend!

    1. I have bought three things online thinking they were coming from Canada, only to discover that they were actually being shipped from China LeAnn, and all of them have been garbage. Nobody stands behind what they sell anymore. They are happy to send you garbage because they know you won't be able to return any of it. It really annoys me! Happy Sabbath dear friend! xoxo


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