
Sunday 18 April 2021

Sunday morning ponderings . . .



 verb (used without object) be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. (usually followed by to): He belongs to the Knights of Columbus. 
2. to have the proper qualifications, especially social qualifications, to be a member of a group: You don't belong in this club. 
3. to be proper or due; be properly or appropriately placed, situated, etc.: Books belong in every home. This belongs on the shelf. He is a statesman who belongs among the great. 

Verb Phrases
1.belong to, to be the property of: 
The book belongs to her. 
2. to be a part or adjunct of: 
That cover belongs to this jar. 

I felt a little bit blue all day yesterday.  I very much felt out of place.  Several questions kept passing through my mind all throughout the day.  Will I ever find a place where I can feel like I belong?  Is there a forever place for me? Will I ever truly be wanted, needed, valued? Not in the way or an interloper? A misfit? A burden on others? 

Of course that is how the adversary works. He knows our weaknesses and our fears.  He works on them and tries to convince us that they are our reality.  

Maybe for now I have no place to hang my hat, no permanent home, no place I belong. But it won't always be that way.

But I do know where I always have a home and where I can find peace, no matter what my external circumstances are and that is with my God and Savior, Jesus Christ. If there is one thing these past six months have taught me and that is this, They are ever constant and never changing. I am very grateful for that. I am never a burden to them.  I fit where they are.  They love me with a love that is unconditional and pure.  And I can be anywhere . . .  and still know this to be true.  I am so thankful for that knowledge. I wish everyone could know the things I know. We need never feel truly alone.

And how do I know these things?  What evidence do I have.  Small and simple reassurances that come to me unbidden and by happenstance.  

1.  Elizabeth sent me a song this morning in my e-mail, called I belong.  It exactly was what I needed to hear.  She didn't know how I was feeling yesterday, but He did.

2.  I got this devotional this morning in my e-mail from Dayspring. "More than the food, we crave belonging. We crave connections that confirm we are not alone—and never will be. We long for confidence that the good will not only last but grow stronger as time goes on. It’s an appetite for eternal love and community, the kind our hungry souls seek to have satisfied.

"Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”  ~Acts 14:17 

Again, I know their e-mails mostly are just to sell cards and books, and I only ever very rarely open them, but today I was prompted to and read just what I needed to read.

And Doug and Jake facetimed me with the puppy, and Baya. I got to see Jake wearing all those filter masks he likes to wear. He loves the unicorn with the sparkly tongue and I love to see him wearing all of them. I love that he wants to talk to me.  That means the world.

There is nothing random or co-incidental about our lives.  Over and over again throughout my life, I have received these little reassurances and promptings.  I am so thankful that I have a heart that is open to these experiences, and recognizes them just for being  what they are.

I know lots of you don't like it when I get spiritual, but I can't help myself.  I have a song to sing.

My life flows on in endless song; 
 Above earth's lamentation, 
 I hear the sweetdagger, tho' far-off hymn 
 That hails a new creation; 
 Thro' all the tumult and the strife 
 I hear the music ringing; 
 It finds an echo in my soul— 
 How can I keep from singing? 

 What tho' my joys and comforts die? 
 The Lord my Saviour liveth; 
 What tho' the darkness gather round? 
 Songs in the night he giveth. 
 No storm can shake my inmost calm 
 While to that refuge clinging; 
 Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, 
 How can I keep from singing? 

 I lift my eyes; the cloud grows thin; 
 I see the blue above it; 
 And day by day this pathway smooths, 
 Since first I learned to love it, 
 The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, 
 A fountain ever springing; 
 All things are mine since I am his— 
 How can I keep from singing?
~Robert Wadsworth Lowry, hymn 1869
Based on Psalm 145

Not sure what I will get up to today.  A bit of this and that most likely. The blanket grows. My journal grows.  My story that I am writing grows.  I expect I will talk to Tina at some point.  She messaged me yesterday, but I was masked and in the middle of the grocery store. She said she would call me again later, but I expect her day got away from her. I doubt it will today. She will likely call back. I know I could call her, but she leads a very busy life and I don't want to interrupt anything. I also have comments to catch up on. I have been lax.

I need to stop worrying about things I can't control. If I do my part. He will do His. Its called faith.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *We know that all things 
work together for good
for those who love God.
~Romans 8:28•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Classic Lemon Bars.  Sooo delicious!

Have a beautiful day whatever you get up to. Stay safe and healthy and be blessed.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!



  1. Hang on to your faith and it will all turn out the way it's supposed to. I believe God has a plan for each of us and He will place you where you need to be.

    1. Thanks very much Pam. You are so right. God bless! xoxo

  2. Sending you good wishes for a lovely Sunday, joy, peace, hugs. xo, V

  3. Keep singing your song, Marie. We all need our own spot and you will find yours. I'm going to make another pan of your jam squares but using marmalade this time. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank YOU! Marmalade sounds a lovely addition Elaine! Yummy! Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. I hope Tina connects today, or is important to have those contacts!! We do need those with skin on too!! May your day be blessed with all good things...and what a nice grandchild who wants to be connected!! I hope you get to see more of him in days to come too!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! She did all and we had a lovely conversation! I hope you are likewise blessed. Stay safe! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!