
Saturday 17 April 2021

All Things Nice . . .


In a world where you can be anything you want to be   . . .  be nice.  This is Saturday nice.  A few of the nice things in my life a the moment.  


Earlier this week I went with my sister to her friend Jane's to paint for an afternoon.  I did the cat with the bowl of fish that you see here and started on a robin. I didn't have my reference photo with me for that one, so couldn't finish it. Its just nice to get out and do something rather than watch tv or whatever. It was a beautiful sunny day. 


Jane has the most unusual dog. He is a German Wire-haired Pointer, or Deutsch Drahthaar. (How's that for a mouthful!)  He is a big, most unusual looking dog with these funny hairs around his muzzle.  He has the most endearing eyes and face, and is very well behaved, and friendly so long as he isn't hunting you I guess, lol.  I am a dog person, through and through I think.  They are the best companions I think but I know cat lovers would argue that fact. We will see what happens. 

I may get a pet, but it won't be a huge dog like this for sure. Probably a rescue animal of some sort.


Dad's blanket is coming right along. I think this one is going to be larger than my last one, so dad can really get tucked into it on cold winter days, or even cold summer days.  His feet get really cold.  That is probably due to his diabetes and poor circulation. I know his feet hurt him a lot also.  


Yesterday I went with Cindy and Dan to pick up their new to them car. They liked my car so much that they decided to go with a Kia Soul as well, except it is blue, not red. They are great little cars.  I hope they get lots of years of happy driving from this, and I hope that I do from my car Queenie as well!  I don't know what they decided to name her.

After that, as we were up in the general area  . . .  Cindy and I went to Michaels.  (Oh dear this is becoming a habit!) But, I did want to get some more yarn for dad's blanket so it was kind of necessary.


I also needed to get some frames for my pictures I had bought earlier this year and this time I remembered to write down their dimensions before we went.  

The one on the left is a print from Simon Dewey entitled, "The Dawning of a Brighter Day."  When I purchased it I did so because, one it is the Savior, and two, I am very much on a journey of hope.

The one on the right is a print from Annie Henrie Nader, entitled "Mother's Lullaby." I fell in love with it and wanted to have it in my home.

I only want things in my home that are inspiring and uplifting and that bring me joy. 


Cindy and I each picked up a nib pen and ink.  I had to leave all mine in the UK of course, but this is a beginning.  I am determined to master modern calligraphy at some point. I also got a small notebook to do my penmanship practice in.   I am still working at improving my handwriting. 

Earlier this week Cindy gave me some paint samples as a gift!  Schmincke watercolours. There are three as you can see. Can't wait to try them out! It was so kind of her.  I love painting with her.  She is so darned talented.  I wish she really knew just how talented she really is.  She is very humble about her work. That's a part of its charm I think.  All I do is draw and color in. She actually paints. 

I finished another few pages in my journal.  I enjoy putting in things which inspire me and that I find helpful, along with my thoughts on the things that happen, or that help me to be a better person, etc.  Maybe one day, when I am gone, one of my children or grandchildren will want to have it and it will inspire them. One can but hope!  


A few mornings ago we saw three groups of deer pass through the front yard and cross the road in front of the house.  There were two groups of four and one of three. They were yearlings I think. Its amazing none got hit by cars as there is a lot of traffic goes past here, it is a main highway.  It was wonderful getting to see them though.

The deer have eaten all of my sister's tulips, but left the hyacinths.  I guess they don't like hyacinth.


So, yesterday there were some marked down half price in the Super Store and we got them to enjoy here in the house. They are just beautiful.  Fresh flowers in a home are a really nice thing to have if you can do it.

I think I will have to get myself a vase so I can have fresh flowers now and then. 

I am on chapter 15.  That's the  most I have read of any real book (not digital) in a very long time. I can't put it down. I don't want it to end.

I had bought an online issue of Harvest from Marmalade and Kindness on IG. It is the Spring Issue, and they sent me a hard copy.  I love this group of women who are producing this quarterly journal of mindfulness and creativity through cooking.  


It came yesterday and is filled with loveliness.  I think as women we really need to support each other whenever and however we can. Especially during this hard journey we are all traversing at the moment.

From their site

"Marmalade + Kindness is an online mindful cooking journal that encourages you to explore mindfulness and creativity through home cooking. By sharing seasonal recipes, each featuring a unique self-development tip, we aim to inspire you to find the time to create, reflect and celebrate the present moment."

A most worthy enterprise. I love that their journals are online and downloadable and I love that they were kind enough to send me a hard copy of one. Its beautiful and just like a small book. 

And those are the things that brought nice into my life this week, plus a whole lot more of course. My cup runneth over.

My prospective landlord called me yesterday.  It seems he inadvertently misled me.  There is a waiting list that he didn't know about.  (Apparently he has a business partner who was in charge of this aspect.) A 2 year waiting list for those places.  Three are coming up for rental, but they will go to people on the waiting list. He said he was going to try hard to get me one of them, but no promises.  I don't hold out much hope.  Its discouraging, but I have faith that there is a forever home waiting for me somewhere.  I am learning and trying to perfect patience.  Its a virtue which I really need to work on.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Even now, as broken as you may feel,
you are still strong.  There is something
to be said for how you hold yourself
together and keep moving, even though
you feel like shattering.
Don't stop. This is your healing.
It doesn't have to be pretty or graceful.
You just have to keep going.
~Maxwell Diawuoh •。★★ 。*  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pioneer Woman's Sugar Biscuits.  It may have taken me six years but I finally scratched them off my bucket list. Two words. Bake them!  They're delicious!

 I hope you have a lovely Saturday.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!



  1. It's great that you are distracting yourself with things you that landlord was not up front at all and at this time..a tad discouraging for you that was so hoping it would be sooner than later.
    It will happen but maybe not with him.Take care.

    1. Thanks Monique. I was so discouraged. I have been sitting here waiting for four months, thinking I had a place. Time when I could have been looking elsewhere. Very disheartening! xoxo

  2. I love that cat picture! Too cute! Discouraging about the apartment, but you will find a place, I just know it. God hasn't brought you this far to just leave you hanging. Much love - Raquel XO

    1. Thanks very much Raquel! Love to you as well. xoxo

  3. Sounds like more searching for a place would be useful...not fond of folks who are not careful!! Will be praying it will all work out as it should!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Tough luck about the apartment . That’s probably why the other lady thought it was hers a while back. He’s telling everyone the same story. Put your name on as many waiting lists as possible then you can take it or leave it when the time comes. Now you have a car you can look further afield.

    1. Thanks Angharad. Its quite disheartening. What will be will be I suppose. xoxo

  5. Nasty landlord misleading you. Stay positive as something will come along soon, and it will be better with a window over the kitchen sink. 👍❤️

  6. So sorry about your condo, Marie. Something better will come up. Buy a couple of pretty vases at the thrift store. They have an abundance of them at just a dollar or two. Nice new car for Cindy and Dan. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I will be on the lookout! They really love their new car. It was so good of Dad to get it for them. They really needed it too! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Stay hopeful about the new place for you. Two nice ‘new’ cars! Love your journal, it’s a treasure in the making for your dear family! Lovely post. xo, V

    1. Thanks very much V! Stay safe and healthy! xoxo


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