
Saturday 3 April 2021

Saturday this and that . . .


This year we  decided to do a turkey for Easter, rather than a ham.  We had two turkeys in the freezer left from Christmas.  Usually my sister is given one from work for Christmas each year, but when she went to work for the last day before Christmas and she wasn't given one we decided to buy one.  We had wanted a Pinty's turkey that we had seen advertised in the flyers. There weren't any so we picked up a Butterball. 

Then my sister got a call to come in to work for her turkey.

Then the next time we were at the shops, they had the Pinty's turkeys so we bought one because we had really wanted to try it. It was bourbon marinated or some such.  We cooked that one at Christmas.  But we didn't remember having cooked it at Christmas, or we thought we had two Pinty's.

The reason we had wanted to try the Pinty's is because you cook them from frozen.  So yesterday we were thinking we had another Pinty's in the freezer.

Three of us were down there in the basement looking for it in the freezer.  Then we thought maybe we had put it into dad's freezer. So we called him and got him out of bed to check.  No Pinty's turkey.
The long and short of this story is, we only ever had the one, and we cooked it at Christmas. However after a lengthy search online we learned how to cook any turkey from frozen.  Job done. Success.  And now we know. 


Earlier this week (Wednesday to be exact) I decided that I was going to gift someone very special, who has been very kind to me over these past months, with some special flowers for Easter.  I had not been able to get a card in the post or anything, so I thought I would buy a bouquet.  And I added a box of chocolates and a nice note.  I felt really good about it.

Then on Thursday I got a phone call from a local florist to say they had a flower delivery for me. I was really excited.  I NEVER get flowers!  Never.  I wondered . . .  was it from one of the children?  I couldn't wait for them to arrive.

They came and I thought to myself, wow they look a lot like the flowers I ordered for my friend.  And also a box of chocolates as well. Goodie goodie! So pretty.  I thanked the delivery person and brought them in.  


My sister and I couldn't wait to open the card to see who had sent them.  Ohh, my sister said, you know someone else named Marie?  I didn't have the heart to tell her right then . . . 

The penny dropped as soon as I read the message on the card.  I had sent the flowers to myself by mistake.  DUH!  I did finally confess yesterday morning to her what had happened. I felt like such a dolt and cannot believe or understand how I did that. 

Never mind.  These things happen.  And on the plus side they are really lovely. All these years I had been sending mom flowers, but never really knew if they were as nice as the photos I had seen online.  And now I know . . . 


They are. 

Of course at that point I couldn't afford to buy more flowers for anyone else.  But we are enjoying them, and the chocolates also, and we did have a good laugh about it all. 


Arianna turned 29 earlier this week.  Time flies.  Its hard to believe.  She was only about 23 when she was living with us in Chester when she first moved there from Spain. Oh how I love her.  She was such a wonderful room-mate, and a friend.  I miss her, and Grace too. 


Grace is growing up so quickly. She will soon be three. What a strange life this is for these young ones, this Covid lockdown situation.  My friend Jo's daughter had a baby right at the start of it.  Amelia is one year old now and has never seen anyone other than her mom, dad and occasionally Jo and her husband.  These wee ones are going to have separation anxiety and stunted social development when it all finally ends.  In the UK, lockdown is lockdown.  At least for the rule followers anyways. 

No vaccines here yet.  My father got a letter but he has been unable to get an appointment.  Same with my sister. My age group has not been offered them yet.  I will have one of course, once they are offered and I can get an appointment, but I do have a bit of anxiety over it.  But I figure if the Queen can have one, so can I.


When I was looking for a plate to put my Krispie cakes on yesterday, I discovered these plates.  There are four of them. So very pretty.  They are all that is left from a set my mother bought for my grandmother after my mother had gotten her first paying job in 1952. 

Such a pretty pattern

My grandmother never really had very much. My grandfather was a seasonal worker for the most part so they didn't have a lot of money for fancy or pretty things.  Buying this dinner set was a really big deal for my mother and would have been a loving sacrifice on her part.  I know she was also saving money from her pay checks to pay back her Uncle Nathan for her education, then there would have been room and board, etc. Mom was always very careful with her money.

Mom was a great caretaker of all that she had.  When my sister gave her furniture away to my cousin after mom passed away, it still looked brand new and it was over 25 years old.  (I dare say it probably doesn't look new now. lol) Mom was one of those people who kept the plastic wrap on her lamp shades, etc.  I was an adult before I learned that you could actually remove that stuff!  That it wasn't necessary to keep it on the shades!

Nothing of hers ever had a scratch on it. It was a point of pride with both her and my father. I am the opposite.  I have always used my things and enjoyed them. Why else have them???


I am looking forward to the semi-annual General Conference of my church beginning today.  You all know how much I enjoy watching and listening to the various talks.  Occasionally it coincides with Easter, like this year.  Four hours of talks each day (today and tomorrow) broken down into two two-hour sessions each day with a break in between.  Our third one which is not broadcast from the Conference center in Salt Lake with a live audience. I can't wait to hear what our leaders have to share with us.  If you are interested in listening/watching them yourself you can find them here.  The times are  1 pm and 5pm Atlantic Standard time. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.If you don't believe in miracles,
perhaps you have forgotten
you are one.•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today, Easter Chocolate Krispie Cakes.  Three ingredients, chocolate, cereal and something to decorate them with. Easy peasy. 

Have a wonderful Saturday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Enjoy your General Conference, Marie. And the flowers are beautiful! Love your mother's plate. Very pretty. That turkey dinner looks delicious. I must check out cooking from frozen. I'm just about to have breakfast and then put some ribs in the slow cooker. Enjoy your Saturday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I haven't had ribs in a long time Elaine. I need to make some soon. I love them! Happy Easter, hope you are having a lovely weekend. Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. I had a chuckle over the mis-sent flowers, but you deserve them too. Our health unit opened up vaccinations for our age group, over 70, yesterday, so I was able to book our first vaccine for April 12. It opened at 8 and I was there right away. Friends have appointments for April 13 and 23. So we are moving in the right direction. Unfortunately Ontario is an another shut down for 28 days as the virus is out of control in most areas. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

    1. I had heard that about Ontario. :0( Probably Quebec soon as well. Stay healthy and stay safe! xoxo

  3. The flower story:) You have been blessed with so many people stepping up to the plate..make believe these really were for you for everything you have been through:)

    1. We are all enjoying them. MY sister has also been a star! oxoxo

  4. What a lovely mistake you made. The flowers are beautiful. I hope you got a good laugh out of it. I'm always doing something crazy and the best laughs are usually on me. We had ham for Easter along with potato salad. That's a tradition here. Usually only have turkey for Thanksgiving. We really should have it more often. Freezers are wonderful but we really need to keep a list of what we put into them. I only have a small one, but what I usually wan't is always at the bottom and wind up with frozen hands looking for it. I should have gotten an upright one with shelves that show everything in plain sight. Happy Easter to you and your family ! It's to be a little warmer and sunny here.

    1. I had a upright freezer in the UK with drawers you pulled out. You are right so much better! Have a Happy and Blessed Easter Pam! xoxo

  5. Oh, that’s a great story about the flowers, we all do those things, don’t we? :-)
    Love those dishes and hearing the stories about your family and past times.
    Have a lovely, joyful day today and tomorrow. HappyEaster. xo, V

  6. Glad you and those there at least get to enjoy the flowers and candy!! Nothing goes to waste right?
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. I feel sad, I haven't been in on your blog for a while. I have missed it. My life is a whirlwind right now and I am just now trying to catch up a bit.
    I enjoyed reading this one. I smiled on the turkey story. it sounds like something I would do.
    The flowers and chocolate is the best. I actually went and bought myself some flowers for Easter.
    Arianna and that adorable Grace are so beautiful. I loved your friendship with them.
    I do hope your Dad, Sister and you can get your vaccine soon. We got our and I feeling very good about it all.
    Those plates are beautiful. I'm like you, I think when you buy furniture it is to be used. However, I don't like how my grandchildren just put their feet upon everything. I would not let my children do that.
    I am loving Conference. It is such an uplift and I can hardly wait for Sunday's sessions.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Its just impossible to get an appointment for the vaccines. I am not in the right age group for some reason. At the moment, they are not vaccinating people between the age of 65 and 80! Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. Those flowers and chocolates are a blessing in disguise.
    They were meant for you, your sister and bil!

    Grace is a cutie and growing up so fast!
    Maybe Arianna and her family can visit you some day, when you have your own place!

    Some how I got a flowered serving platter that was my Nana's.

    I tried to buy a turkey for the freezer bc they were on sale, but they were all gone!
    I like to smoke one on the grill every summer. Yum!
    All the neighbors around my neighborhood either walk or drive by to see who's making the neighborhood smell so good. Lol

    I love the thought for the day too!
    Have a happy one!xoxo

    1. Thanks J! I think Arianna and her family will probably visit her own family in Spain when they can. Travel is so expensive, especially when you have children. I would expect nothing else. I have never had smoked turkey. I guess people deep fry them as well. Must be delicious! xoxo


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