
Sunday 4 April 2021

I think, therefore I am . . .

"Thoughts mold your features. Thoughts lift your soul heavenward or drag you toward hell. … As nothing reveals character like the company we like and keep, so nothing foretells futurity like the thoughts over which we brood. … To have the approval of your conscience when you are alone with your thoughts is like being in the company of true and loving friends. To merit your own self-respect gives strength to character. Conscience is the link that binds your soul to the spirit of God." David O McKay


When you ponder it, every single action we have, begins first with a thought. Before we grab a cookie, or walk out the door, or tell that lie, or have that argument, or help that little old lady across the street . . . we first have the thought. 

The decision to do right or wrong happens right in our heads before we even do it. The thought may be inspired by good or by evil, but ultimately the choice of action is our own to make.  

Every action has a consequence. When we think good thoughts and do good things, good things come back to us. When we harbor bad thoughts and act on them, well I’m afraid not much good can come from that. 

We cannot help bad thoughts from coming into our minds from time to time. It’s only natural and human. We can stop ourselves from acting on them though, and we can choose to counter them with an equal and opposite good thought when we find ourselves thinking them. 

When I have a bad thought I try to think about or hum my favorite hymn for a few minutes and that usually  takes it away. Think about it . . . you’ll see that it’s true.

I think, therefore I am . . . 


Happy Easter!  He is risen!!

A fairly quiet day planned here today.  It would be different if there were some children about I expect.  Alas, just us oldies and we are still trying to shake the sleep from our eyes.  We had our Easter Dinner on Friday, and hot turkey sandwiches last night, so no idea what we will have for dinner today.  Something tasty no doubt.

I had gotten myself a Lindt bunny for Easter, along with one for Cindy and Dan, and of course, Eileen and Tim.  Mine is half gone now, lol   Yes, I sat in bed last night watching tv on the lap top and said to myself, I'm just going to nibble on his ears and before I knew it I was staring at his feet.  That's how it goes!

I can remember one year when I was a child I vowed to try to keep my Easter bunny for as long as I could.  I had a bookcase headboard on my bed with two doors on either side that slid closed.  I put it into there for safe keeping.  My Baker cousins came for the afternoon and we had a great time together.  After they left I thought I just might have a nibble and lo and behold when I went to get it out of its hiding place, all that was left was the empty wrapper.  Since then when I gets one, I eats it!

Our second Easter in lockdown/Covid, unable to get together with family or friends physically.  Lets hope its the last!  I am so very grateful that I have my little bubble here of Cindy, Dan and Dad.  I am not alone, thank goodness. God is good.

Have a beautiful day.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *.˛.Ships don't sink because 
of the water around them.
Ships sink because of
the water that gets in them.
Don't let what's happening
around you get inside you
and weigh you down.•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today . . .  Raspberry Jam Bars.  I made them for my dad.  He loves anything with jam in it.

Have a beautiful day.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Happy Easter!Glad you are with loved ones:)

    1. Thanks very much Monique! I wish you could be with yours too. ❤️

  2. Its just me and Hubby together and I am grateful to not be glad you have close kin to be with too...not just today but everyday!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Its nice not to be alone for sure! xoxo

  3. Counting our blessings, enjoy your day. xo, V

  4. I hope you had a Happy Easter Marie! I got to talk to my Mom for half an hour, so that made me happy! My parents go to sleep earlier now, so when I get everything done, their already getting ready for bed or in bed then! I can't go over bc I'm afraid to make them sick! So frustrating!
    Stay safe and healthy!xoxo


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