
Friday 5 March 2021

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things I find each week that pique my interest and inspire me to want to do, create, become, etc. Maybe they will also inspire you!  



How to tape your feet for Plantar Fasciitis.  This is what they did for me at physio when I had it really bad when I was working at the Manor.  It is no fun having to stand on your feet all day when you are in this much pain, but this works really well at helping to get you through it! 


You are going to want to save this.  Useful for all sorts.  Party favors (some day soon I hope!), small gifts, baked gifts, etc. 


From Lots of DIY.  So pretty, and they fold flat.   Simple. 


Fab Art DIY.   This is so adorable.  Can you imagine a whole basket of them?   If I was a squealer, I would squeal with delight. So cute! 


 Not free but adorable.  An instant download PDF for this sweet Scottie Dog Embroidery.  Country Garden on Etsy.  I love, LOVE it! 


Alexandra MacKenzie.  A Right ol Tea Cosy.  I love LOVE it!  You can get the Pattern Here. In her Etsy Shop. Must replace the one I made before. 


 Craftsy Blog.  How to draw a Bird's Nest and add colour.  Love this.  



 From Organise My House.  Sounds good to me. 


Crochet Bag Pattern.  From Ravelry.   Love this.  A free Pattern.  And its lined. Great! 


Goldfish in a bowl soap.  Melt and pour.  For kids!  From Soap Deli News Blog


All Cheap Crafts.  A whole wack of body scrubs that you can make yourself for less than a tenner. 


What a beautiful picnic basket.  It's decoupaged.  Paper Napkins and Mod Podge   . . .  and a picnic basket of course.  From Hometalk


I am in love with this little felt tote.  Isn't it adorable?  From  Zooz.  It's Japanese, and there are no instructions.  I just thought it could inspire the crafty to come up with something on their own. 


Through the Window.  Patchwork Slippers tutorial.  I love these.  They're so very pretty.   It's in Spanish, but there are complete pictures all the way through so it's not hard to figure out. 


These carrot Easter Treat Boxes are really cute.  From Ella Claire, a free printable.  So sweet! 


 These pompom yarn bunnies are so adorable.  I am in love.  From iKat Bag


For the kids.  DIY Daffodils.   This will keep them occupied for a while, and you could have a whole row of them dressing up your front window for Easter.  From Educants Blog


 From Mommy's Bundle.  St Patrick's Day Pretzel Pops.  These are so cute.  I would have loved these when I was a child! 


From Pamela's Blog. Broken Rib Tea Cosy. 


Counted Cross Stitch Irish Blessing.  I love it.  From 123Stitch


Building a Great Depression Era Pantry, with frugal recipes and tips.  From Pioneering Today.   A series of pod casts. 


Preparing for a disaster, Meals in Jars.  Chef Tess Bakeresse


Make your own Extracts.    I love this idea.  From AskayaPaatram.  Great blog!



Printable Journaling Tags.  From Sweet Life.   I love free printables. 

And that is my finds for this week!  I hope you found something useful here! 

Its snowing out there today and very cold. Glad that I don't have to go out in it!  My friend who lives in those bungalows of which I am going to get one called me last night and I asked her what they are like inside.  She thinks the one I may get has a galley kitchen with a pass through to the dining/living area.  Not so enamoured of that idea but it will grow on me.  Sounds dark. 😢 I want light.  Might have to do all my photography in the dining area.  Maybe she is wrong. My father's place is full of light.  I should be grateful just to have a place, I know. Hopefully it won't be long now!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛. Experience is a hard teacher.
She gives the test first and
the lesson afterwards.
~Vernon Sanders Law
•。★★ 。*  •。★★ 。*

In The English kitchen today  . . .  Blueberry Custard Pie. Two words. Bake it. Yum!

Have a wonderful Friday. I hope your day is filled with love and light.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi, Marie! Is it Friday again, already??!! Where did this week go?! LOL... Always love to see what you're serving up here on Fridays. The sock kittens are beyond! I wonder if our Luna would like one? Or a pom pom bunny?! ;) How cute is the Scottie dog embroidery...just like your sweet Mitzie. We are in a BIG decluttering phase right now. With a hopeful move next year, I would like us to be toting less with us to the next place! This Lent declutter list is helpful--thank you! I also like on the list of decluttering, things like regrets, negativity, etc.! Ooo...lovely that citrus extract--those are so easy to make, and great for lots! VERY exciting about your bungalow!! I hope it's the light, bright place you want/need! Blessings, dear friend ((LOVE & HUGS))

    1. Hi Tracy! I am sure Luna would love one! Decluttering is a great exercise to take and it feels so good when you see the mess/clutter gone! Thank you so much sweet friend. Love and hugs always and good luck on your impending move as well! xoxo

  2. Plantar Fasciitis - ouch! I've had it and it ain't fun! Lovely clever things to make. It may not be the kitchen of your dreams Marie, but it will be your kitchen. Stay warm and cozy. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. You are right Elaine. It feels like a hammer is pounding your heels as soon as you stand up. Having to work on your feet 8 or 9 hours a day with it was not fun at all! I love that it will be my kitchen. I will make it so! You stay warm and cosy also. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I have a galley kitchen, but there is a window at each end of it so there is plenty of light. Hope yours will too !

    1. I hope there is a window, but somehow I don't think so. The girl who was describing it to me said the sink was below the pass through into the dining room. Sounds a bit strange to me! xoxo

  4. You will find light! Wish you could see it but you will find light:)

    1. Thanks Monique! I like to think and hope that I will! xoxo

  5. You will bring light to the kitchen. The wondering will be over soon.

  6. Wow, tons of ideas today...some so cute like the sock kitty too!! Hope it all works out for housing soon. I am sure you are anxious to get to work on your own space soon!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks very much Elizabeth. I think I will buy some baby socks and stuffing and make me a basket of kitties, or maybe not. They would be cute though. xoxo

  7. It's coming up as related links and not the blog itself for making citrus extracts.
    I could never give up my cds or dvds!
    It's really hard to get rid of cookbooks or cooking mags, but I'm trying bc I have too many and I don't like clutter!
    Even though there in plastic containers and on book shelves. Lol

    Just remember Marie, that the bungalow is just short term. It's not your forever home!
    I'm sure your going to fix this place up cute and cozy!
    I see I wrote a comment 3 times in 3 different posts, but I don't see them. That's ok as long as u got to read them. I even emailed you once too.

    I'm saving for a better phone with lots more space on it, so just maybe it will work better!
    Very cold and nippy today! Brrr!
    Stay safe, healthy and warm! xoxo

    1. I hated having to give up my cds and music J. I had packed them, about 8 boxes of them, but in the end I couldn't afford to send them over, so my loss was hopefully someone else's gain. I did see your comments and thought I had responded, but did not get the e-mail? Not sure what's up with that! You stay safe, healthy and warm also! xoxo

    2. So sorry Marie that you had to leave everything behind!
      I would of asked some friends if they could of kept some things and have them sent over, when you got some money.

      Well you get to buy new favs for yourself and there's no clutter to deal with! So that's a good win!
      Stay safe, healthy and warm! xoxo

    3. I cannot complain. I was wanting to downsize for a long time. I call this experience the Ultimate Marie Kondo!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!