
Thursday 4 March 2021

My Favourite Things . . . 


 These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are your favourites too. It is a good to take your mind off things that are bringing you down and to dwell on the good more often than not. You can admire without wanting. What can I say, I like to look at pretty things!    

Pussy Willows  . . . 

Tea Cosies  . . . 

Ripe pears  . . . 

Coloured Easter Eggs  . . . 

Thread on wooden spools  . . . 

Pearly white buttons  . . . 

Glass door knobs  . . . 

My Whippies with chocolate flakes  . . . 

Finger Sandwiches  . . . . 

Bowls with feet  . . . 

Door knockers  . . . 

Japanese Parasols  . . . 

Ann Frank . . .  people who inspire by example  . . . 

Pretty little bags  . . . 

The Beatles  . . .  especially George . . . 

Fresh berries  . . . 

British robins  . . .  cheeky little chappies  . . . 

Blue willow  . . . . 

Red and white  . . . 

The music of James Taylor  . . . 

Vintage black and white illustration  . . . 

Stroop waffels . . . . 

Cheeky squirrels  . . . 

Flowers in pots  . . . 

Tree houses  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week.  Were some of them yours too?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

A satisfied life is better than
a successful life. Because our
success is measured by others,
but our satisfication is measured
by our own mind, heart, and soul.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Traditional Irish Soda Bread  . . .  simply delicious.

Have a wonderful Thursday. It is cool here today but brilliantly sunshiny!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Lots of pretties..are you watching the Great Canadian Baking Show? The cookies..:)

    1. Can you get it online? I will have to look for it! I love baking shows! I was so sorry to read about Linda this morning. I had not even known she was sick. :-( xoxo

    2. She kept it private.I think when things are long term..I for one prefer keeping it to me..:(She focused on positivity and fought ..and tried what she could.A valiant warrior who adored her family.

  2. Absolutely loved everything. Would love to make the acorn tea cozie. Beautiful little robin and cute squirrels. Enjoy your day, Marie. Very cold here. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I would love to make that tea cosy also Elaine! Maybe when I am settled. Very cold here as well dear friend! Love and hugs and stay warm! xoxo

  3. Pussy willows and robins are two of my favorites. They are a sure sign that Spring is coming !

    1. This is very true Pam! When you see either of those things you know Spring is not far off! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    Well, three of my favorite things today! When I was a junior in high school, I did my final paper on The Beatles! I have always loved them. I have also loved, James Taylor forever, I think I have every record he has have very good taste, my friend! And finally, soda bread. The most delicious, easy bread to make. I make it often, we love it.

    So many beautiful things to look at this morning! XOXOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Clearly we both have excellent taste in music Barb! Have a great weekend! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. That's interesting! I've never heard of British robins b4, I thought there was only robins!

    Very windy and cold today! I'll be glad when Spring is here too!

    I'm feeling a little bit crappy today again, so I guess I won't be doing much. I have to take care of my dog though and my daughter's dog. I've had heard for almost a yr now. I didn't want my grands to lose their dog so I kept her. It's hard to find a nice place that excepts dogs now. She's 6 yrs old.

    Stay safe, healthy and warm Marie! xoxo

    1. British Robins are much smaller J, only about the size of a junco I guess. So cute! Christmas Card robins! Sorry to read you are feeling poorly! I Hope you feel better soon! Dogs are great company. I would love a pet. xoxo


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