
Tuesday 12 January 2021

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, January 12, 2021

Outside my window ...
The sun is fully up. I am late getting started. I spent some time in my bedroom lost in Instagram. You know how it goes. Before you know it an hour has passed and you never meant to spend five minutes on it if that. The internet can be a great time waster if you let it.

I am thinking ... 
Yesterday I was told I was a wallowing narcissist who cares only for myself and who begs for money and gifts. A whiner, a whinger, demanding that other's save me. If this is what people really think about me,  then I need to re-evaluate why I blog. I actually had thought that by sharing  my experiences I might help someone else who was going through the same thing or something similar.  I actually had thought that sharing my feelings and thoughts about what I have been through might be a way of helping me heal, and in the process help others as well. I guess I am incredibly naive.

I am thankful for ...
My family and my faith. I am not sure exactly where I would be without either of these things, but I can tell you that I have lost the will to go on and to live several times through this whole process and were it not for cowardess and these two things I would not be here. I am grateful for a family that has always been there for me just as I have always been there for them. That's what family does. Family.  They love and they care. Forever and for always, no matter what. My family asked me to come here. Before all of the kaka even hit the fan, they wanted me to come here.  They wanted me to leave and to come home as soon as.  Because that is what family does. I did  not ever demand any help or even ask for it. Not ever. But I was very grateful for the offer. And the wallowing narcissist that I am accepted their help.

In the kitchen ...

Sharing my mom's favourite Coconut Cream Pie

On my "To Cook" list ... 

Hungarian Mushroom Soup, by Little Spice Jar. This looks yummy.

Good to know ... 


From Martha Stewart. I rmember learning most of these in school.

I am wanting to create ...

I've been working on these in my bedroom nights while I watch Neflix on the laptop. I brought them in my suitcase with me. I had already done the Christmas pudding one in the UK.  It was light and so I popped it into my suitcase at the last minute. I am glad that I did.  I only need to trim the shapes now and embroider around the edges, attach some hangers and away I go. I got the pattern here on Pretty Fabrics and Trims.   

I would really love to crochet some mushrooms. These with the beaded roots are really pretty, inspired by Super Awesome


I really love this cardigan. Love the length and the pockets. From Ravelry.  Not free, but not expensive either.  Downloadable PDF. 


Shabby Chic Cath Kidston knobs using paper napkins.  From Kaela Elliot. 


Cupcake coffee cup cosies.  So cute.  FromTwinkie Chan.

I am reading ... 


The Confession Club, by Elizabeth Berg 
In this uplifting novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Story of Arthur Truluv, good friends discover that the things we fear revealing to others can be the very things that bring us closer together. 
When a group of friends in Mason, Missouri, decide to start a monthly supper club, they get more than they bargained for. The plan for congenial evenings—talking, laughing, and sharing recipes, homemade food, and wine—abruptly changes course one night when one of the women reveals something startlingly intimate. The supper club then becomes Confession Club, and the women gather weekly to share not only dinners, but embarrassing misdeeds, deep insecurities, and long-held regrets. 
They invite Iris Winters and Maddy Harris to join, and their timing couldn't be better. Iris is conflicted about her feelings for a charming but troubled man, and Maddy has come back home from New York to escape a problem too big to handle alone. The club offers exactly the kind of support they need to help them make some difficult decisions. 
The Confession Club is charming, heartwarming, and inspiring. And as in the previous books that take place in Mason, readers will find friendship, community, and kindness on full display. 

I am really enjoying this!  I will hate it when I get to the end! I have always loved Elizabeth Berg's books. 

Dreaming About ... 


A Cottage in the woods  . . . 


Pink glass cake stands  . . . 


Shabby Chic cases  . . . 


Pretty bowls  . . . 


Cute little kitchens  . . . 

Something to watch ... 

The Judge, Netflix.  Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall

A Quote for the Day ...

 `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
                   ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
"I have had countless prayers answered. Not a day has gone by that I have not communicated with my Father in Heaven through prayer. It is a relationship I cherish—one I would literally be lost without."
~Thomas S Monson

I loved President Monson. 

Makes me smile ...

Window stars and tea towell curtains . . . 

One of my favourite things ... 


Tiny boxes filled with things  . . .  small vignettes . . . 

Corners of my kingdom ... 

Seen on the Port Hawkesbury hiking trail. 

A thought to carry with you ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

If you could see the 
size of the blessing coming,
you would understand the
magnitude of the battle
you are facing . . . •。★★ 。* 

And that's my daybook for this week  . . .  

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   


✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!   



  1. I can't believe people are saying such mean things:(
    How unkind and callous.
    Anyway to block such things?
    You don't strike people when they are down..even up..
    But Marie some people just like being mean.They do.
    We have all known some..I cleared mine out;)I hope you do too..Nasty nasty.Take care...

    1. Its always anonymous Monique. I could make it so I don't allow anonymous comments and that would solve the problem, but there are also annonymous readers like V and a few others who wouldn't be able to comment. So I have it so that I need to approve comments. That's where I catch it. The comment was quite vile and took my breath away. I found myself wondering was this what my sister thinks? My family? My friends? My readers? You know how it goes. You start to question everything and I am particularly vulnerabl at the moment I guess. Thank you. xoxo
      PS - It is easy to be mean if nobody knows who you are and will never find out.

  2. Oh dear Marie please do not listen to those people, they are nasty and mean. Your true followers love and care about you. You hang in there, take this one day at a time. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

    1. Thank you very much Bev. You are right. God is good all the time. This didn't come from God for sure. xoxo

  3. Good Grief, Marie...that is terrible!! I agree with Nana...clear them out!! You have to have a thick skin to have a blog I think (one reason I do not)...sorry...
    Sending hugs!! Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I think I have pretty thick skin Elizabeth, but every now and then someone will say something and it really hurts. As I said to Monique, I am pretty vulnerable at the moment. Thank you.xoxo

  4. Try not to be discouraged by hurtful comments (easier said than done, I know). This is the not so nice side of the Internet. But the good part is that you are connected to people in so many different parts of the world and they enjoy your comments and observations. Don't be discouraged you have many supporters out here and hopefully that knowledge will help lessen the sting of nasty comments.

    1. Thank you so very much Isobel. You are right. The internet can oftimes be a very nasty place and people don't always play fair. You and people like you are why I persist in blogging. I know there are far more kind people out there than nasty, but it does take your breath away when it happens. xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    The person who tried to discourage you and make you feel shameful must be a miserable human. I agree with everyone else, block them immediately! You have come a very long way, Marie, don't let a selfish, wicked person take that away from you. You are NOT a narcissist, nor are you selfish or wallowing, please do not listen to that. Enough said, we don't want to give that person anymore of our time...;0)

    Loved your daybook! I would love to see the little ornaments you are making when you are finished. Just imagine how beautiful they will be on your own little tree! The mushroom soup looks delightful, I love all things mushroom. Perfect for a cold winter day. The tree covered with shoes made me smile. Up in the hills near us, there is a fence that is covered with old boots. I have always wanted to take a photo of it!

    Your quotes are so perfect, I have never read anything Pres. Monson said without smiling, he's always right on. Have I ever told you that my grandparents went on a building mission to Canada, and Pres. Monson was their mission president?! I have a picture of him with Pres. Monson, I treasure it.

    Keep smiling, Marie, you are so loved! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thank you very much Barb! Wasn't President Monson such an inspirational man? I loved him so very much and he always made the heart glad. How wonderful that your Grandparents got to serve with him in Canada! What an experience that would have been! I would love to see the photograph! Love and hugs right back, xoxo

  6. So sorry for the mean comments. I can only see you as a thankful person and yes our family is always there for us. That picture of the country cottage caught my eye today. I'm definitely thinking Spring ! We so need some color and some warmth here.

    1. My sister's partner bought her some tulips today when he walked into town. (Car is still not working) They sure brightened the place up. Such a thoughtful thing for him to do. You are a source of positivity always. xoxo

  7. Marie, you are exponentially loved clear over to Alabama, USA!!! Hey - I think we had a bit of your sleet and snow yesterday - just incase you were looking for it! I have lived here in Northern Alabama for getting close to 27 years and have never seen any snow or ice - it is terribly cold and it was getting colder then boom ice and snow. I work for the City and usually when it gets cold there is ice on the streets especially on the bridges - and there was no ice yesterday! Oh well, we are all surviving none the less. Marie - you are greatly loved and I send bushel baskets of HUGS & want you to feel very very loved!!!! Love your friend Ruthanne

    1. Thank you so very much Ruthanne! I feel your love and send it right back. Your prayers have meant a lot to me over these past years and months.I guess where you live snow and ice would cause a lot of havoc! xoxo

  8. What’s wrong with people? Please ignore & block those unkind comments, easier said than done, I’m sure. I look forward to your words, thoughts, prayers, stories, recipes, photos and quotes. Have a lovely day and do not be discouraged. Most people are kind. Blessings on you and your readers, V

    1. Thank you very much V. I do believe that most people are kind. Your blessings on us all are so very welcome! Blessings and love right back. xoxo

  9. Marie, I read your blog every day. Block out those negative comments. Negative people are often going through something in their own lives and instead of dealing with it, lash out at other people. Please know in your heart that you DO make a difference. Keep on blogging.

    1. Thank you very much Paula. I do try to help people if I can and hope that I am! I guess you just cannot please everyone! xoxo

  10. I think Paula's right. People often attack when they are feeling sad and alone. You share with us but I' sure you don't share everthing. People should not judge! Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine. I try hard not to judge others myself if I can help it, but I am also not perfect. You are one of my sweetest dearest friends. Love you to bits. xoxo

  11. As a fellow victim in this situation. Reading your blog is the only time in the day i’m Processing my trauma. My life gets swamped and drowned by the horrible trauma of the father of my children leaving me And starting a new family with someone else as well as taking me to court to remove our last child from me. And the only time that I can acknowledge and not feel like I am completely and utterly going through this alone because everybody around me is so focused on the kids and covid there is zero time for me to process anything that happened to me in this situation and I’m meant to be recovering from court and engaging in therapy and finding ways to move on and I don’t know how. And the only comfort I have about this horrible ordeal is that I am not alone in this. Please don’t stop sharing your experience with this. That person who made that comment... I really wish they wouldn’t. All of this is traumatic enough for all parties except the perpetrator. Don’t leave me to deal with this alone please. K x

    1. K, my heart breaks for you each and every single day. I am sitting here with tears for what you are going through and have gone through. This despicable man has taken everything from both of us, but I hate, hate, HATE that did this to you. I loved and love you so much. When I was far away from my family and grandchildren, I thought of you as my granddaughter and I feel like I failed to protect you as I should have done, had I only known the POS that he was/is. I am so sorry that your trauma of all of this is compounded by your partner leaving you and trying to take away your sweet little girl. I truly hope and pray that you can fight him and win. ((((((hugs)))))) I am here for you anytime you want to talk to me. You know my e-mail address. I never want you to ever feel alone. Not ever. I love you. You are a beautiful daughter of God who never deserved any of this. xoxo

  12. Ignore them, ignore them!! Those kind of people make a career out of being nasty. You can be sure they have commented on other blogs in much the same way.I don’t know what they achieve but I do know they are very unhappy people. I think it’s affecting you more because you are fragile at the moment.

  13. The person who left this negative comment is not only mean-spirited and empty inside but also a coward for hiding their identity. An honorable person would own their comments. They DO NOT speak for me or know my feelings, and I'm confident they don't know me in any capacity at all. I don't know who this person is but I recognize their tone from other comments you have received in the past...this person has a negative opinion of you, yet has made it their mission to spend part of their days following you and your life, and are sometimes compelled to comment on it. Hate takes an emotional investment, as does envy. They must get something from it {shrugs}. Please don't let this person bring you down to their level of misery! You are wonderful! You are loved!

    1. Thank you so much Sis. I am so grateful for you and Dan and Dad. I think you are right about this person. Love you! xoxo

  14. Marie, I think some people just exist to make other people miserable. They live a miserable life themselves, so they feel they have to inflict their misery on someone else to try to drag them down to their level. Chin up! In no way possible are you a wallowing narcissist, how ridiculous for anyone to judge you thus. Know that you are loved each and every day and prayed for from Oklahoma USA. Raquel XO

    1. Thank you so much Raquel. Love and hugs, xoxo

  15. I am just reading this post now Marie and it saddens me terribly. You are none of the things they so cowardly accuse you of. You have been dealt a miserable hand and truthfully, I think you’re handling it admirably. I love reading your words and those who care for you are suffering along with you. Please know that trolls like that person are just sad, lonely and jealous individuals who believe their opinion counts, and that by hiding behind a keyboard somehow gives them power. Neither is true. We love you Marie, you matter to us as a community. You matter to me as my friend. Sending you my prayers for peace, my love for strength, and a huge hug just because you’re so gosh darn loveable! X


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!