
Wednesday 13 January 2021

Sometimes my mind wanders all over the place . . .

When I was a child, or even a much younger person,  I believed in a world that was filled with magic and good things.  It was a world far removed from the one that we find ourselves living in now.  My parents did a very good job of protecting me from feeling or seeing the evils that exist. To be honest, I was an adult before I even knew that there had been a Cuban Missile Crisis and I grew up with a father who had been in the Canadian Armed Forces! 

Oh, I knew all about not talking to strangers, and not taking candy from strangers because my parents had told me not to, but I didn't know exactly why I couldn't or shouldn't do those things. 

I knew nothing about the "Cold War." Oh we played a game at school which involved hiding under our desks, but I hadn't a clue why that was.  
I believed in and was encouraged to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I believed in God and Jesus and the Government.  I respected authority and I respected the rights and belief's of others.  That was what my parents taught me to do, and how they taught me to live.

Life itself taught me other lessons.  Out in the larger world I learned that people were not always kind or good.  I learned that Governments were not always to be trusted. I learned many things that were in deep contrast to what my parents had taught me and how they had taught me to behave and to believe, but thankfully the lessons they had taught me and the way they had taught me to live created for me a safe haven and a place that I could safely return to when I felt the need to. They had taught me how to make my home a castle and a sacred place that could be safe from the world. 

With every day that passes I see more and  more that we are living in a truly broken world, and this has nothing at all to do with the Corona Virus. People have a really screwed up vision of what is important and who is important.  People have become quite selfish and largely lacking in concern about how their actions might impact others. This is very evident in some people's unwillingness to stay at home when asked or even to wear a face mask for the greater good. (And yes that is about the Corona Virus.)  

I have lost my faith in politics and in polititians. I don't believe that most people go into politics as corrupt individuals, but I believe that power corrupts many individuals, especially those who are weak and lacking in standards and morals to begin with.  Where are the real leaders?

And the more I see that is happening in the outside world, the more I want to escape to my inside world where I have created a safe haven that can hopefully protect me from what's outside its protective shell. And even then I know that I am not truly safe.  At best all I can do is to protect my own values, and hope that is enough.  

But I do despair for the children of today.  I am dismayed when I see pre-teen girls pouting and posing in front of cameras, looking to validate themselves by relying for the most part on the opinions of others.  Who are turning their lives into popularity contests as if that is the only thing that truly matters. I am just as dismayed when I see young boys who validate themselves in much the same way.  Where are their heroes?  Who are their heroes? 
I am dismayed when I see parents using their children as beacons for popularity, riding into the future on the coat-tails of their cuteness or precociousness (sp).  The  modern day equivalent of the "Stage Mother" who wanted their child to be the next Shirley Temple. Stealing their childhoods away. And for what???

I grew up in a world where children wanted to become nurses and doctors and teachers and astronauts, etc. not vloggers and influencers.  We wanted success and happiness of course, but we believed that the best way we could get that was by working and training for it. I remember being taught that nothing worth having came easy or was simply handed to us. I like to think, to hope . . .  that I taught those same values to my own children.  
A lot of today's children just want to be . . .  rich and famous, and they don't care what for. To be on the Ellen Show.  To win $500 on American's funniest home videos, etc. 
Something is missing and it is deeply disturbing.

There are many things that I don't like in this world. I think it creates unhappy people with unrealistic expectations of what life actually owes them. People with an unrealistic sense of entitlement, being governed in many cases by people who are likewise minded and self-serving.

Oh that is not everyone I know. There are plenty who want to peacefully save the planet.  Plenty who still want to become teachers and nurses and doctors, who are truly interested in the greater good of mankind. Plenty of people who do good every day and who server others. My hope lies in them and I pray daily that their voices won't be drowned beneath the selfish voices of the others.

I blame the Kardashians.  And weak leadership. And too much cake.

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

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Once you figure out what
respect tastes like, 
it tastes better than attention.
~Pink•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Tomato and Rice Soup, small batch.  Its delicious. I love tomato soup of any kind!

I hope you have a beautiful day.  Thanks so much for all of your love and support.  You truly are angels on earth without wings. Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. I am appalled too at IG and people riding on cute kids coat tails:(I love looking at the cute kids until their attitude is developed.
    Selfies selfies selfies..I have I have I have..

    Oh well..
    It is a very different world..and oh my gosh how handy are these girls w/ make up? LOL
    If you think IG is an eye opener..try Tik Tok...

    1. I fear my post has been misunderstood by some Monique. I am sorry for that. I was actually referring to what I see daily on IG. I think children are cute too, but I hate to see their sweetness being taken advantage of by parents with ulterior motives, and I hate seeing young people prancing in front of their cameras with self affected pouts begging people for attention. It just all seems to be so very fake and artificial. It is a very different world and I think it can make people very unsatisfied with their own lives. I am a dinosaur I guess. I don't think I would like Tik Tok I don't think. xoxo

  2. I believe our homes are our safe havens and still believe in the magic of each day. Life is such a gift we have to live the best we can. I'm not ignorant, but can choose what I want to believe. I believe that good will overcome evil.

    1. I am with you in believing that good will ultimately overcome evil Pam. I just get so disappointed sometimes in the things I see going on. I am only voicing an opinion on what I see happening. I don't see everything in that way. xoxo

  3. So sad. No every child is like that. Some seek simple treasures and reap kindness and empathy. I pray you find hope again. Look for sadness and you’ll see it, seek out sunshine and you’ll see it as well. Such depressing posts. I’ve loved your blog since the manor and before and wish you the best, but the sad turn it’s taken is too negative, the tone is no longer for me. I shall miss your recipes but life is ever changing. My earnest wishes for your inner peace to return, may you find your former happiness in time. May God be with you.

    1. Sorry about that Jen. We are all different. Maybe its time to take down my shingle. I had seen this as a bit of therapy for me and had hoped it would help me to work through the devastation I have just been through. But Perhaps not. God be with you also. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    AMEN, Marie, well said!


    Hugs and Love,

    1. I was just voicing my dismay this morning over some of the things I had seen recently Barb. I love for older simpler times I guess, when people had simpler values and aspirations. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. There is the tendency of us humans, to bury our heads in the sand, ignore what we do not like and try to pretend we live in a totally perfect world. Well, not yet anyway...but it will come yes, and perhaps the darkness now means we are at the doorstep? Some think so. Hubby and I are so weary of the things going on...both public and personal. Yet, other than our prayers, there is little we can do. Sadly we live in a country fast destroying all free speech, which is the cornerstone (after GOD) of a free country. I always see hope in every single blog entry you make, Marie...but perhaps I am looking for it, in spite of the nastiness you have been served of late. Our daughter and kids nearby are living a very hard thing now...all because of a man. And all the support he gets from the courts, etc. But as we know, we are not alone either. Keep writing what is real, never can please everyone. For someone whose whole life has been ripped apart, I see you as an incredible survivor!! Hang in there, friend.
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth! I firmly believe in the power off prayer and in answered prayers. I don't always like the answers but I believe God's will will always prevail and in the Good will overcome the bad. This is the belief which brings us all hope and the peace that passeth understanding. You are right about not being able to please everyone. I wish I could. Love and hugs. Marie xoxo

  6. Please don't stop writing your blog, Marie. You have much to teach us and share with us as you journey to peace. You'll get there but it will take time. The world has certainly changed and each generation says the same thing. Bless you. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I won't stop Elaine. I hope that there is far more positivity on here than the opposite! On the whole I feel very positive, but like any human have down moments. Journaling about them helps to get me through them, and more often than not, the comments I get in return really do help me as well! Yes, I think that is a common complaint of every generation! Love, hugs and blessings to you always. xoxo

  7. I agree, Marie.....well said. xox, V

  8. Call me old fashioned, but I, too, dislike all the selfies and child promoting. I like living in my own little bubble and letting all the corruption and filth just flow out around me, off my back so to speak, like a duck. Much love to you Marie - XO

    1. I think it can often be a form of abuse Raquel, like that Honey Boo Boo (not sure if I got the name right) In my opinion that is child exploitation! There is a fine line and it is often crossed! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!