
Saturday 19 December 2020

Saturday this and that . . .


Yesterday was a very snowy day.  We woke up to a beautiful Winter Wonderland. We did not get as much snow as they did in some places like the Eastern side of the US, but we got a good six inches. It is supposed to warm up this coming week however so I doubt it will be here still some Christmas.  But at least I will have had snow before Christmas, which was a wish come true at any rate. 

I also saw my first Cardinal yesterday.  I had not seen one in many, many years and you never used to see them at all in Nova Scotia, so this was a first for me.  So beautiful. In England you get a Christmas Robin on the Christmas Cards, here you get the Cardinal. 

I did not get any photos because I didn't want to leave my position and get the camera for fear that I would miss out on watching him for as long as I could. Maybe next time. 

We did our Christmas Tourtiere yesterday.  We had made the filling the day before and yesterday did the pastry, put them together and baked them. I say we, but actually all I did was crimp the pastry and brush them with the egg wash.  We had one for supper last night, of course and the rest have been frozen for later on. We could not resist having one right away.  We are so naughty.

These were the traditional ground pork version. We ground our own pork for them.  They were charging $8.99 a pound for ready ground pork in the shops, but only $2.99 a pound for pork, so we just bought pork and ground it ourselves. And it was good pork too. At least we knew what was in it.

We will be making Lac St Jean Tourtiere between Christmas and New Years. Its my father's favourite. You soak three kinds of meat, along with potatoes and onion in a salt water brine over night and then the next morning you put it in a crust and bake it long and slow all day. Its delicious.  Traditionally they would have used venison, rabbit and pork, but we will use beef, chicken and pork. It will still taste delicious. 

I found myself thinking yesterday about what if Todd dies in prison and nobody tells me. Its quite conceivable that would happen. I mean they never ever, to this day, told me that he was sentenced to Prison, or for how long, etc. so why would they tell me something like that.  I guess to the British legal system/Prison service, I am nobody. And I know I shouldn't be worried about him, or even thinking about him, but this is a very difficult position for me to be in I suppose.  This was a man I spent 20 years of my life with and who I loved deeply.  I had no idea of who he really was and I am still having problems coming to terms with that. You just cannot shut off your feelings like a tap. 

I know I should probably hate him for what he did to everyone, for his betrayal, etc. but I was very happy with this man for 20 years . . . for the most part. Oh, we had problems from time to time. Everyone does.  And I struggled with some of his behaviour through the years, what wife doesn't. We all have our faults.  I just had no idea how bad his faults were . . .  blissfully unaware I guess. But I did love him very much, or at least who I thought he was.

I guess it will take a while for me to reconcile all of that in my head and my heart. Its early days yet I suppose. From time to time the sadness of it all just completely overwhelms me and the tears come and my heart breaks all over again. In time, hopefully that will stop.  

Yesterday just as my sister and Dan were going out, the UPS delivered a package for me. It was a gift from my son Anthony.  It wasn't wrapped of course, so I can be forgiven for knowing what it was ahead of Christmas. It was a lovely 8-inch Heinkel's Chef's knife.  Its a gorgeous knife. Now I can chop things again without being afraid I am going to cause myself a danger. Its a very nice knife and it was so thoughtful of him to send it to me.  I have some very good children.

I've been talking to Eileen on the telephone most days.  There is a girl that works in the Tim Hortons where she usually goes that has been a bit snarky with her and mean, so she is only going there now on the days this girl doesn't work. I don't know why people have to be mean to others. This girl and a few others were the reason Eileen quit her job at Tim Hortons.  She had worked there for over 20 years, but the intimidation got too bad. Its sad really that Eileen felt she had to quit, and now that she feels uncomfortable being there while this person is here. If she spends her money and buys a drink or something to eat, she has as much right being in there as anyone in my opinion. Maybe not for three hours, but still . . .  I know as her mother I am a bit biased.

I wish her father would let her get wifi at home. If I could afford it I would, but alas, I cannot, and beween the two of them they have enough money to get it for themselves. Her dad just won't allow it. I am sure he has his reasons. 

This is our Jake all reindeered up! As you can tell he is a spiderman fan as well.  His nose apparently looked redder in real life but looks orange in the photo.  It reminds me of a photo I had once upon a time of my children on Christmas Eve.  We had guests over (our friends Leona and Gary) and they (the children) were singing Rudolph for everyone. I had put red lipstick on their noses. They were so cute. It would have only been the older three children as Doug (Jake's dad) was just a baby/toddler then. Good times.

I always tried to make Christmas a special time for the children.  Lots of decorations, good food, treats, gifts, goodies. Christmas movies, music, etc.  I know that Anthony, Eileen and Doug have some lovely memories of those days, which does my heart good.

I sure wish I had photos of them through the years. Nevermind, I carry the photos and memories in my heart which is the safest place for them.  

Today we are going to hazard going out to the shops to pick up some groceries for my dad, and a few bits ourselves. I still have not gotten anything for my father for Christmas, nor Dan. I need to get some gift cards for Eileen and Tim as well, or maybe I will just give them some cash to do what they want with. I know, such a thoughtless gift, but this year I am lacking in inspiration altogether. We are having them over on Boxing Day for lunch. I will need to get some stuff for that. I haven't even thought about what we will have yet. Probably just finger food, although a part of me just wants to buy a frozen lasagna and have salad, but Tim wouldn't like that. He is a very fussy eater, so I will probably do a chacuterie tray of some sort and have potato chips, rolls, etc. Maybe my dad will let me put the stuff in his spare refrigerator out in his garage.  The one here at the house is quite full already. I think it bugs my BIL a bit. I feel like I am cluttering the house up with too much extra stuff.  Not that he has said anything to me, but you know  . . .  I grew up feeling guilty about stuff, why stop now! 

Oh, this is very exciting news. In the town I live there is a Railway Museum in the old train station. In the autumn, the CN built some rail tracks in anticipation of the arrival of a 115 year old vintage Steam Engine. It arrived yesterday. You can watch video of it being put in place here. Quite fascinating. 
It took a huge crane, etc.  Good times in the Maritimes!  This is a really big deal for such a small town and will be a great addition to the Railway Museum. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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The Lord sees weaknesses
different than rebellion,
When the Lord speaks of weakness,
it is always with mercy.
~Elder Richard G Scott° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ 

In The English Kitchen today, our 2020 Christmas Tourtiere.  Delicious! 

Have a great Saturday no matter what you get up to!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Your grandson is so cute!
    Shame on the people being mean to Eileen..

    Well..better a full fridge than an empty one:)♥
    I think of this every yr..ours is different this yr..we have more mini things..a mini ..we will have fondue Xmas eve..
    So different..
    I am sure I will see their faces..outside somewhere..
    A new vaccine Moderna was approved yesterday at last.

    I cannot comment re T..One thing though I find deplorable..we are not ones to sue..never and I could have and people told me to and I never did.

    Butit seems to should have some recourse as you entered into your life w/ him under false pretenses..gave up family and friends here for 20 yrs..and now are finding a new life..I feel he should be accountable.I did say I would say nothing..oh well I said it.
    You will have warm and loving holidays..I know:)

    1. I read about Moderna. I hope that we are all able to be safely vaccinated soon! I would sue but he has no money so what's the point. Nothing from nothing is nothing. He will have 7 1/2 years to think about what he did. I hope he thinks long and hard and I hope he makes the changes he needs to make. Love and hugs always, xoxo

  2. Hi Marie! On Boxing day, which here is just the day after Christmas, I'm going to attempt to do a proper English Tea party. Little sandwiches, a few scones, some cookies, fruitcake, poppyseed cake and quite possibly some custard tarts. Not sure what Hubs will think of it, but he'll like the sweets anyway. Such a nice gift from your son. Much love - Raquel XO

    1. It was a really nice gift. I am a lucky woman! I hink a proper English Tea sounds nice! Enjoy Raquel!! xoxo

  3. I’ve found where I comment must thing I’m an awful friend not to comment but I try really try but can never get the comment box up. But it’s here today. So it’s Saturday , we went with Peter as always driving to Chippenham to do a very little shopping....looking for a box to put my nieces present in, got a real good one for only a £1 in the pound shop what a bargain, also got a box of six Batenburgh cakes Mr Kipling for only 25p !! used by date 22nd. So plenty time to be eaten .....
    Your pie for tonight sounds great...enjoy.... it is only natural you will think of Todd especially at this time of the year, it’s really how many people will be feeling at the loss of their husbands due to Covid. You can’t just turn of the love switch after 20+ years. It will take a long time love. Let the tears flow if you can talk about it...if you feel you can’t write it all down all your feelings love and loathing, I’m sure it would help in the long term....I must go get my cheese and onion pies out of the oven before I smell burning LOL.....lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. That's a real bargain on those cakes Sybil. I love battenburg cakes! Thanks so much for your comment. Love you. Give my best to Peter and Mary. Hope your cheese and onion pies did not burn! Love, xoxo

  4. Glad you are having some fun times...even celebrating snow and cardinals are great experiences!! We used to live in the East Coast where they came to our yard all the time. They are perfect parents and have several sets of babies per year and are so fun to watch. I am sorry for the continuing grief in your heart...but if we love someone, I don't see a way out of that...other than going through it. Sending hugs.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I had never seen any cardinals in Eastern Canada before. I think they are new residents. Shows you how much milder the winters are becoming! You are right, no way out but through Elizabeth. No way out but through. xoxo

  5. It is sad that Eileen is being made to feel inwelcome at Tim Hortens. Is there a library nearby that has wifi she could use? Your tourtiere sounds delicious. I just bought the three meats I want to use in mine - pork, veal and beef. Despite what Todd did, you still have compassion for him, right or wrong. You will deal with all of this when you're ready. It's still so raw ight now. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I think the town library is closed with covid. There are always nasty people about. You will never change that I guess. Love you Elaine. Perhaps one day we will be able to meet in person. That is my hope! xoxo


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