
Sunday 20 December 2020

Home . . .


"In accordance with the kindly Badger’s injunctions, the two tired animals came down to breakfast very late next morning, and found a bright fire burning in the kitchen, and two young hedgehogs sitting on a bench at the table, eating oatmeal porridge out of wooden bowls. The hedgehogs dropped their spoons, rose to their feet, and ducked their heads respectfully as the two entered. 

“There, sit down, sit down,” said the Rat pleasantly, “and go on with your porridge. Where have you youngsters come from? Lost your way in the snow, I suppose?” 

~Kenneth Grahame » 'The Wind in the Willows.' 

Illustration: 'Warming up in Badger’s Kitchen' by Chris Dunn. 

Ahh home, is there anything more comforting than home? I think not.  I saw this excerpt from The Wind in the Willows and I fell in love with it.  I have never read the Wind in the Willows, but I am determined that in 2021 I am going to read it. I have the calm app on my iPad and every night I listen to an excerpt from the Wind in the Willows, but I never get past the first few lines before I am asleep, so I can't really tell you about it!

That's a good thing I guess because it means I have fallen asleep! 

Wind in the Willows Kitchen - Inga Moore 

Last night we played Cribbage. It was the first time I had played it in a very long time.  Over 20 years. My ex husband and I used to play it on Saturday nights with out friends Rick and Mabel many moons ago.  Then one year I got a board and some cards so T and I could play it, but I couldn't remember how to play it, so it just sat there collecting dust.  It did not take long for me to remember last night how to play it and I really enjoyed it. Its nice to have someone to do these things with. I am so very blessed, as I know many others have nobody and will have  nobody this year due to all of the restrictions.

I was reading online yesterday that Wales has been put under strict lockdown again.  They say this newest strain of the virus is more virulent than the previous one. Please be careful people. Stay safe. Please.

I know this will be a very sad Christmas for many people. People have had plans and they are not going to be able to realise them.  Many who would have otherwise been with family will be alone and that is sad. But I can't help thinking that it is only for this year.  If we all do what we are asked to do. It is only for this year.  And if we do the things we are asked to do this year, then just think how much better next Christmas will be. We can beat this if we all pull together.  

Illustration by Chris Dunn

We are all sick  and tired of all of the restrictions, etc.  I hate wearing  a mask. It fogs up my glasses and I sometimes find it hard to breathe at times, but I do it, because if I don't, I know that I put people at risk. Not so much myself, but others.  Wearing a mask and social distancing, washing your hands, sanitizing, etc. This is the best gift you can give others this Christmas. Doing what we've all been asked to do helps to protect the home and future of others, as well as ourselves.
In the meantime we need to dwell on our blessings. On the things we should be thankful for. On things we shouldn't, but often do take for granted. 

I am grateful for my little family bubble here. No, I won't be able to see my family which lives further afield this year, but the possibility of me seeing them next year is much greater than it was last year at this time.  
I have my faith and that sustains me.  After the year I have had, many would have given up.  I am not a quitter and much of that is due to my faith. My faith upbraids and sustains me.  I am so grateful to have this belief system and this faith that teaches me that though I may be going through a rough patch at the moment, it is not a forever rough patch and brighter days do lay ahead. 
And as bad as what happened may be, my Heavenly Father has still softened the blow for me. I was able to find Mitzie a good and loving home. My church cleared the house for me. I was able to travel and did so without catching the virus (which was a really huge fear!) I was able to flee to a family who loves me and wants the best for me.
 I have a place to rest my head and am surrounded by people who love me.  Love is not a small thing. Love is everything.  That is the greatest gift I have been given this year.  I am cared for  and am surrounded by people who love me, for always and forever, no matter what. I do not take that for granted. Not in the least.  I wish that everyone in the world was as equally blessed as I am. 

Illustration by Chris Dunn

If I could be granted one wish for the world (aside from getting rid of the virus) it would be that.  That everyone could be surrounded by people who love and care for them unconditionally. 

After lunch we are going to pop into own. Its my son in law Tim's birthday tomorrow and I want to drop off his card and their Christmas gift (socially distanced of course) and then we will drive down to the old train station to have a boo a that old train that was delivered. Should be interesting! I think so at any rate!

But now I need to get my skates on so I don't miss church (via YouTube). I already watched the UK church from my old Ward via Zoom at 6 am this morning. I love to have a double dose. It cheers my heart to no end.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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Home! That was what they meant, 
those caressing appeals, 
Those soft touches wafted through the air,
 those invisible little hands 
pulling and tugging, all one way.”
~Kenneth Grahame, Wind in the Willows 
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Old Dutch Caramel Corn. This is addictively delicious.  Easy to make and uses Popcorn Twists. No hulls or husks to get into your teeth!  Love LOVE.

Have a wonderful Sunday, this last one before Christmas. Stay safe and stay happy. Know you are loved. 

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And I do too!    


  1. You are right, Marie. It is no small thing to be loved. It is everything! Enjoy your visit with Eileen and Tim. I'm just off to make bacon and eggs. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Bacon and eggs sounds nice. My BIL had steak and eggs and homefries this morning. I have not had bacon and eggs in forever. I need to rectify that! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. There is truly no better place than home. So glad you are back among your family safe and sound.

  3. A retired NASA engineer guy I read online had some statistics to share recently...there is only a 17% transmission rate among people who live, when I was growing up, if the flu came, it did not usually leave until EVERYONE in the house had had it!! THAT is an encouraging statistic!! So keep doing all the things that build up the immune system (which even in holiday time would mean leaving the sugar alone so much as possible!!) Hope your week goes is such a relief that you were able to get there before entire lockdown!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Hi, Marie! Wonderful to catch up with you this week before festivities begin--at home, just us two! Home--it is a precious thing. I LOVED this post, Marie! Christmas is just different this year. And we are OK with that. There is soooo much to be thankful for. Choosing glass half full, over half empty. ;) After the year, and more, you've been through how glad I am that you are in a better place, that you can begin again. Here's to your new chapter! :) Bright Blessings to you & yours this holiday, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS))

  5. It is a different Christmas this year and I think it will be a memorable one to journal about. We won't see much of our family but we do have the miracle of Zoom. We plan a family moment tomorrow night and I hope most of my children will attend.
    We do have a lot to be thankful for and I hope that we are learning the lessons we need to from this past year of struggles.
    I do choose to have my glass full, rather than half empty.
    I love that that you have a daughter and son in law close; that is such a blessing. I know that good days are coming and you will soon get to see your children and grandchildren.
    Blessings and hugs for you!


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