
Monday 23 November 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .




"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   


I am ever so grateful for the many kindnesses of others.  I can never begin to repay people for all that they have done for me.  I am not sure I deserve any of it, but I am very grateful for all of it.  You have blessed my heart in unimaginable ways. Prayers, help, encouragement, etc.  I will forever be thankful for all of it. Thank you. thank you, thank you. You have made a very difficult transition so much easier. I know I have a ways to go, but you've helped to get me off to a good start, and I am grateful for that. I truly am. 

I don't know how I have coped being so far away from my family for as long as I have. I suppose I had somehow determined that it was just the way things were, and I had to learn to live with it.  God is good however, and now I find myself living near and with family, the one thing I had always longed for, for all of these years. I   know it is early days yet, and with Covid it is somewhat restricted as to just who and how I can see people, but it is not some distant dream any more. It is within my grasp and reality. I can do it. It will happen.  I will see all of my family at some point.  And that is a great blessing for me. No matter how it has come about.  Out of the ashes, rises the phoenix. This is the great silver lining of a dark cloud. 
Sunday Dinners with my loved ones close.  Sitting around the table with family.  Laughing together, loving together.  Just being together.  I have missed all of this and now it is mine again. I am so grateful for that. Eileen came over for dinner yesterday as Tim had to be at his parents overnight.  So there was Dad, Cindy, Dan, Eileen and myself. It was great! 

Being able to celebrate one of my children's birthdays in person. Its actually Doug's birthday today, but being able to celebrate it with him on Saturday was really like a dream come true for me.  And I am pretty sure it meant a lot to him too! 
I feel like I have only been existing all of these years.  Making do because that was how it had to be. With one corner of my heart longing always for something else that I didn't think would ever be mine.  And now . . .  it is mine. I will actually be able to "live" the rest of my life in a way that I know is going to bring me great joy, despite the sadness that brought it about.   And if I live two years or twenty years, they are going to be the best years ever. 

And part of the reason I know that, is because I know what it is to have been deprived of family, and it is not something I will ever take for granted. Not ever. I am truly blessed. 
I know this is not the end of my journey. It is the holding place in between what was and what will be.  It is still a very nice place to be and I am grateful for this experience.  For having a place to come home to.  I am grateful for this time I will have to heal and to gather my thoughts before I move into a more permanent situation. I could not do this without the love of my sister and her husband Dan. I hope I won't wear out my welcome, and I hope that they always know how very grateful I am for them and their support. 
This view. I took this photo yesterday with my iPad.  It turned out surprisingly well! 

Blue, blue skies. Not a cloud in sight.  Home Sweet Home. Missing my mom, but I know I am where I am supposed to be. That visit is still to come. It will be bittersweet, but will also give some closure. 
This is very true.  Its a shame we have to experience painful endings to be able to actually recognise this truth, but its all a part of life.  
Crunchy Cheetos!  My sister had put a bag of these into my hotel room.  They are one of my favourite things.  It was just a small bag, but yes . . .  I did eat them. Naughty me. 
I have cried many tears over these past weeks, but thankfully there has also been a full measure of this. Laughter in abundance.  I am so greatful for that. Laughter. It is truly a healing balm. 
I have so many blessings in my life. Much to be grateful for.  Life is very good.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Hate. It has caused a
lot of problems in this world.
But it hasn't solved one yet.
~Maya Angelou •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today.  Goulash.  This is the recipe Doug and I cooked together on Saturday.  Its brown food.  Brown food never photographs well. I am greatful for the memory!  And trust me when I say it truly is delicious. 

Happy Birthday to Doug!
His last year in the thirty's.
Next year the big Four Oh!
I hope he has a beautiful day! 

I hope that you have a beautiful day also!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. That Patsy:) I have no idea how you did it for 20 yrs..I guess we just fall into life..and life goes on..
    This is so much better IMHO.
    What a great life you have ahead of you:)Very happy for you.

    1. You do it because you trust and love the person you are with! I am determined that the rest of my life will make up for it! ❤️

  2. That had to have been the best celebration ever celebrating your son's birthday in person. After all theses years apart it has to be wonderful being with your family. They are the best thing ever!

    1. It really was a special day Pam. Today PEI left the Atlantic Bubble. So his trip was well timed. He would not have been able to travel here now. I am grateful for his recognising the possibility of that happening ahead of time!

  3. Bless your family for coming together for you!! Hope the future will be easier for you than the past has been!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I was not unhappy, but my joy was based on something false.❤️

  4. I feel relieved for you, like that great big old cloud over your head is gone!
    You can do anything your heart desires and there's no-one to stop you now!
    You will and are going to have a much happier life now Marie bc your home and close to your family! Yay!
    See, miracles do come true!

    1. The future is my oyster J! I do love my family so very much. Xo

    2. I know you missed and love your family so very much Marie bc I could tell just by reading your blog.
      It made me feel so sad for you that I would pray that you would be happy some day again. Now your reunited with your family again! So I'm bursting with joy for you bc now everything will start getting better for you! Xo Jan

    3. I so appreciate your prayers Jan and it is lovely to think that some of them have already been answered! It pretty exciting to think of what the future will hold! ❤️

  5. I have read your blog for years and I knew you missed your family but had no idea you were so very unhappy for so long. So sad.

    1. I was making the best of my situation. I had not planned on being over here permanently when I moved over. It was only ever supposed to be for two years and then we were both going to come back to Canada. What I didn’t know, what had been kept from me was that my husband had a criminal record and would Never be able to immigrate. When I discovered this my heart was broken, but I was determined to make the best of things. I always missed my family terribly, but I also loved my husband. I didn’t want my marriage to fail. I am not saying I had an unhappy life. I experienced lots of happiness but there was always the missing of my family to deal with. Many of us settle, but can still be happy. The sad part for me is that it was all based on someone else’s choice to deceive me from the beginning. I’m afraid that does colour all the joy filled moments I did have, at least the ones spent with him. The feelings, the grief, the anguish, the pain that I am having to deal with now I would not wish on my worst enemy.

  6. Oh Marie, my heart breaks for you. I hope there is so much joy ahead for you now, you certainly deserve it! Thank you for replying. Xx

    1. Thank you Charlie. Some lives hold more rain than others, but it does no good to wallow in it. We learn to make the most of what we’re given or there would be no joy at all. 🌻🌻🌻

  7. Happy Birthday to that son of yours! I love that you could celebrate with him. What a blessing that was.
    I do love your grateful heart and I am happy that you have received the help you needed. I love that you could go home and feel cherished and loved.
    I know that your life is going to be blessed with love, laughter and so much more. One thing I have learned is that after the trial of your faith comes the blessings and they will come.
    Have a wonderful time with your family and enjoy all the precious moments. Continue to journal on here all of these special times.
    Blessing and hugs!


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