
Sunday 22 November 2020

Sunday This and That . . .


I've had a pretty busy couple of days, settling in and getting sorted.  Its been so nice to be back in the bosom of my family.  I will be forever grateful for my sister having given me a place to come home to.  There is a huge part of me that is ashamed and embarassed that once again, I have found myself in the position of having to rely upon my family to pick me back up again. You would think that at the age of 65 I would have finally gotten things right, but nope . . .  there I go again. Messing life up. Perhaps these next/last years of my life I will have the opportunity to show people that I can do some things right. We shall see! 

This is Jazzy.  A couple of months ago my sister and big Dan found this kitten hiding in the bushes in their yard.  They brought it in with the idea in  mind that on the Monday (It was the weekend) Cindy would take it to the rescue centre.  Now anyone could have foretold the end of that story. Several months later and Jazzy is a fast and firm member of the family. 
She is the tiniest, cutest little thing.  At first she was quite shy of me and wouldn't come near, but I noticed that yesterday she had warmed up quite a bit to me. So much so that I got a decent photograph of her.   She has the cutest hairs that stick out from the side of her head just like a cartoon cat. I tried and tried to get a photograph of them so you could see them, but to no avail. 
This is the closest we got, but it looks like my sister is strangling her. I promise you she is not! lol  she's an adorable kitten wih lots of life.  She is keeping the older cats on their toes. 

That's my mother's cat Pumpin sharign her patch of light, or trying to at any rate!  So cute. 

Look what sweet Val from Pretty Little Rough Patches sent to me. She also sent me a Gooseberry Patch Book and some toiletries, but this sweet stuffed Cocker Spaniel has just captured my heart, and I needed to share her with you.  Yes, I have decided this is a girl. My girl. I have not named her yet but I will.  Val was such a dear to send me this beautiful reminder of my beloved Mitzie. Thank you so very much Val.
Oh, I just decided on a name. Patsy.  I will call her Patsy, named after the Cocker Spaniel my grandparents used to have. Mom told me a story about how when we were living with my grandparents after having come back to Canada from Germany in 1959, I had been a bit of a nuisance to everyone and been shooed outside.  A little while later she saw me sitting on the Veranda cuddling the family dog, saying, "You still love me Patsy, you still love me"  

What better name for a sweet token of love.  
And by all means she is not the only token I have received.  People have been so very kind to me.  It brings me to my knees.  I am not sure what I ever did to receive any of these kindnesses, but I am so very grateful for them. I will be getting some thankyou cards and sending them out.  You probably won't get a Christmas card from me this year unless I really get my skates on! 

Three Generations

So this happened yesterday!  Three generations.  Doug, Jon and my father! My father was so happy to see them.  I think as happy as I was!  I just love this photo because it shouts happy happy to me!  It was so nice to see my Doug again and Jon. Jon was only about 6 or 7 years old the last time I saw him. He is a young man now.  All grown up . Old enough to be able to keep his father company coming over to see me.  That really did my heart good! 

They treated me to lunch at the Big Scoop in town.  Guess what I had?   

If you know my family or I at all, this will come as no surprise.  Fish and Chips!!! And it was lovely. I realy enjoyed it, but I couldn't eat all the chips. Mmmm . . .  hand cut homemade chips and the haddock was beautiful.  AND good coleslaw!  I never liked the coleslaw in the UK. It was always far too gloopy  I was really torn between having this or the poutine, but this won out, because, well . . .  I am a Villeneuve and old habits die hard! Fish and Chips has always been our eating out dinner of choice. 
We cooked together, cooking one of Doug's all time favourite recipes of mine. It is goulash but I always called it Monkey in the Middle, because it was a way to get my children to eat meat. I would put some rice on their plates, a spoonful of goulash in the middle and a ring of vegetables around the outside and called it Monkey in the Middle.  For years he had been telling me, no matter how many times he made it, it was never like mine. Yesterday we discovered he had been making my Swiss Steak, lol, not the MINTM.  Lesson learned!  We had fun cooking together and it was great! And now he knows how to really make it. He said it was exactly as he had remembered it. 

There was some guitar playing.  He is really good, but I don't think he thinks he is.  It was so nice to hear in play in person.   

And then after dinner there was this.  Tomorrow is Doug's 39th birthday. So we had to have a Birthday Cake!  Absolutely.  And we sang Happy Birthday.  Just a year and a half ago, he had his heart attack.  I am so grateful for modern medicine and that he survived it, and I am so grateful for this sweet son of mine who has been so good at staying in touch with me and showing me how much he loves me.  For his having established a relationship with myself and his boys. It means the world to me. 
For my sister and Dan (Hi Dan hiding behind Doug), and a son who made an extra special effort to come over from the Island and spend some time with me before lockdown lands us all back in it again!  

Family and the love of family.
That's what its all about.
A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Don't be afraid,
just believe.
~Dieter F Uchtdorf  •。★★ 。* 。 
There is nothing new in the kitchen today, tomorrow . . . 

Have a wonderful Sunday.  Doug will be stopping by a bit later this morning to say goodbye and then Eileen is coming for supper later on!  Don't forget whatever! 

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And I do too!



  1. Hi Marie,

    So wonderful to see you settling in with your lovely family, I love that photo of your son and his son and your dad. Family is everything!
    Was just wondering if we could see a photo of you too? That would be so nice to see a pic of you and your dad and your sis. Have a great day

    1. Thank you! I have always hated having my picture taken! ❤️

  2. Such a lovely visit, and generational photos are amazing keepsakes. Cooking together makes fantastic memories. At least if you have to go into lockdown again it will be with family, and you will be able to create more lockdown meals.

  3. This makes me soooo happy! xo,V

  4. Let me start with that Val💕I mean....come on .She is so caring!
    You were right to share with us,She is an unsung hero.
    In many ways.
    And a gifted writer like you.
    Ok then OMGee look at all the love around you.
    Says it all.

    Happy for you.
    These are the first days of the rest of your life.They look good to me🙂

    1. She really is! A real treasure! I was very surprised! I wish I had her mailing address! Xoxo

  5. Oh, Marie. Lovely to hear your happiness coming through loud and clear. Wonderful to see the pictures of a happy family celebrating a birthday. I bet you csn't wait to see Eileen. We're going into lockdown tomorrow for 28 days. No personal in-store Christmas shopping, I'm afraid. It's a cold, icey, snowy day here. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. It’s going to be a very different Christmas for us all this year. I don’t think lockdown will be far behind here. Love and hugs. Xoxo

  6. The happiness flows from the photos! Love that you're with your family, just beautiful! And the gift from Val - perfect, exactly right. Love the little Jazzy (and Pumpkin)too.

  7. So lovely to see photos of your kin and having a good time together!! Glad all is going well!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  8. Hi Marie~

    Oh my goodness, I just loved this post! Nothing warms your heart more than family, and yours is beautiful! I think it's wonderful that you are getting to experience all the things you have missed for so long, it just makes me so happy!

    What an adorable kitten! And the cute little "Patsy", how very special, what a dear friend. You are very blessed! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! I am happy your computer has been sorted! I am very blessed! Xoxo

  9. Hi, Marie! Happy tears here... so HAPPY for your that your with your family! That pic of Dough, Jon and your dad, and knowing you were there with them--WOW! So you're having this happy reunion time! (How sweet the kitties, and Patsy-pup!) You musn't be so hard on yourself. I think ALL of life--from the first breath to the last--we are learning, still learning how to do this life every breath of the way. Sometimes we stumble of our own accord. Sometimes other people make things harder for us, and that we can't control that. You've done good. And you're being VERY brave right now. A whole new chapter awaits you... and you're home, with family--a good place to start. BLESSINGS, my friend! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks very much Tracy! You are a sweet dear friend. Xoxo

  10. See - all sorts of new memories already! Looks like a brilliant start to this new chapter. Onwards and upwards from here! XO

  11. This post made me smile, a lot. I loved all the photos of your celebration with Doug for his birthday and for just being there with you. The three generation photo was awesome! I'm most excited for your moments with your grandchildren. I loved the photo of the birthday cake, your sister and Dan behind.
    You will have wonderful moments of pure joy ahead of you; I can feel that! You will make great memories that will overshadow the hard ones.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!


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