
Saturday 7 November 2020

I'm Here!!

Just a quick update to let you know I arrived safe and sound in Nova Scotia. I guess I got here to my hotel room about 11 pm Nova Scotia time, which was 3 am UK time.  So a very long day. (5 am Chester time begin.) I will take me a few days to get myself sorted out timewise (obviously) but everything is plugged in and working.

BIG DUH - I don't have anything to shampoo my hair with, no toothbrush and no toothpaste.  How could I have forgotten those things!

They were brilliant at Heathrow pampered me every step of the way. I got rides everywhere.  Safely onto the plane.  Not so brilliant in Montreal, but I will talk more about that later. BRILLIANT in Halifax.  If I was a younger woman I would have gotten down on the ground and kissed it.

I am so very grateful for all of your support,  happy thoughts and prayers. I have felt them. They have carried me. What a great blessing to me.
One final thing, that was so beautiful. I just have to share it with you. 
Early evening on the night before I left, I was waving goodbye to Tina and Tony and looked up in the sky. There in front of me was a beautiful flock of Canadian Geese, in formation, flying south for the Winter. You know how much I love to see that.  

I had the most powerful feeling that this was an affirmation from my Heavenly Father that I was doing the right thing and that He was with me every step of the way.  I knew everything would go smooth and now here I am sitting on the precipace of my new life and ready to move forward.  Well for the most part anyways. I have a lot of issues to work through, but I think that with the help and love of my family, I will absolutely get there. 

Signing out for now and going back to bed for a nap. (Yay I just heard  bluejay!)  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!  



  1. HALLELUJAH... Welcome home sweet HOME Marie <3

  2. Welcome back to Canada Marie

  3. Such happy news, Marie. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. That darn jet lag but a small price to pay for being home on Canadian soil. Sleep peacefully. You did it! You're home! Hugs and love, Elaine

  4. Welcome home Marie, I am so very happy for you. One day at a time my dear. Many hugs and prayers. GOD bless you.

  5. Oh no! Montreal? My beautiful Montreal?Happy you are there..and look at the welcome!

  6. Great news. Get some rest and I'm so happy you are safe and sound.

  7. THE GEESE led the way for you!!
    I loVe that part of your story today—Yes, you were right about the "sign" they were giving you. The affirmation that our Lord and all your angels and ancestors were trying to get your attention to say, Go girL, we've got you!
    And you noticed. You Looked up!
    I have always admired that about you--yes, you always seem to look up!
    To find the message, the meaning, the love, the hand of God.

    I wish I could move to Nova Scotia with you, but alas, I have a strong feeling you will eventually settle in and keep writing; so yes I guess I am moving to Nova Scotia with you. All of us are!
    So here comes winter and ginger ale, ice skating and fresh fish!

    101 virtual hugs and high fives!
    love from Oregon
    Teri Byrne

  8. There is just no place like home for comfort. I'm sure you'll get all sorted out soon. So glad you had a good trip and are safely there. Now your new journey can begin!

  9. Wonderful! I just took a peek on the blog, not expecting to hear from you and so happy to see your post! Yes, the geese were a sign for sure. Rest,please and know how happy we all are that you are home!

  10. So glad you arrived safely Marie. Those Canada Geese were certainly a sign that you headed in the right direction.

  11. Wonderful news, so happy for you! V

  12. Hi Marie!

    I was so happy to see your post and to know that you made it home safe and sound...I know that you will be so happy with your family close to you! I can hardly wait to be with you on this new journey! Take a deep breath, get some much needed rest and know that you are loved. XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

  13. Happy tears, Marie! Welcome home, So glad to know you arrived safely, and that your travels went mostly well. Hope you can get some rest now some big steps have been taken. Hope all goes OK while you’re in your hotel, and look forward to reuniting your family! And what a most beautiful gift before you left—the Canadian Geese... a loving affirmation indeed! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  14. Welcome back to Nova Scotia. The sun came out for your first Saturday home. Wishing you strength for each step forward. Some steps will be inches, others will be a big stretch, but your circle of family and friends around the world will have your back.

  15. Yay you made it. Onward and upward now. Your new life begins. Try to remember only the good times of the last twenty years. It was you who made them special and now you are ready make great memories in your future. Angharad

  16. Dear Marie, I have followed you and your content for years, ever since the Zaar days. Back then, I was struggling to keep up with my husband's health issues and you were a beautiful light in a dark place. We may never meet in person but I will always consider you a friend. My heart beaks for you and what you have been through, but know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin this new and exciting chapter in your life. It's so wonderful that you have so much love and support from your family and a strong relationship in with the Lord. I can't wait to hear about your adventures in NS Be blessed 💐

  17. OH SO GLAD you arrived safely, Marie!! I have been praying for that...and what a nice thing the flowers and note for you there too!! Sweet family!! I pray all will go well for you there. I think you have done THE ONLY thing you could do, in going back to Nova Scotia...yea, I am with the other commentor...wish I could move there too!! I think with all that is happening in this crazy country, some who can, will be leaving. Glad you are safe!!
    Love and many hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  18. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  19. I was so happy to hear that you had arrived safely on Facebook. I love the story of seeing the birds; I too feel that was a message from Heaven for you. May this new life be a wonderful one that you will continue to share with us all.
    With love and hugs!


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