
Thursday 5 November 2020

God loves you, and I do too . . .


The velveteen rabbit is one of my favourite stories. I have only just discovered it since becoming a full-fledged velveteen rabbit myself, with hair which has been loved off, loose joints and more than a morsel of shabbiness about me.  I guess I am pretty real.  The thought of that makes me smile.

Real comes from growth. Not growth of the physical kind (although there has been plenty of that to be sure, and mostly from around and not up!) but growth of the spiritual and emotional kind. 

Growth generally comes from having all of your edges knocked off. What doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.   I am at the point now where I think I am quite strong enough thank you very much. I can't get much more real. I would like to stop growing for a while and be able to catch my breath. 

This is my last day here and I have a bazillion things to do. I did fall asleep last night about midnight and slept pretty much through to 5 am today, so that was good.  I guess I am just having a hard time stopping things from mulling around in my mind.

Yesterday I had Amy and Josh (Tina's grandson and wife) here helping me to sort things even more. Amy took photos of things and she is going to try to sell what she can for me. Josh took me to carphone warehouse to help me sort my phone. We discovered they no longer support my mobile provider, so I had to come home and sort it on the phone.   

Everything is so complicated.  I wanted to do the right thing and pay out my contract. They wouldn't let me. I had to set up a new direct debit on  my new account, so that they can continue to take out the money over the next ten months.  I tried.  This was my first experience with people not wanting to take money from you when you are trying to give it to them.

I cancelled all of the direct debits on the joint account.  I couldn't cancel the utilities over the phone. They want to talk to the account holder.  Sorry folks. He's not here.  No can do. 

My next door neighbor came and sat with me for a while. I think that was the first time we have ever done that.  She also managed to get the remainder of my prescriptions for me. when you need something doing, send in a Brit with plenty of fire.  They get things done. And quickly.

Tina came and sat for a while.  I have been so blessed to have this woman as my friend over these past years, and in ways I could never have imagined. God is indeed very good. He puts people in right places before you even know you will need them there. He knows the end from the beginning. He is the ultimate chess player. 

I spoke to all three of my older children, and three of my grandsons, who are very excited for me to come home. I told them be prepared to bake! (when the time comes)

The Prison Chaplain finally called me, about 3 PM.  It took a day and a half after his sentencing for anyone to contact me and even then he did not tell me much of anything. All he could do was give me a contact address. I finally had to call the actual court to find out anything for sure.  And they were very rude to be honest. Totally lacking in compassion.  What is wrong with people today? 

Last evening sweet Ariana came over, on her own, without Grace and we had a long chat and a boo hoo about things.  This is my daughter away from home. She will always be in my heart. 

So today I need to finish packing my suitcases.  I need to say my last goodbyes.  I need to get some money changed to Canadian money. I need to pack some clothes for Todd into a box so that when and if he ever gets out, he has something to wear. I need to tie up all the loose ends and then just be ready to go.

Please pray that I will be able to travel in health and safety until I get to my end destination. I know that you will. I have felt your prayers and support all along. They have held me aloft and I know they go with me and I am MOST appreciative of each and every one.  And keep clicking on The English Kitchen, even if there is nothing new there for a week or two.  Please, please, please. Just spend a minute or two there, scrolling.   That is what will help keep me going until I can get my pension in place, and who knows how long that will take. It could be six months. 
I hope I get back pay.

Here's to the journey ahead.  As always I know it will be hard.  The things in life which have the most meaning to us often come at a high price and with lots of work involved. I have never been a quitter or a person to just lay down and say die. I might have the odd wobble and I may shed a few tears along the way, but I never say die. What's the worst that can happen?  
Well, if it does, I will be in a far better place.  Either way I will be in a far better place than where I am now. This is a journey that is well worth the risk.

And so I will say adieu for today.  I will catch you on the flip side from Motel Quarantine in the heart of the valley situated on one of the jewels of the Maritimes.  God be with you and with me.  I love you all so much and am so appreciative of each and every one of you.  Bless you. Bless you. Bless you.  

A thought to carry with you  . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Boats don't sink because
of the water around them,
they sink because of the
water that gets in them.
~unknown•。★★ 。* 。 

Sharing today an oldie from my kitchen.  Braised Sausages with Apple Gravy.  Delicious!

I will catch you on the flip side.  Have a great day and don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. Bless those ladies and gents there who are doing what they can to help you Marie...may they be eternally blessed. I am wishing you all the are a very brave woman!! I have been facing some hard places here, but not like you have of late!! Somehow GOD will have to hold us together!!
    much love and hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  2. I can’t believe this is how your life in Britain and the marriage you cherished is going to end. You deserve none of this. We’re all praying for you. See you again in your homeland. Angharad

  3. Safe journey my dear friend, you are heading for a better place with love and family. Today is the first day of your new life. Thank you so much for being here all these years and inspiring me to try and be a better person. Look forward to catching up again from the other side of the water. Stay safe and much love xxxx ♥️♥️

  4. Dear Marie! So glad you've had some help there through the years, and especially these recent weeks, and not least this week. I admire you courage! So hope all goes well this last day with so much to do. Wishing you safe travels, and keeping well. Wishing you much healing and happiness in this new chapter of life you're embarking on! LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  5. God bless you Marie and may He be every step of the way with you on this journey today. I wish you a safe travel and may the days of quarantine go by very quickly so that your long awaited reunion will be just as joyful as you imagine.
    Prayers for Todd, it is not an easy thing to be committed at his age and I am sure that this man is completely broken, he is a human after all.
    God's strength you to you today

  6. Marie, I am praying for you. For health and wealth and for good times to come your way. For strength when you wobble. For you to know that there are good people in the world who love you so much, even if it is from afar. So thankful that you have the people in your life that you do to help you. Know that if I were close, I would help all I could. (((((Hugzzzzzzzzzzzz))))) Love you! Raquel xo

  7. Travel safe my dear Marie, PRAYERS will continue. Lots of hugs.

  8. Safe journey!And you will!!!
    Admirable in every way.welcome home.
    You made me sad and you made me smile..Hotel Quarantine.
    Always a way with wordsx

  9. Marie, you have risen above reality magnificently and you are homeward bound to the land of your birth. May your heart be joyful and your feet have wings. God bless and Godspeed. Stay safe. Love and hugs, Elaine

  10. Safe travels and Gods be with you. May you find some peace back at home in Canada.

  11. Safe travels Marie ... and welcome home 🇨🇦.
    As onerous as the two week quarantine will be, it will give you some downtime (after such a busy and stressful time) to begin the healing process.
    Sending hugs ... I'll be thinking of you. xoxo

  12. Sweet Marie~

    I pray that as you travel you will be kept safe, that you will find peace, love and happiness when you finally arrive in the land of your roots! Saying goodbye is are so loved! I will be eagerly looking forward to your next post, and hearing all about your journey!

    God speed sweet friend! See you on the flippity-flop! XOXO

    Love you Tons!


  13. Prayers for a safe and happy journey. enjoy being together with you family once more. It's always nice to go back home again.

  14. Prayers for a safe journey and peace.

  15. Oh Marie! You’ve got this! Bestest wishes and lots of prayers coming your way. Deep breaths, baby steps. God bless you. V

  16. I've never really posted comments before but I read your blog quite often. I wanted to wish you safe travels and let you know your posts always gave me a bit of happiness, with the food and crafting pictures. I'm sorry about the hardships that have happened to you. And I hope to read your blog again when you get settled.

  17. Prayers for safe travel, dear Marie...and for God’s peace and comfort to accompany you. ❌⭕️

  18. My dearest friend, we have been friends actually for quite a while. I am such a fan on your writing, artwork and etc. You have inspired me and I have learned a lot from you. I know that your faith in the Savior will carry you through the adjustments ahead. I suspect that they will be wonderful since you will be home with family.
    I read through and got updated on the posts I have missed. I'm sad for all that you have gone through. I want you to know that I sincerely pray for you to have a safe trip and a happy reunion with your precious family. I can't imagine how fantastic it will be to be with your grandchildren.
    I know the heartache of leaving good friends and I'm so happy that they have surrounded you and helped you get through the struggles and prepare for the trip. I do know you are a strong sister with a wonderful testimony of the gospel. I know that the Savior is there to walk beside and get you through this all.
    Just know you will be in my prayers and I will look forward to reading about your new life and experiences.
    With love and hugs!

  19. Love and Prayers for a safe and swift journey dear Marie.

    We'll all be here waiting to welcome you on the flipside... home sweet home, at last <3

  20. Prayers for safe and swift travels dear Marie. Your friends will all be here waiting to welcome you home...sweet home.

  21. Prayers for safe and swift travels dear Marie. Your friends will all be here waiting to welcome you home.

    Home sweet home, at long last <3

  22. It should be near supper time on your coast so I am hopeful you have arrived and are safely in your hotel!!
    love and prayers, Elizabeth xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!