
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Yada Yada Yada . . .

True Confession here  . . .  I love watching the odd show like Real Housewives.   I have never watched a whole series of them, but I started watching the Real Housewives of NYC this past week or so and I am hooked on this glimpse into their world.

I know I shouldn't be, but I find them oddly fascinating and I'm not sure why. Maybe its because I have had a rare real-life peek into the lives of extremely wealthy people. I spent 7 years in that bubble and I think I have just about seen it all. I could probably tell you stories that would make your hair curl. (Lets just say these people haven't got a clue as to what reality really is.) These people were not nice people, or kind, or caring.  I don't think the RHNYC are a touch as wealthy as the people I worked for however, so they are a little bit more down to earth. 

I'm not sure why I find this so fascinating.  Todd doesn't understand it in the least, but then again, I don't understand his fascination with spaghetti westerns. 

There is a Real Housewives of Cheshire as well. Cheshire is the county I live in.  These women live in the Golden Triangle of Cheshire. The Golden Triangle is an area of affluent towns and villages in Cheshire such as Wilmslow, Mottram St. Andrew and Alderley Edge. The exact three points of the triangle are the subject of local debate, but are generally considered to be Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and Prestbury. The Beckhams live (d) in the Golden Triangle. The area is noted for expensive houses, pleasant countryside, famous footballers, celebrities and entrepreneurs.  Our lady that we had to come clean for us a few months back was once like these women.  Married to a very wealthy man, ensconced in a big mansion out in the countryside and living what she said was a very vacuous life, a life that she chose to leave because it was boring and had no real depth or meaning to it.   

A great contrast to the people of my community.  There is a huge gap. In bed last night, I found myself wondering last night what a show called The Real Housewives of Blacon would look like  . . . 

 The people in my community are the salt of the earth even if some of them don't know how to spell. This was actually painted on the pavement in front of one of our primary schools. It should say "Clear." As in Keep Clear.  It has since been fixed. 

The hairstyle of choice for many young women is the messy bun . . .  


Their uniform is the ever popular leggings, preferably in a lepoard print, with trainers . . .  

And a puffy jacket worn 365 days of the year, along with the accessories of overly large hoop earrings and sunglasses.  Cigarette hanging out of the mouth, optional.  Lip and nose piercings are very popular as well as are . . . 

The Scouse Brow (yes they really call it that), along with fake tans and grotesque nail extensions.  I remember the first time I saw the Scouse Brow.  I about fell off my seat on the bus.  The young woman looked like she had two huge black butterflies fighting for the space above her eyes. It was quite surreal.

The young male can be seen riding his bicycle (Look no hands ma!) around the sidewalks with a hoodie pulled over up his head. They may or may not be accompanied by a Pit Bull.

Most of the people in my community are the salt of the earth however, and kind, kind, kind . . .  which is what truly matters most.

They have some of the biggest hearts and deepest pockets.  Throughout this Pandemic most have been reaching out to others in amazingly kind and caring ways. Going around the houses, checking on the shut-ins and elderly, making sure they have what they need. We have not gone without in the least through any of this and then some. 

The first words out of their mouths when you meet is likely to be "Y'awright?"  (Are you alright.) And they really want to know. They are some of the least pretentious people on the planet and I love them dearly. When we lived down South I used to wish we were living back here in the North West.  I guess that is because, like them, I have no pretentions. I am normal, ordinary working-class people. 

They don't make television shows about people like us because we don't live particularly exciting lives I guess, and kindness doesn't sell.  It should though. It really should. I don't think I would want to ever live anywhere else  . . .  except maybe Vermont.

We have had thunderstorms rumbling through here the last day or so and I guess we haven't heard the end of then according to the weather channel.  Lots of rain is expected and then next week they say hot, hot, hot temperatures.  (After the thunderstorms and rain, probably humid as well.) 

"Storms make trees take deeper roots."
~Dolly Parton 

The mobile dog groomer is coming today, yay!  I had it marked on the calendar wrong.  Mitzie will be so much cooler and smell so much better!  Can't wait. It is a bit more expensive than the one we normally take her to but, there is no contact and Todd doesn't have to drive anywhere.  Fingers crossed it goes well. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

There is no passion to be found
in settling for a life that is less
than the one you are capable
of living. •。★★ 。* 。
~Nelson Mandela•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Classic Cornish Splits.  These used to be quite common in Cream Teas, but have since been replaced wih scones. Probably because it is quicker to make scones.

Have a great day! Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   



  1. One of my DDs loves all TRH shows..we don't lol..I did watch an episode or two and could possibly get hooked..but all that affluence and hair extensions..bores me.
    Eyelash extensions? I spot them right away..tattooed eyebrows..plastic surgery..I have an eye;)
    I like nice nails..just not super long and when you can tell they are gel or whatever.
    Apart form my cute town..Provence is where I would live..
    we are a hop skip and jump from Vt ..3 hrs..I find things have changed or I have.
    Martha's Vineyard..could work lol..

    1. I like nice square short nails, polished and neat looking. Oh yes Martha's Vineyard would work for me also. Oh to dream eh! xoxo

  2. I've never had much contact with the rich and famous but I do love my simple life. They say the more you have, the more you have to worry about and here its pretty much a worry free zone. I love what I have and that is just enough to make life comfortable. I guess I should watch real housewives to see what I'v been missing / or not. Ha !

    1. Give me the simple life also Pam! I find watching them fascinating Pam, but would not ever trade lives with them ever! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. And a lot of the famous and rich live under such scrutiny...I like privacy!! Being a peon is a much better life frankly!! I agree with you, Marie!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Oh yes, such scrutiny, no secrets. Like my life much better too Elizabeth! xoxo

  4. It's fun to see how the rich and famous live their lives but when the chips are down, my life is just fine. Those eyebrows would certainly raise some eyebrows, lol but each to their own. Hope Mitzie's haircut went well today. I'm going to make your lemon and ginger cake tomorrow. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. It is fun and makes you appreciate your own life all the more! I know! (the eyebrows) I found myself thinking has she looked in a mirror, but of course she had to have or she wouldn't have been able to draw them on. The mind boggles. I hope you enjoy the cake! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I haven't really watched any of the Housewife shows but I can just imagine what they are like.
    I too love the ordinary down to earth people that surround us. We loved our inner city mission for that very reason. Right now we live in a lovely neighborhood and stake but there are many people who have a lot. I feel some of them are very humble and down to earth and others not so much. We found on our mission that the ones most receptive to the gospel are the more humble and receptive to the gospel. The one ward in our stake that has homes that are not as affluent they are the ones who step up to the plate in service; it amazes me how they care for one another.
    We have lived in all sorts of neighborhoods through the years and I love the down to earth and those who don't have as much. I sometimes worry about how big the homes are getting here and wonder how they are paying for them. I know that it probably takes two incomes and therefore no mother in the home. I had to work off and on so I know both those struggles. Anyway, sorry, I got carried away on my thoughts. I sometimes want it to be all is well in Zion, but it isn't totally.
    I will be excite to hear about Mitzie's grooming.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. I wonder how they pay for those huge homes and everything in them as well LeAnn! They all look like show cases inside and out! Mitzie did very well with her grooming and looks so much better. No more curls though. Love and hugs, xoxo


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