
Thursday 18 June 2020

My Favourite Things . . . 

These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, intrigue me or that I just plain enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.   

Modern Family. I have only just discovered this show on Netflix.  I have really been enjoying it and laugh oodles every episode. Love all of the characters. Todd is slowly warming up to it. He usually reads while I watch it, but I catch him glimpsing at it and laughing too. 

This, both the sentiment and the handiwork  . . .   

Washi Tape  . . .  the tape, stickers, etc.  I love this stuff. 


Lace on anything  . . .  

French milled soaps  . . .  the Mrs at the Manor used these.  I used to love looking at them and smelling them on Wednesdays when I did my job as well as the housekeepers.  She had boxes of these in the linen cupboard. They were so pretty and smelled so nice. 


Wildflowers  . . .  when I was really small I used to suck the sweetness out of clover petals  . . .  did you do that too?  

Squirrels.  They have so much character.  They are so cheeky.  That one I saw last week on our windowsil has not been back . . . 


Berry Season and Lily of the Valley  . . .  never realised they co-incided with each other until now  . . . 


Hello little one  . . .  are you smiling at me with that wee little face? 

Jam pots in caps  . . .  greengate  . . . 


Stone Walls covered with moss and iron gates  . . . .


This  . . .  the colours, the flowers, the quilt patterns  . . . 

Sigh  . . .  a trinket dish perhaps? 


Goats in coats  . . .  a bunch of kids  . . . 


Brooding skies  . . .   

The Spanish Princess on Prime.  Loving this.  The costumes . . .  the story  . . . Catherine of Aragon  . . . .  

This  . . .  oh to be young and have a long neck  . . . 


Bolster pillows  . . . .  


How did they get them to do that? 


Flowers, embroidery, pin-tucks, ruffles, lace  . . .  oh my  . . . 


Being able to wear layers without looking like the Micheline Man . . . 


Shadow and light  . . . 


Please sir  . . . . 


Figurines  . . . . 


Chandeliers in diverse places.  How very unsual . . . 

And those are my favourite things for today.  

Mitzie is all groomed and buffed and puffed and feeling a lot more comfortable.  The Groomer seemed really nice and it was just nice not to have to travel miles and  miles to get Mitzie done.  We are beginning to question why we are paying so much each month to have the car on the road, while we are not using it, or even if we need to keep a car in the long run  . . .  So much money and for what?   Something to think about  . . .  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful, to be honorable,
to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference
that you have lived and lived well.
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson •。★★ 。* 

Joy is the natural by-product of a life well lived . . . 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheesy Tuna Skillet Pasta. Like a tuna casserole but all done in one pan on top of the stove. Less washing up, no heating up the kitchen, delicious!  

Have a great Thursday.  I have heard we are in for oodles of rain.  We shall see.  So far it is dry.

Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    




  1. Love that quilt:)
    A chicken or two could be photoshopped..some people are wizards!!!

    Funny..I have a long skinny neck,and yet it's certainly not perfect:(

    But I am not young either.

    So many pretties here..
    WE use the car once a week to curbside groceries.
    And gas is low.
    Watch when everyone starts driving again gas will rise.
    I bought a bolster.J kept taking it's upstairs now..In Provence ..they use them a lot..mine's like a rock though lol.
    Those jam pots with tops:)

    Have a good day!

    1. Oh, I am not very good at any tecchie stuff! People think I am because I have a blog, but my knowledge is very limited! I make far more mistakes than most people do! I did take a few computer courses at community college, but could really do with a refresher! Its raining cats and dogs here all day today! xoxo

  2. Sorry to hear you have had a rainy day. I've just made a Shephard's Pie with chicken instead of beef. I've topped it with a potato/cailiflower mash. And that will be dinner served with fresh green beans. Sad that Vera Lyn's beautiful voice has been stilled. Your favourite things are so charming. Can't get enough of that cute little squirrel. He's probably thinking, "what the heck has happened to my world?" Enjoy your evening. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. That sounds lovely Elaine! I love cauliflower! And I love chicken! The two together sound like heaven! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Wow, love that washi tape...have not ever seen that far surpasses stuff I have...wonder where one would find that? We had a honeysuckle vine on our porch and we kids, mostly me, never left any flowers, as we always picked them and sucked out the dad was not very happy about that. Chickens are very easy to hypnotize...then you place them however you want, even on their back...and they will not move for a bit...long enough to take a photo anyway...but those chickens may have been eating something placed just in front of them. When my kids did 4-H, we learned that can tame them exceedingly well. They are more intelligent than they seem.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I didn't know that you could hypnotise chickens, I did know you could frogs. My kids did 4-H also. Great program! Love and hugs to you always, xoxo

  4. Wow, another one full of fun photos to think about and a few with memories attached. I love lace on anything too. I do love the smell of fancy soaps; I have had a few. Loved the flowers and the quilt is lovely. The Goats in Coats are adorable. I'll have to look up that movie on Prime; it looks good.
    Loved the long neck photos; to be young again.
    Sweet dog photo too. I too love it when Sammy gets groomed, so I am so happy that your Mitzie is now smelling good and feeling good, I'm sure.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!

  5. Blessings and hugs to you and Roger LeAnn! xoxo


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