
Wednesday 3 June 2020

Wednesday This and That . . .

I don't have an awful lot to say this morning. I have been sitting here watching the rain tipping down.  What a stark contrast to yesterday, which was brilliantly sunny and quite warm. So much so that I had a difficult time falling asleep last night as it was so hot in our bedroom, even with the windows open and the fan on. 

We knew that there was a huge possibility of rain and so I got all the bedding washed and hung out. It dried in less than an hour. I don't have a clothes drier and so I try to do my laundry when the sun shines, especially things like bedding. There is nothing worse than having sheets and duvet covers hanging all over the house thrown over doors, etc.  Line dried bedding and towels are much better.  To be honest we need the rain. I don't think we saw a drop of it in the entire month of May! 

My next door neighbour took advantage of the nice weather and the easing in the lock-down rules yesterday and had a party.  She had a bouncy castle for her nieces and a huge pool for them to splash about it.  I am not sure how many people were there, but I counted about 14 and from three different families at least.  I didn't see a lot of social distancing going on either. A bit of a stretch when it comes to the new rules,  but . . . they were all having a great time from the sounds of it all.  They all seemed really happy to see each other after not having been able to for so long. Lots of pent up steam being let off!   

This is nothing compared to the photos I have seen of the beaches. Its insane.  

In this house, we are not taking any chances. 

Since we knew that rain was on the way we took advantage of the sunshine and gave Mitzie another bath that she really was sorely in need of.  She is getting soo shaggy looking and is really minding the heat.  I have booked a Mobile Groomer, who comes to the house and does it in a van out front, so no contact with us.  The earliest date I could get was the 17th of June believe it or not and that was two weeks ago. They are right booked up. 

She's never happy about having a bath.  Well, its a shower really because we don't have a bath tub.  It comes about with copious amounts of cheese and a hand held shower nozzle.  

My friend Carolyn had to call in the fire brigade because their compost heap caught on fire, and blew up their ride on lawn mower.  Look at how dry the grass is. Just grateful nobody was hurt.


To be honest I am feeling a bit blue this morning, proof positive that sunshine really does make a difference to our mental health.  All this business of the pandemic, and self isolating, so many deaths, so much civil unrest in the world, etc. is getting me down a bit.  Loud and angry voices are drowning out quieter more sensible ones again. 

Anarchy seems to be gaining a foothold . . .  I don't like it.  There are too many trouble-makers about.  I think these are just the birth pangs, a portent of things to come. 

I like what our church president had to say  . . . 

"We join with many throughout this nation and around the world who are deeply saddened at recent evidences of racism and a blatant disregard for human life. We abhor the reality that some would deny others respect and the most basic of freedoms because of the color of his or her skin.

We are also saddened when these assaults on human dignity lead to escalating violence and unrest.

The Creator of us all calls on each of us to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God’s children. Any of us who has prejudice toward another race needs to repent!

During the Savior’s earthly mission, He constantly ministered to those who were excluded, marginalized, judged, overlooked, abused, and discounted. As His followers, can we do anything less? The answer is no! 

We believe in freedom, kindness, and fairness for all of God’s children!

Let us be clear. We are brothers and sisters, each of us the child of a loving Father in Heaven. His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, invites all to come unto Him—“black and white, bond and free, male and female,” (2 Nephi 26:33). It behooves each of us to do whatever we can in our spheres of influence to preserve the dignity and respect every son and daughter of God deserves.

Any nation can only be as great as its people. That requires citizens to cultivate a moral compass that helps them distinguish between right and wrong.

Illegal acts such as looting, defacing, or destroying public or private property cannot be tolerated. Never has one wrong been corrected by a second wrong. Evil has never been resolved by more evil.

We need to foster our faith in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

We need to foster a fundamental respect for the human dignity of every human soul, regardless of their color, creed, or cause.

And we need to work tirelessly to build bridges of understanding rather than creating walls of segregation.

I plead with us to work together for peace, for mutual respect, and for an outpouring of love for all of God’s children.


Instagram was filled with nothing but black squares yesterday. I didn't like that either. A heart can only take so much.  There is so much hate in the world at the present. Satan must be doing a victory dance.

I will go now, but leave you with a thought before I do. 

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Some cry with tears,
others with thoughts.
~Octavio Paz•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  A Healthier Potato Salad

Have a good Wednesday, remember always that tomorrow is a new day. God is in His Heaven and loves us all, no matter what, no matter who . . .   

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And I do too!   


  1. It is worrisome because we live in a time without many who take much real thought about anything but themselves. I understand some problems happened downtown...and Hubby heard that the trouble makers are making their way town by town now causing destruction...and they hit the town just north of we can hope and pray they will tire of all this and soon!!! Lawful protest is one thing, but even the most of the protestors are not happy with the destruction...seems they ought to quit protesting for a time and let things quiet down. But that would be reasonable eh? IF there is going to be violence, it is most apt to happen when temperatures outside get hotter...historically at least. Sad what has come to this nation...but as some are pointing out, did people really think GOD would keep looking the other way with all the huge sins being committed? In a sense perhaps this is a kind of reckoning...but for us who live quiet lives and lawful is hard!! GOD help us all!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I highly approve of lawful protest. Its the lawlessness that gets to me. I don't see what it achieves. Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. I did the black.. because I felt I wanted to show support for anti-racism..but I was brought to ponder my square.It meant I was holding hands and forming a chain.
    I am not politically vocal..I know who I dislike vehemently ..
    and it has nothing to do with color..
    I wish for far better news and a far better world for our Littles.

    To be frank..I had no idea racism was still so's as if we have stepped back 50 yrs and more.That's not progress..that's sad.We are all the same with a heart that can hurt.
    I think as humans we have to help ourselves ..and nurture each other with love.
    Have a good day Marie.

    1. Like you Monique, I wish for far better news and a far better world for our Littles. I agree what's happening is not progress. Love is the answer. I firmly believe this. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, hope your spirits rose as your day progressed. Glad you got your lsundry dry before it rained. We had heavy rain last night and this morning but now it is sunny and very humid. We all need to have compassion for each other especially now with the world being pummeled by so many negative forces. If we don't help each other who will help us? Stay safe, stay happy. Hugs,

    1. Love, compassion, understanding. we need these things now more than ever Elaine! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. I remember well the days of no dryer and hanging things out on the laundry line and if bad weather all over everything. I do like the smell of fresh outside dried laundry.
    Our dog, Sammy doesn't like bath time either. When he goes to the groomer, we have to give him something to relax him. My husband does bath him once in a while. I haven't thought of using cheese. He would love that.
    I agree everything can start to get one down. Utah is not doing well with the masks or social distancing. Since there are a lot of members, it makes me sad that they can't obey the recommendations. The cases have gone up since they relaxed the guidelines. I think it won't stop because of that. People have so many varied ideas. Even in my own family there are some that don't think we need to do what is asked.
    I love what the Prophet wrote. If only people would come unto Christ and find the gospel. I love our Prophet and how hard they are working to keep us safe.
    Satan will have his day and we must pray hard on this one.
    Sending blessings, love and hugs your way!

    1. That is sad about Utah and the cases going up. I fear it will be the same here. We are in the Latter Days. I love our Prophet and trust in him and our other leaders. They will not lead us astray. Love and hugs to you and Roger! xoxo


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