
Thursday 4 June 2020

My Favourite Things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, intrigue me or that I just plain enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.

The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet.  I never got to see them when I was a child. I am enjoying them now on You Tube. No violence. No swearing. A bit corny, but I don't care. I love them.  

Leave it To Beaver. I have always loved this show.  We have all the DVD's.  I used to wish I could be a member of their family. Anyhoo  . . .  When I was about 4 years old my Aunt Freda would play Leave it to Beaver with me.  I always wanted her to be Wally. What a great Auntie she was.  

Father Knows Best. We have all the DVD's of this also.  I loved this family. Their house, etc.  

With all these shows I love that there
is always some kind of moral taught, 
a lesson learnt.  

Hazel.  The wack-a-doodle maid to the Baxter Family. Love, LOVE this show!  We also have some of the DVD's for this one.


Yes, we loved this too. I never tire of any of these. 

Family.  A bit more modern and harder hitting.  I loved this show also. We have the dvd you see here. 


Love, LOVED Who's the Boss!

I love Love LOVE the Andy Griffith show. 


Little House on the Prairie. We have every series of this.  

The Waltons. We have every series of this plus all the movies. We never get tired of it. 


The Mary Tyler Moore Show.  I wanted her hair, her job, her clothes, her apartment. We have the full series of this also. 

Newhart. This was a different kind of family but a family all the same. We have the dvd's but you can also watch it on YouTube.  Just the sound of the music at the beginning of the show makes my heart smile. 


The Big Bang Theory, another kind of family, but a family all the same.  I was just saying to Todd last night how, like Sheldon, we all have our comfort spots, places we always like to sit, etc. I think there is a little bit of Sheldon in each of us.  

Gilmore Girls. We seem to watch it on a loop. We say we are going to take a break when we finish the series, but then  . . .  we don't! 


Friends.  Watch this on a loop also. I love these characters.  

Call the Midwife.  You know it had to make the list. I love the stories told in each episode based on real life events, etc. Its done so very well.  It always makes me cry, but that's called good writing. 


Downton Abbey. We find ourselves watching this again and again also.  We never tire of it.  I hope they make another movie. 

George Gently. Possibly one of the best Police shows ever made.  We have all the DVD's as its never on rerun anywhere. 

Scott & Baily.  Another police show, but they are police women. The Cagney & Lacy of the 21st century.  Love this show.  


Larkrise to Candleford.  Another piece of feel good television.  Adore this series. 

Endeavor.  Young Inspector Morse.  Brilliant television. 

I could go on and on.  We like a bit of fluff and fantasy mixed with a bit of grit and realism.  Perhaps we watch too much television, but on our budget it is our main form of entertainment, and now with the lock-down in place, its our only form of entertainment.  

What are some of your viewing favourites?  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *Looking behind,
I am filled with gratitude.
Looking forward,
I am filled with vision.
Looking upward,
I am filled with hope,
and looking within,
I am filled with peace.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Lemon Sandwiches filled with Blueberries and Cream.  Quite simply delicious.  

I hope that you have a lovely Thursday, filled with some of your favorite things.  It is raining again here this morning, and quite a bit cooler. We need the rain. I don't mind.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   




  1. Your favourites are my favourites, too. We are currently watching "Endeavour" every Thursday night on our PBS station. Another favourite is "Father Brown". Did you ever watch "Barney Miller"? It's amazing how relevant the series still is and it's got to be 45 years old! Well, it's time for breakfast - two toasted crumpets and a bowl of fresh fruit. Enjoy your day, Marie despite the cooler weather. I have lemons I need to use so plan to make lemon curd. Perhsps I should make your lemon cake, too. I have bluberries and bluberry jam. Sounds like a plan. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I have never seen Father Brown, but will look for it Elaine. I used to love Barney Miller and Taxi as well. I also loved the show Evening Shad. I hope you make the cake and enjoy it! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. You'll love Father Brown;)right up your alley..
    Funny how I can go from Fleabag to CTM;)
    I loved all our old shows Marie..
    Your lemon treat looks lovely..will have to look into a few series that I have missed;)

    1. I think perhaps Todd and I watch too much TV, but right now there is not a lot else to do in the evenings! xoxo

  3. Due to the fact that I can now get free books from the library on my Kindle, my main source of entertainment has been reading. I finally took a break from Downton Abby. I did watch it over and over. Truly a favorite for me.

  4. Hi Marie!

    I love all of these old shows! There are some that I haven't seen, but will be sure to look them up! I avoid TV and social media whenever possible these days, so some of these old shows are my saving grace! They never seem to go out of style, and they always have such a good moral to the story...we need that in the world today.

    Life is still shut down at our house. Church will be starting on the 14th, but will only be once a month and only Sacrament meeting. On doctors recommend, I will be staying home until at least September. Such turmoil and hatred in the world makes me long for the peace I find in the temple...I guess that will come in time as well.

    Hope you and Todd are well and safe! Love you both, even though I am not online much, you are thought of often and in our prayers.

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I am staying put until they have a reliable vaccine Barb. I am okay with that. I hate the world we are having to live in at the moment, so much negativity and sadness. I have missed you. You have been in my prayers also. Conference will be the same in October as it was in April this year! Who would have thought. Love and hugs. xoxo

  5. When my older 2 kids were young, Little House and the Waltons came on every week...we LOVED those shows...well, almost all of them. It gave us much to talk about to our kids. And there was a nasty Nellie in my daughter's life later on too...and actually Nellie was quite nice compared to this little vixen. I do think one thing that helped some was watching Little House. I loved the Waltons because even though they were so poor, they shared all they had and family was everything. Sure miss those days frankly!! Not that I lived IN them...but those values seem gone for the most part now. One can only hope the troubles upon us now will make some positive changes in families anyway!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Oh, I wanted to have a Waltons family Elizabeth. I wanted at least ten children. I had five so I guess that was at least halfway there! I a girl with old fashioned values living in a world which sadly lacks most values. Square peg, round hole, always. Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Oh. that sandwich does look delicious! I would not have thought about having that kind of sandwich.
    I loved all the shows that you mentioned through the years. There were a few, I had forgotten about. I know that I enjoyed most of the.
    I copied down some of the ones you put on the end that are more recent series shows.
    Yes, with lock down, we are enjoying different movies. We have actually been watching some older ones. The other night we watched a black and white movie, entitled; 36 hours. with James Garner and Eva Marie Saint. It was a good one.
    Anyway, I loved some of your suggestions.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!

    1. I love the older movies LeAnn and will have to definitely look up that one you have mentioned. Wasn't James Garner a handsom man when he was younger? I think so. Love and hugs. xoxo

  7. Well, Marie, we are twins in that...I feel I am in the wrong time frame too...and when I was young, we had manners (better believe we behaved, esp. in public) and my mom had one side of her family that was like the Walton's...lots of them, loved everyone, and welcomed every single person, related or not, who came by, and we saw a lot of them my first 14 years. It was the place of nearly all my happy memories too. But sadly, my hubby and I did not have kin much like that...not really. So my kids have no idea what that was like...other than watching the Waltons and Little House...well, at least that!! I am so grateful to the people who created and produced those series. But if your child marries someone who does not value, at least not your family...then it all ceases to be. Oh well..won't the next life be grand though??
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. My best friend when I was a teen came from a family of 10 children and I used to envy her that. The next life is sure going to be beautiful! Can't wait! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!