
Sunday 28 June 2020

How to spend a day . . .

Have you ever sat down and thought about how you spend your days? Every once in a while I like to take stock, so rather than "What I did on my vacation." you are going to get "What I did on Saturday."

I was up a little bit later yesterday morning.  I am usually up at 5 a.m. but it was 5:45.  I greeted Mitzie, let her out, fed her her breakfastm and then did my morning meditations.

It rained cats and dogs off and on all day yesterday.  Miserable weather, but things have cooled down considerably, which is a special blessing! 

I did my writing on here and then I baked some cookies.  My mother's second cousin Lydia's Junior Cookies. Its an old family recipe from a time when people mostly knew their recipes in their heads and would share them by writing the ingredients down on scraps of paper to share.  I copied it out into my binder many years ago, the original having been scribbled on the back of an envelope.  Lydia used to send us presents every year when I was a child, up until she passed away.  She was always very good to my mother's family. 


I had in mind I wanted to sew a project yesterday, so after I got Todd fed and myself washed and dressed I gathered my sewing stuff and stared at this for a while waiting for some inspiration. 

This was the result.  It looks pretty plain I know.  I was very happy with how it turned out. 


I even added some machine embroidery, which is hard to see I know  . . .  but I was pleased with it and it was a start.  I thought it would be a pretty straightforward thing, but things are always a bit more complicated than they look, especially if you want to add trims.  I was going to use the orange piping, but I couldn't figure out how to do it, not with the feet I have for my machine. I think you must need a special piping foot or some such.  I have wanted a quilting foot for a while as well. It is on my wish list. Maybe then I could finish my lap quilt I started 9 years ago. 😳 

Yesterday was treat day so we got ourselves a treat for a late lunch.  Hotdogs and Fries from Five Guys. Not cheap, but what treat is.  We both enjoyed them very much. I like hot dogs better than hamburgers and they use all beef kosher weiners.  Their chips are to die for  . . . its amazing what you can have delivered these days! I may never go out again!  

After I cleaned up from our late lunch/early dinner I did my food blog post for today. I always do them a day ahead.  I had to take the photos off my camera and edit them, put them up on the blog, write the post, ec.  While I was doing that, Todd was watching tv. Not a lot you can do outside when its raining cats and dogs. 

I found out my friend Jayne had had a heart attack Friday night so said some prayers for her and if you wouldn't mind could you keep her on your prayer list?  Heavenly Father knows who she is.  Thankfully it was only a mild one. Ariana was her nurse in Chester, but she has been flown to Liverpool now. Its not a nice time for families to have a loved on in the hospital. You cannot visit them or anything.  😢 

We had told ourselves we were going to dust off a board game and play a game yesterday afternoon and so we did.  We played Scrabble. Scrabble is a lot harder to play with two people than with four.  I won, but just by 10 points.  At one point I was about 60 points ahead, but I got stuck with some really high value tiles at the end which came off.  Also we realised it was even harder because some tiles were missing! How did that happen? Oh well, at least we played a game instead of just vegging in front of the boob tube.

After that I talked to my oldest daughter for a while on messenger, but my back was really sore yeserday and so we didn't talk for long. I wanted to have a hot shower and get some liniment rubbed into my back.  I think I am going to have to go back to the Back Doctor.  We will see.  


I seem to be getting a lot more interest in my food blog lately for some reason.  For one thing that means lots of e-mails to sort through as well as a lot of unwanted spam comments. My son thinks I should get an agent. I think he just thinks I am worth a lot more than I am! lol  Anyways I talked to him for a while about it. I had this person e-mailing me quite a few times last week and we decided it was just someone wanting to ride on my coat-tails and use my hard work to make them money. 

Thanks, but no thanks!    

I fed my sourdough starter. Yes, its still going strong. I haven't killed it yet!  (Surprisingly!)  I've managed to make it dormant in the refrigerator as well and bring it back to life.

Saturday Night  . . . MOVIE NIGHT!  We chose Eurovision for the movie we wanted to watch. It was a comedy. and since we are fans of the Eurovision song contest why not!  (Did you know ABBA  got their big break by winning Eurovision?)  There were a lot of big stars in the film besides Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams.  Demi Lovato, Dan Stevens (Matthew from Downton Abby), Pierce Brosnan, Graham Norton, to name a few.  Plus actual contestants from past Eurovision contests.  

It was a really fun movie, with great music to listen to and we both enjoyed it. Perhaps moreso because we are familiar wih Eurovision.  Like Eurovision itself it is a bit corny, but in an endearing sort of way.  We gave it a two thumbs up.  

We ended the evening with an episode of the Gilmore Girls, and one of the Big Bang Theory. (We are so predictable.) We are huge fans of both. I cannot tell you how many times we have worked out way through all the series of those. 

By then we were both ready for bed.  We always go to bed about 9 pm every night. (Again predictable.) We read for a bit, then Todd goes to sleep and I watch an episode of Friends on my iPad, listen to a Sleep Story on Calm and then with any luck I am able to fall asleep myself. Lately I have been watching Housewives of NY as well. I tend to wake up as soon as the Sleep Story is finished.  (What's up with that!)  I sleep through most of the story, but when it stops, I wake up. When that happens I usually listen to a Conference Talk, again via the iPad.

Anyways, eventually I did fall asleep  and then woke up to begin another day.  And here I am, beginning another one. 

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

The caterpillar grows
wings during periods 
of isolation.
Remember that 
the next time you are alone.
~Mandy Hale•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lydia's Junior Cookies.  Very nostalgic. I small batched them.  The original recipe made tons.

Have a wonderful Sunday.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!      



  1. fun to keep a daily diary..:)The stitching is lovely!

    You must go visit Val Marie..she lost Stuffed her beloved cat:(

    1. I am so sad for Val. It is such a heartbreaking thing. xoxo

  2. The cookies bring back memories of my beloved Grandma...she made these kind of cookies some of the time.
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. These are Grandma Cookies for sure Elizabeth! xoxo

  3. So true that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. I do pretty much the same things day after day. I will pray for your friend who had the heart attack. May she have a speedy recovery. They can do so much more now than what they used to with heart attack pattens . Hope you have another great day !

    1. Thanks Pam! Your prayers are very much appreciated! xoxo

  4. You had very busy day, Marie, full of the ups and downs of life. But that's what we remember, isn't it? Your pillow case is very sweet. Hope your friend is doing much better. Love those cookies, too. They remind me of hermit cookies which I love. We had a visit with my husband's brother this afternoon. We kept our social distancing, though. It is very hot here so hope we can sleep. Haven't turned on the AC yet but that day is coming very soon. Take care of your back. Hope it feels better soon. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. They are very similar to Hermit Cookies Elaine! I am pleased you were able to visit your brother in law. I am sure your visit cheered him up to no end. No air conditioning here, but thankfully when we get hot and sticky weather it never lasts for long. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I really did enjoy reading what your day was like. I like wake up time and bed time. I feel guilty because we stay up late and get up later than we should and my day seems shorter.
    I think you fill your day with very important things and do so good with them all. It makes me want to get better at doing more useful things. I have been doing more lately. I want to finish this pandemic having accomplished some good things. I have done some house projects that have left me feeling really good.
    I'm happy you talked with your daughter, but sad to hear your back is hurting. I will pray you feel better soon.
    Thanks for sharing your day!
    Sending big hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn. There are not enough hours in any day for me to accomplish all that I want/need to get done. That's the truth of it! Love and hugs, xoxo


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