
Saturday 27 June 2020

A This and That kind of day . . .

I've been working super hard the last few months.  I don't mind really because it helps to pass the time and gives me something to do. Since January I have been working with a site called Home Chef World, helping them to get the site up and running, developing and cooking recipes, photographing them, writing them up, presenting them in articles, etc.  Its been fun for me, as you know I love food and cooking, and its been a great diversion during this lockdown! 

I need to play sometimes though and have decided I am going to set one day a week apart for play, play, play!   

To that end this week I spent some of my earnings on some lovely fabrics.  I got a bundle of yarn died chambray stripes.  (It has 5 different colours.)  Some Vintage beige gingham.  Two different florals.  Some white broderie anglaise.  Some ecru coloured ruffle trim and a roll of picot edged bias trim.  No method or reason behind it.  They just caught my eye and I thought I might be able to make some pretty pillow cases with them. We shall see!  That picot trim will come in handy for all sorts I think.  I loved that the bunde of chambray came tied up with a nice length of piping!  I am quite sure I can figure out a way to use that!  The hardest part will be making myself take a day off! 

I used to sew a lot.  I haven't made a doll in ages. I want to make another one for Grace for her second birthday which is coming up. I think I will make her a raggedy this time.  I got her a book already.  Its a board book.  Ariana has been collecting LDS Board books for her and so I asked her if I could buy her one and which ones didn't she have. So I got her Book of Mormon Colours. 

Its a sweet little book with great little illustrations in it, all to do with colours and our faith.  Its actually one in a brilliant series of board books for small children.   

Pool play on a hot day 

This little peanut has grown up so fast!  It is hard to believe that she will be two years old in just a few weeks.  I actually think they are planning on being in Spain for her Birthday, so I better get cracking on her Birthday gift so I can give it to her before she goes!  


My friend Susan has been making masks and I was thrilled this week to get two of them in the post from her.   She sent me one like the one on the far right and there was a plain blue one for Todd.  They are very well made.

My sister has made some really lovely ones.  She used my mom's old singer sewing machine from the 1950's for some of them.  I love the fabrics she chose for them and the fact that they have elastics which go around your head and not your ears. Plus the space to slip in a nose wire so that they fit closer to the face. Cindy has always been a beautiful seamstress.  She used to make beautiful Amish Dolls.  I would so have loved to have one of them. I do have a Victorian Amish Peg Doll she made for me which I truly cherish.  I have so many happy memories of doing craft sales together with her when our children were growing up.  The best parts of them was our getting to spend the day together without husbands or children. That must have been about twenty five years ago now.  So much has happened in the intervening years.  Its a good thing we don't have crystal balls.  Who would want to move forward if we did.  I miss my sister  . . .  so much.  

 Pronounced: So*liv"a*gant

“Not all those who wander are lost”
~ J.R.R.Tolkien - ‘The Lord of the Rings’.

I found this this week. I do so love words.  I try to learn new words all the time.  In all honesty most of them don't stick. In truth on some days I can't remember words that I should know. (Which is a bit worriesome when it happens!)  I am not sure if it is just the aging process, or if I need to be worried, or if I am just so distracted by life that my brain sometimes is muddled.  I prefer it to be the latter because I just don't want to think about the other! 

I recently treated myself to some of these.  It can be hard to be a diabetic sometimes.  Watching everyone around you eating sweet treats and not truly being able to enjoy them yourself.  Oh, yes I do have the naughty taste, but it is not the same as being able to sit down and enjoy a whole cookie, or a candy bar, a piece of cake or pie. These are quite good. I really like the Maria Ones. They are like Social Teas.  I would say my least favourite are the wafer ones, but they are still good, and lets face it, beggars can't really be choosers!! 


Yesterday started off raining cats and dogs.  I took his photo. You can almost seen the streaks of heavy rain. It was bouncing off Todd's shed roof like bullets.  It did turn sunny by the end of the day however and the humidity was quite oppressive when the evening rolled around. We actually had two fans going down here in the living/dining room.  Todd isn't really a cold lover, but even he was grateful for both of the fans.   

We have had some really hot weather this week.  This is a picture of just one of our beaches.  They all looked the same. Just a sea of irresponsible people, no self distancing . . . no masks, etc. Totally reprehensible and disrespectful to those of us who have been following the rules and sheltering at home.  This type of behavior puts everyone at risk. They really need to lock down all the beaches, put up barbed wire or something.  Close all the carparks. If people can't park they won't stay.  The WHO predict that the second wave of the virus will be even worse than the first.  People are such idiots. It makes me quite angry when I see photos like this.  So, so, soooo irresponsible. 

Even in Chester the other night they had to send police wagons to break up a party teenagers were having in one of our parks.  I don't know what is wrong with people. There is a whole element of the population that don't seem to mind playing Russian Roulette with everyone's lives.  

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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Laughter is the sun that
drives the winter from
the human face.
~Victor Hugo•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Lemon Cream Pie.  Such an easy dessert. No bake, very few ingredients.  This pie is incredibly tasty!  

I hope you have a great weekend!  Stay healthy and stay safe!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. I love fabric /sewing posts..ugh the disrespect..:( Not only there..

    1. I don't understand it Monique, but I have always tried to follow the rules my whole life! xoxo

  2. That's a great idea, Marie. We all need our alone time to do what we want at least for a few hours each week. I saw all the crowds of people at the beaches not social distancing or wearing masks. I heard that 18 members of a family have tested positive for Covid after a birthday party in Texas. Are we all just so tired of Covid-19 that we no are longer thinking straight? Or do we think the rules apply to everyone else but us? Yikes! Stay safe. I'm going to pop over and look at Home Chef World. I liked your fabric. Grace will love a Raggedy Ann doll. I made a pair for my niece some 40 years ago now. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I think we are all a bit tired of this new way of life, but I can imagine it is worse for some. The only thing really which has changed for me is I don't go shopping anymore. I used to make Raggedy's and sell them Elaine, bespoke ones. I sold every one I ever made. I wish I had more time to play! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I have to smile because your plans to play still seem like work. I did like the pillowcase you made in your other post.
    I think it is awesome that you are going to make a Raggedy Ann doll for Grace. The photo of her mom and her is precious.
    I love that your friend sent you masks she had made. I like the ones with a nose piece. I need it so it won't fog up my glasses.
    I would love to get some Sugar Free cookies that tasted good for my husband. He need to cut back more on his sugar intake. He is only a pre-diabetic, but I worry about it getting worse.
    Always enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you are up to or thinking.
    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Diabetes is such a terrible disease to have to live with LeAnn. So many things are converted into sugar that eating becomes a real mine field. Love and hugs. xoxo


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