
Saturday 16 May 2020

This and that . . .

Like many of you, I really don't like the world we are having to live in at the moment.  I have had to stop watching the news, except for once a day to check in and be informed. So much gloom and doom, negativity. I find myself feeling almost hopeless if the news is on for very long. 

I find  myself feeling a bit angry with a country that I have always felt had contemptable practices anyways, with a huge disregard and lack of respect for all living creatures.  How dare they. 

I find myself feeling angry with my own government who I feel acted too little too late and who are too eager to get everything back to normal, so much so that I also feel they are jumping the gun at relaxing the rules. 

I find myself feeling really sad about all the people that are dying, especially those in care-homes and those who care for them.  For our NHS workers, for anyone putting themselves on the danger-line.

I worry about the family I have no contact with.

I find myself feeling afraid that this is it, for the rest of my life.  That at a time I should be enjoying my golden years, I will be stuck at home, unable to and afraid to go anywhere ever again. 

I find myself feeling fearful that I actually will never see my family again.  That I will never be able to go to church again, to shop, to be free from anxiety, to travel . . .

I want to throw rotten cabbages at the people who spurn and flout the rules with a total disregard for the safety and well being for others, for parents who haven't the decency, will or ability to keep their teenagers at home where they belong. 

I find myself desparing that there is any way out of this.  I feel like I am living in a bad disaster movie, and fear that in the end we will all die, except for a very few. 

I hate that the people I care about are all being affected by this.  I fear for a world where my grandchildren will not be able to enjoy the same freedoms I enjoyed as a child.  

That is when I have to shut down my thinking and start dwelling on positive things.  Things such as  . . . 

The skies have not been bluer or clearer. The birds have not sung sweeter. The air has never been cleaner.  Dolphins swimming in the Venice canals.  Such wonders.

People have never been kinder or more helpful to each other.  Reaching out in a myriad of ways to those around them. Wanting to make a real difference.  Even celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon creating videos to entertain and reach out to others. 

We have never eaten better.  Since I stopped relying on Grocery store food, I have been buying our meat and produce from the local market and it is so much better quality.

Families are spending precious time together, doing things together that they haven't done togther in years.  Communicating.  Sharing.  Playing together. Loving together. Appreciating each other in special ways. They are truly getting to know each other again.

People are reading more books, learning new skills. Cooking. Baking. Knitting, crocheting, sewing, planting gardens.  There are tutorials available to watch on cutting hair, grooming dogs, making masks, etc. 

Our garden has never looked tidier.  Our house has never been cleaner. 

Our world itself is cleaner and brighter. 

People have never been more grateful for small and simple things.  


It truly is about perspective.  When your perspective switches from the negative to the positive, life gets better and hope abounds.  

I splurged this week and bought us a box of tomatoes from The Tomato Stall.  They came to us up here in Chester all the way from the Isle of Wight. I have always loved tomatoes. When we were children, in the summer months, my mother would be gifted with bags of tomatoes from the men where she worked.  They all loved my mom and they would be bringing her in bags of their garden surplus all during the summer months.  We used to eat tomatoes like apples.  

For most of her life mom had a tomato sandwich for her lunch.  They were quite simply her favourite thing, and they are one of my favourite things also.  I have had a delicious tomato sandwich for my supper two nights in a row. These tomatoes are incredibly tasty.  I think today I am going to make either a salad or a sauce with some. 


While I was at it I ordered some of their fabulous looking asparagus.  Totally wonderful. We had some yesterday.  So fresh and delicious.  I adore asparagus.  I never had it until I was an adult and now I can't get enough of it!  Maybe I will do something with asparagus and tomatoes together! 


Our landlord dropped off some hedge clippers for Todd this week.  (Todd's have died.) He was saying that once the lockdown is finished they want to renovate our kitchen, make it bigger.  I said okay so long as the rent doesn't go up.  If the rent goes up any more, we will have to move for sure.  It would be nice to have a larger kitchen with better use of the space.  More cupboards, more space, new backsplash, new floor tiles, etc.  He wants to knock down the wall under the stairs and expand it there.  We shall see what happens.  At the moment I only have a 12 inch square of countertop space to work with.  It would be nice to have more.  I probably shouldn't hold my breath for too long. 


The Drive Through at the KFC in the retail park near us re-opened.  Apparently the queues were really long with people wanting  a treat of fried chicken.  I have heard that McDonalds will be re-opening their drive through again soon as well.  People love to eat junk.  I have a love/hate relationship with both venues.  Every once in a blue moon I crave one or the other.  Then when I am eating it I wonder why I bothered.  I think it is entirely possible that some things taste much better in our minds and memories than they actually do in real life. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *You are not going to master
the rest of your life in one day.
Just relax. Master the day,
then just keep doing that
every day. ~Unknown
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Ina's Skillet Roasted Lemon Chicken.  This was fabulous!

Have a great Saturday.  Very overcast here at the moment. We will see what happens.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    




  1. There have been horrific power grabs in especially the state and local govts in this country. The loss of freedoms has been great...and STILL those freedoms are taken from us...maybe they will return them? It is bad when so many die...but if we loose our freedom, will we find life that much worth living either?? It is a hard call, Marie...and I would not want to be in charge at all...but while some are flouting things, others are truly worried over the loss of freedom...good grief, when in our lifetime, or that of our kin, has it ever been decreed that you cannot attend worship services?? Yes, the individual churches should have shut down, on their own choice...and not had govt step in...but we must consider the whole picture. I am not anxious to die of this virus or any other thing, but you know dying is something we all get to do, eventually. I think the virus is a cake walk compared to most cancers I know about...agony for days compared to agony for months or years even. Of course, we need to do all we can to help our bodies have strong immune (and I already fight that one with 5 auto immune problems)...but I have been and will be continuing to take those supplements that build the body. Then hope and pray for the best. (We do not go much at all...and wear masks, even though we are not convinced that they will protect us...heh, they do help keep strangers from getting too that is good however!!) I do understand your concerns as to whether you will ever see your kin again...we feel just the same and we are in the same country, though a continent away from the most of our offspring. I doubt my husband will ever be able to fly again and now with this mess, I wonder if our daughter in NC ever will either. We must not despair and pray like crazy!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Yes, prayers are everything Elizabeth. Love and hugs to you always, xoxo

  2. Too much to say:) I find it so awesome..yes awesome that you create what you do on 12 inches.You're a marvel Marie a marvel.

    1. I even surprise myself Monique and Todd is always amazed at what I manage to get done! I have a dining table that I use a lot for things. Praying. You know. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie. Lovely post. I know exactly how your feel. We had two trips planned this summer and have cancelled both. It will be a stay-at-home summer. I also have a daughter who doesn't speak to me. She has five children. Two are immo-compromised. I do worry about them, and wish I knew how they were doing during this pandemic. Good for your getting your garden and home just the way you want them. That is great that your landlord is going to enlarge your kitchen. How nice! Something to look forward to. I hold onto hope because President Nelson has said that the world will get through and get over this pandemic. It will be nice to get back to church when the time is right, but it also gives me some anxiety because so many people here won't wear masks and don't think they need to socially distance. Prayers for us all to get through this and be stronger people. I love that quote by President Uchtdorf. Thanks and have a good weekend. :-)

    1. I, too, cling to the promises from President Nelson Deb, and the hope that they bring! So grateful for the church and for our ability to get stuck in at home and still be spiritual. Missing the companionship at church, but people have been so good doing video lessons on line and firesides, etc. Our local missionary sisters share a sacrament plan with us each week with talks to listen to etc. Its really special and our Sundays are quite full and rich despite being on our own. It is so hard not knowing how your loved ones are doing. I pray for them and cling to the promises in my patriarchal blessing. You have a good weekend also. Be blessed! xoxo

  4. Marie, initially I felt the same as you - opening back up too quickly. But then I realized - Keith and I are both still working, have never stopped, never missed a paycheck. I imagine that I would feel quite differently if I hadn't had a paycheck for 2-3 months. There have been helps here in the States, we each got a one-time payment of $1200. While that would pay our bills for 1 month, there would be nothing leftover for food, household items or gas for the car. But that's only for one month. We do have a little savings that would probably last us for 2-3 months as well, but a lot of people don't. A lot of the families that don't have young children as well. I've been in a desperate situation before, no money, no idea of how I'm going to get any and families don't always help, or indeed, have the means to help. So I say if they're willing to work, let them get back to work. Modify somethings, make them wear a mask. The death toll from this disease when compared to other things is actually quite low.

    1. I know it is difficult for those without incomes Raquel. People shouldn't have to make that choice. Here in the UK our Government has promised everyone at least some income until it is all finished, and we do have free health care, and many other benefits. I know how lucky we are. I just don't think that anyone knows enough about this virus yet to play russian roulette with people's lives. And I think there are a LOT of people in denial. They have only just begun to discover the impact this is having on children with secondary diseases popping up. I, for one, would not be sending my children back to school yet or wanting any of my loved ones to be in harms way. I guess there is no right answer. xoxo

  5. We can only take life one day at a time and live from moment to moment. Nothing every stays the same.

  6. Oh my dear friend, I feel just like you. I feel I am in a disaster movie for sure. I am upset because our state went to Yellow which opens it up more and I fear it is too soon too. They just don't know enough about it all. I have cut back on watching the news too. I feel stuck and am tired of it all.
    I have a sweet granddaughter living with us and I fear everytime she goes to work and or sees her boyfriend. I just hope she will do the preventive things we have asked of her. It's all frightening.
    That being said, I take care hope in the things that the Apostles have been saying in the Church News. Elder Andersen had some beautiful thoughts. I know our Prophet will know exactly when and how to open up things again.
    I see wonderful things that have happened with families and etc. too. I do feel that was the Lord's purpose in it all. I know the Lord is in control and we need to sit back and watch the miracles happen and his power to roll forth.
    Sending prayer, love and hugs your way!
    Have a beautiful Sabbath Day!

    1. I agree with everyhing you have said LeAnn! We must trust in the Lord in all of this. Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Hi Marie~

    My thoughts exactly, but you say it so much better! I do worry everyday about the state of our country. There are some who think we just need to get up and going again, and some who say if we do, we will regret it, that we will all be in for round 2. I suppose it depends on where you live. We have had no deaths here in our county or surrounding area, and not really that many cases of the virus, compared to the rest of the world. But it's here, and that's hard. I am so fortunate to have my children live near me, and they have all been able to work through most of this craziness. One of my son-in-laws works at the hospital and I worry about him all the time. Another son works in construction...with no social distancing whatsoever, and he's okay with that. Another son-in-law has been able to work from home, which has been a God-send! And yes, there are so many good things that have happened because of the pandemic, like clean air and water, more family time, serving one another, and the list goes on and on...I love it! So we take that good with the bad, and life goes on. I think we just need to do what President Nelson tells us to do, just follow his lead and we will be just fine.

    I hope you get your new kitchen, that would be wonderful!! I also hope you get to see your kids sooner than later, I have worried about you not getting to see them.

    We will be okay, we will get through this, and hopefully, we will be better for it.

    Love you, sweet friend! Stay safe!

    Love and Hugs,

    1. It would be wonderful to get a new kitchen, but I am afraid they will want to up the rent if they actually have to do any work on this place. Only upgrade we have had in 10 years has been the wet room bath conversion and we paid for that with a grant ourselves. Oh and the double glazed windows. They did do that, but also got a grant and then tried to put our rent up afterwards. They are quite mercenary I'm afraid. Low rent housing is very difficult, next to impossible to find here however and you can't get on the list for love nor money. I keep looking to our Prophet for answers and assurance. Like you, I trust him impeccably. Love you Barb. You and Bob stay safe! xoxo


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