
Sunday 17 May 2020

Sunday morning ponderings . . .

In order to really love who you are
you cannot hate 
the experiences that shaped you.

I saw this quote this morning and it really resonated with me.  How many hours in my lifetime have I spent dwelling on things that I might have done better if given a second chance???  On words spoken that I would love to be able to take back. On people I wish I had never been involved with. On better choices I should have made . . . far too many, far too many. 

 It truly is impossible to love yourself so long as you carry your life around with you using your regrets to periodically beat yourself up.  They become weapons against your soul rather than building blocks to a better you.  It is impossible to love yourself on the one hand if you keep hating the journey it took to get here . . .  to become you. 

In all truth, given the chance to do our lives over . . . .  we would probably all do the same things, make the same mistakes and make the same choices again because that is who we are.  We were sent here to learn and to experience and to become better.  Some of our most valuable lessons in life are learnt when we make mistakes and poor choices.  The difference comes with the eyes we choose to look back at them with afterwards.  If we fail to learn from them, and keep making them again . . .  and again  . . .  and again  . . .  then we have a problem. 

It has taken me almost 65 years to become the beautiful creature I am now. (half truth, half jest)  Oh I know I am not beautiful on the outside.  It is the very rare person who can get to my age without losing their looks . . . but I think I'm not half bad on the inside.  I am a compassionate, caring person with a deep-seated love for my family, friends and the world.  I love my God with all of my heart and try each day to be a bit better than I was the day before.  I try not ever to harm anyone or anything on purpose.  I am not the person today that I was yesterday, last year, or even ten years before that . . . I have grown and become better I think.  And that is largely due to the journey which I have taken to get here . . .  an almost 65 year long journey filled with nooks and crannies,  and plenty of stumbles and bumps along the way.

You can't polish a rock without putting it through a tumbler . . .  and knocking it about a bit. A bit of a jostle knocks off all of the rough edges. 

What a sunny day we had yesterday.  It started off gloomy and grey but that all burned off and a sunny day emerged in the end.  As I sit here typing I can hear Mitzie quietly snoring off in the corner.  Its quite a comforting sound to be honest. It is the sound of contentment. She is starting to look like a shaggy Yeti.  Its been 3 months since her last grooming. I think we need to buy or borrow some clippers and try to groom her a bit or she is going to be very hot and uncomfortable come the summer months.  Maybe we could find a mobile groomer who will come to the house.  I will have to think about that. I think they do it right in their van. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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 *If you want to feel rich,
just count the things you have
that money can't buy.•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Strawberry Cake Pie.  Oh. My. Goodness. 

Have a blessed sabbath day. Be safe and be happy.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!     




  1. Now that is an interesting quote! But as in all things, there are some life experiences I will never be thankful for...that I was badly beaten and abused as a child, that now my grandbabies are also molested by their dad...nope. That category belongs with what Jesus said in my view: For whomever does this to the least of these should have a millstone around their neck and be cast into the depths of the sea...However, if it is the normal adversities in life...then I can agree with that. Those kinds of things we will recover from, usually pretty completely...Just saying...I am grateful that not everyone has to live through the worst things. I feel certain I would have been compassionate to anyone who went through what I did...even if I had not experienced that myself. As would many. When you are not protected by a parent...actually 2 parents in that nothing my mom tried to do seemed to really messes with a person's ability to trust others. Of course, sometimes in life, as with one of my best friends, other than friends there are NO good kin for her...NONE!! She is one of the kindest, most helpful people on earth!! I will be shocked if she does not receive a huge reward from GOD in our next life...sure hope so!! Thanks for sharing yours and others thoughts, does give one things to ponder some more!! Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am so sorry that you had to go through that Elizabeth. I think we won't have all the answers in this lifetime, but perhaps in the next. ((((hugs)))) xoxo

  2. Have a good day marie..I like the rock and the tumbler...

  3. So true Marie every experience we hav has helped to make us who we are so we should appreciate and be thankful for them all We learn and grow from all of them. The good, bad and the ugly. Hope you have a Happy Sunday. Relax and enjoy !

    1. Thanks Pam. I hope your Sunday was equally blessed. xoxo

  4. Everything we have gone through in life, the good, the bad and everything in between is what has made us who we are today. I think we learn something from every person that comes into our lives no matter what length their stay. And we act as teachers in other people's lives, as well. We need each other. I am going to make a Victoria Sponge cake to celebrate Victoria Day here in Canada tomorrow.
    Hope you and Todd and Mitzie had a lovely weekend. Take gentle care. Hugs and love, Elaine.

    1. I agree with everything you have said Elaine! God bless, love, hugs and Happy Victoria Day. Enjoy your cake! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Again...I could have written this post! I was having a discussion very similar to this just yesterday with my daughter. She was talking about how hard it is for some kids in high school, and how those few years can shape your life for a very long time...if you let them. I can completely understand! One reason I don't do FB is because I don't really want some of the friends I had in high school to find me...because they have and it's not fun. Even with very little personal information they still find me! When I am out of the RS presidency, I will most likely delete the account, it's that bad :0(

    I am just simply not the same person I was wayyyyyy back then. It has taken many years to knock off the edges! I am thankful for all the experiences, good and bad, they have shaped me and made me who I am. Because of some of those bad experiences, I have been able to help others through some rough times, so I guess I am grateful for that.

    I wish everyone could see us from the inside out! We are all beautiful, it's hard to see ourselves as the world does, we would be surprised at what they see!

    You are beautiful, inside and out! XOXOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Sorry your FB experience is so bad Barb. I stay on it because of family, and I do enjoy some of the friends I had in highschool as well. It has taken me a lot of knocks and time to get as perfect as I am now and I have a LONG ways to go! lol Love and hugs to you always, xoxo

  6. Every word you wrote was well perfect in thought. I do see how the many choices and experiences I have had have made me who I am. I pray I am better in many ways. I think that is why we are here and we are refined by our life journey.
    I feel sad that even now once in a while, I do beat myself up over something I did or didn't do. Maybe that keeps me more humble, I don't know.
    Anyway, I enjoyed all your thoughts and I am happy about my life and the experiences I have had. Life isn't easy but I feel I have learned so much.
    Love and hugs for you dear friend!

    1. I think its only human to beat ourselves up. It means we are humble for sure. Love and hugs, xoxo


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