
Wednesday 20 November 2019

What is a Homemaker . . .

From the time I was a small girl, all I ever aspired to be was a wife, mother and homemaker. That is not to say that there is no value to be found in working outside the home. My own mother worked outside the home, as did I for a number of years.  For me however, throughout my lifetime,  most of my joy has been found working within the four walls of my own home. Home and homemaking has always been my BLISS. 

Home truly is where I hang my heart, and it has been ever so.  I can remember as a child stringing a skipping rope over the railings of our front porch and hanging a blanket over it to create my home.  Inside I had all of my play dishes and I dutifully gathered bits of grass, flower heads and plants to create culinary delights as I pretended to cook and feed my doll. Playing house was always my favourite game to play and I always had to be the mother. 

This is a photograph of me flying up from Brownies to Girl Guides.  I loved the Girl Scout program.  I can remember learning how to make a hospital bed, shine shoes, darn socks, peel carrots and oh sos much more through the years.  Homely arts and skills that would last me a lifetime. 

Home Ec was my favourite subject in Highschool.  Learning to cook, sew and keep a home was excellent training and I gobbled it all up. 


I got married almost as soon as I finished all of my schooling. I was 19.  Thought I knew everything there was to know in the world. Boy did I have a lot to learn about life and marriage.  Sadly that marriage didn't work out. I think I was more in love with being married than I was with anything else and I loved taking care of our little apartment.  The best thing to come out of that union was my son Anthony.  

Becoming a mother was the culmination of all my hopes and dreams.  Oh how I loved that little boy and how I love the that man he has become.  I went on to marry again and have four more children.  

Five pieces of my heart walking around outside of my body.  From left to right, Amanda, Bruce, Anthony, Eileen and Doug.  Between them they have 7 children.  Six boys and one girl. That is the beautiful thing about love. It has the capacity to multiply and grow and expand beyond belief.  I have come to learn and to truly believe that LOVE is at the core of being a homemaker.  


Creating a home is not really about cooking and sewing and other homemaking skills, although they are a huge part of it and a lot of the joy of homemaking comes from partaking of  and participating in those things.  Creating a home is about creating a place that is safe and secure.  A place that is a haven from the world.  A place where people can go and know that they are loved beyond measure.  You don't even have to be good at homemaking skills to create a safe environment for your loved ones.  It doesn't matter if you always burn the potatoes, have no interest in the needle arts, or even  if you can't eat off the floors.  The most important thing is those whom you harbour within your four walls  know that they are loved.   That they have a place where they know they belong and are safe.  

Home is where you can hang your heart and know that it is safe. 
And being a good homemaker is in creating
that environment. 

You don't have to be an expert seamstress, or a culinary genius. You don't have to have windows that sparkle or floors that shine.  You don't have to have children. You don't have to have a husband. Those are not the things that create or make a woman into a homemaker.    

Where there is love there is life.
Where there is life there is hope.
Where there is hope there is

You can pay someone else to do all of  those things like cooking and cleaning, sewing etc. but there is no amount of money on earth that can turn a house into a home.  That can only be done by a Homemaker.  I believe that being a Homemaker is one of the highest, most ultimate, and most important callings on the earth today.   If everyone had a place they could call home, a place where they felt welcome and loved and safe . . .  the world would be a very different place to live. 

And so this is what truly makes a homemaker  . . .  LOVE.  You can live in a mansion filled with splendour, or a cave filled with rocks . . .  it matters not. If LOVE doesn't live there you have not really created a home.

Then again, that's only this woman's opinion.  I would love to hear yours. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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This job has been given for me to do.
Therefore it is a gift.
Therefore it is a priviledge,
an offering I may make to God.
Therefore it is to be done gladly,
if it is done for Him. Here not
somewhere else, I may learn
God's way. In this job not in
some other. God looks for faithfulness.
~Elizabeth Elliot, A Homemakers Prayer
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

I wrote this as a  way to participate in What is a Homemaker, a get together party on Rose Chintz Cottage

No update on Tina today.  I will try to call Tony tonight to see how she is doing. I don't really like to disturb him overly much. I know he must be so busy running back and forth and keeping their large family up to date on what's going on.  I am basically taking the stance that he will let me know when he can what's what.  I am looking forward to going to visit her on Friday with our friend Carolyn.  Keep those prayers coming!

Steak and Eggs   

This is a plate of Steak, Eggs & Chips.  I have been learning to cook on a Salt Plate/Block over the last few weeks. Its been quite a journey.  Sharing all that I have learnt in The English Kitchen today!! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  I am visiting the Chiropracter this afternoon.  Yesterday was a really good day with my back. It felt almost back to normal.  Your prayers in that area have also been very much appreciated. I am hoping that I don't have to visit the Chiropracter too many more times!  Fingers crossed! Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Good morning, Marie. My, you were a beautiful young bride and a beautiful young mother. I'm with you about your home being a soft place to fall as Dr. Phil would say. The older I get, the more I enjoy staying at home especially now with winter setting in. I'm so glad your back continues to improve. It will be lovely for Tina to have a visit with you and Carolyn on Friday. Take gentle care, my friend. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I always say that youth is wasted on the young! We don't seem to appreciate it while we have it. Its a shame we have to get old before we can see it! I always thought I was fat. I would LOVE to be that fat now! haha I love being in my home. I didn't mind working, but home was always where I loved being most of all. Love and hugs to you. Am looking forward to seeing Tina on Friday! xoxo

  2. I was so much like you, Marie. Have not worked a great number of jobs outside the home. I am STILL working on recipe development too, however (not my plan but gluten free demands that...and MOST of the ready made is yucky what we make at home is also cheaper). I majored in Home Ec in college...but even if I had taught...likely that job would have ended prior to retirement anyway as a lot of schools do not offer that anymore...sadly and stupidly!! Well, one teacher we had taught us some great survival skills plus the usual stuff.
    I sure hope and pray your friend survives...maybe you can also send her notes along if she has to stay in hospital awhile longer!! Hope you get to go see her soon!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I think that is so sad that schools don't offer Home Economics anymore. My friend Lura was a Home Economics teacher as well. I think I would have enjoyed that role myself! I've been sending notes to her via her husband, when I can. Looking so forward to hopefully seeing her on Friday! xoxo

  3. Good morning Marie, and welcome to my little meme! What a lovely post! You were indeed a beautiful young bride, but more so, a loving mom to your children! The heart of the home is love and you summed it up beautifully here. My hubby would be ever so pleased to be eating that plate of eggs, steak, and chips! It looks wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and I pray you won't have to visit the chiropractor too many more times. I know what a bad back feels like, believe me. My physiotherapist and I have become good friends over the years. God bless you!

    1. I don't very often participate in Memes anymore Sandi, but yours struck a chord in my heart and I really wanted to play along. I have at least two more visits and then I think maintainance after Christmas. God bless you also! xoxo

  4. Wow FAB news on your back! Amazing Grace:)
    Watched a cute movie last night Mark Walburgh(sp?) and Rose Bern (sp?) Amazon Prime about an adoptive family..SO GOOD and funny and cute..

  5. I do agree with what you've said about homemakers. It's all I ever wanted to be and I consider it a career. Being a homemaker isn't for everyone one, but I can definitely recommend it as the most rewarding job I ever had.

    1. I agree Pam, and the rate of pay is phenomenal! All that love in return. It can't be beat! Love and hugs and blessings to you! xoxo

  6. Love is absolutely the most important part of being a homemaker. This is what helps create a safe and welcoming place for the family, and for weary guests who need a rest.

    It was lovely to see the pictures of your family. You are blessed

    1. Thank you Mrs White. I think I am pretty blessed indeed! xoxo


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