
Thursday 21 November 2019

My Favourite things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, or that I just enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.  

Hummus and this is my favourite recipe for it.  I always make my own. There are far too many salmonella/e-coli etc recall on the stuff that you buy in the shops. At least if I make my own I know what's in it and that I am safe. 

I love the sight, smell and sound of a log fire in the home. We always had log burners when I was bringing up the kids, or we did for a long time anyways.  There is nothing so relaxing as laying on the sofa and being warmed by the fire and the sounds of logs snapping and crackling.  You can get one on YouTube that will last for 12 hours.  The only things missing are the heat and the smell.  

Cinnamon anything.  Stick or ground. I love the smell, I love the flavour. The only thing I am not fond of is cinnamon extract. I bought some from Watkins once and I thought it was quite rank actually.  Funny how that goes!  


Cottages with thatched rooves and ivy covered walls. So charming. 

Scented Candles.  I love them but I am really picky about the ones I like the smell of.  I like the ones that smell like Christmas Trees, and the ones that smell like you have been baking.  I don't like anything too flowery or artificial smelling.  I like ones that smell like nature.

Ripe pears . . .  they are my favourite fruit . . .  not mealy ones.  Mealy anything is not very nice.  But a nice ripe juicy pear, now that is bliss. 

Frosty mornings  . . .  its like waking up in a magic fairy land  . . . 


Fluffy butts.  How come fluffy butts are only cut in chickens, puppies and babies?  Its not fair I don't think! 

Road signs that surprise and delight . . .  you see them a lot over here.  I also love houses with names.  I have always wanted to live in a house I could give a name to  . . . 


Geese  . . . they waddle  . . .  could watch them for hours . . . so cute . . . 

Country walks  . . .  

Nature's tunnels  . . . . 


Claw footed tubs  . . .  

Piglets . . .  well, baby anything really.  Except for bugs. I do not like bugs. 


Stone walls  . . .  when you think about the time and energy taken to build them, and they stretch on for miles and miles, it is mind boggling  . . . 

The British country village . . .  so charming  . . .  quaint . . .  beautiful  . . . 


Stone ruins  . . .  I find myself wondering about the people who might have lived there.  What were their lives like  . . .  did laughter glance against the walls . . . whats the story hidden inside  . . . 

The Yorkshire Dales.  I have loved every time we have visited them. You need to take carsick medicine however if you are going to drive across them.  Up and down and around and in and out. Its like being on a country fair ride.  So beautiful though  . . . 


Quaint little tea rooms where you can stop for refreshment and hopefully a nice piece of cake . . . 

Old sweet shops.  They are so fascinating.  You can get all sorts there like sugar mice and licorace whips . . . 


Christmas Markets . . .  this is in Chester by the town hall.  So pretty  . . . 

This is the Knife Angel and it is on display in Chester at the moment. (I need to get into town to see it. Its only there for another week.)  This stunning angel stands 27 feet tall and is composed of over 100, 000 knives which have been confiscated  or turned over in an amnesty by the police from over 43 precincts here in the UK.  It is an amazing piece of sculpture/art composed by artist Alfie Bradley. Only the carefully sculpted hands, feet, and face are not covered in Knives.  Amazing. 

Over 80 families who have had their lives affected by knife crime have had their personal messages  engraved on the blades which form the feathers of the angels wings.Collectively, it is a very powerful message of the damage that can be done with a small piece of metal. A very touching tribute to lives lots and a reminder of the often tragic world we live in.  

Children's books  . . .  I love them.  I hope that they never go out of style. 

And with that I am running out of time.  I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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It takes grace to remain kind
in cruel situations. •。★★ 。* 。 

 I am not sure if I will be on tomorrow or not.  I am going to our ladies annual Christmas dinner at Plas Hafod in Wales tonight and it will be a very late night, and then tomorrow I am hopefully going to visit Tina in Hospital.  Last word on Tina was from my friend Eileen who visited yesterday with her husband.  She said that Tina was remaining cheerful but still awaiting on results from the x-rays department, and has a long ways still to go . . .  your prayers continue to be very much appreciated. 

Herb Roasted Turkey Breast 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Herb Roasted Turkey Breast.  I have a confession. The photos of the plate of turkey were actually taken the day after as it was too dark to take photos on the day I cooked it.  As you can see, a day later and even being reheated it was still succulent and moist. I was very pleased with how this turned out! 

Have a fabulous Thursday. I hope it is filled with some of your favourite things.  Don't forget! 

Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     





  1. Loved all your favourite things this morning, Marie. That Knife Angel is really stunning. Hope you can get into town to see it. I love Christmas Markets, too, especially the outside ones. Enjoy your Christmas celebrations this evening and your visit with Tina. Prayers still being said for her. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I hope so too Elaine. Its on the Cathedral grounds. I am looking forward to seeing Tina tomorrow! I think its really bad that she has been in there a week and a half and they are still waiting on x-rays. Thanks for your prayers! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. That angel! And lots of pretty things..:) A great meal..meaningful outings..:) A life filled with gratitude:)

    1. It really makes you stop and think of the ramifications of having that many knives on the streets Monique. And you just know that it is only the tip of the iceberg because many, many more haven't ever been handed in! xoxo

  3. How wonderful to hear you will be able to get out and about. Not long ago you could due to the back pain. Will continue to pray for your friend and I know you will fell all the better for being able to see her. It's so had when those we love are far away.

    1. It is vastly improved Pam and I thank you for all your prayers on my behalf, and for those for Tina also. I am going to see her today! xoxo

  4. This morning while reading this I realized afresh just how many things you and I share in common, right down to candle scents. One of the things I remember of my time in England was the quality of light. It was just different from here. Breathtakingly so.... You'd be walking or driving along and wham, there is was, yet another masterpiece! I also loved tea shops... I mean, I really loved them. I am surprised I was able to get my trousers buttoned by the time I shipped back to Canada. I had to try everything on offer! And I still think that hands down British chocolate outstrips North American any day. I am so happy I can buy so many types of it here, even if I have to pay an arm and a leg for some sorts in the specialty shop. Prayers continue to go up for Tina, and Tony. And you and Todd, always. Much love. xx

    1. No doubt about it Noelle, England is a beautiful place to visit and to live. Especially when you get out into the countryside. What a pity we didn't know each other when you lived here. Now that would have been great blessing! Love and hugs to you and John always my sweet. xoxo

  5. Turkey looks very yummy...maybe will try for our dinner next week!! We always had turkey dinner for both Thanksgiving and Christmas growing up (it was not available any other time) so it was a much relished treat. My mom and grandma always bought the largest HEN turkey they could find (HENS do not fight like the male turkeys so much...makes for more tender meat).
    Sure hoping your friend will get better care soon...maybe you could go asking a lot of questions of the staff. It sounds like your medical there is like ours are just LUCKY if you actually find a decent doctor. And one who will be truthful with you!! Well, the BEST doctor is GOD and we can all pray!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Yes you are right Elizabeth the best Doctor is God. I could eat turkey any time Elizabeth! Its my favourite meal and I agree about Hens, not Toms. But I'll enjoy eithr one! If its turkey, I'm on it! xoxo

  6. Thanks Marie! Thank you for your beautiful blog! You are a most wonderful lady! Wishing you and your friend the best!


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