
Wednesday 11 September 2019

The art of creating . . .

One thing I really like to do when I have nothing else to do, which is hardly ever . . .  is to create collages.  I have a program called Pic Monkey that I like to use.  I use it mostly to create food collages for on my English Kitchen FB page.   

For instance this is my Potato, Egg & Green Bean Salad.  I don't know if people like them or not, but I like creating them.  I think they look nicer than just one photo of something staring you in the face.  


They can be like little mood boards. Small collections of things which inspire you and your creativity.  Perhaps a help in designing or decorating a room.  


Maybe you like to collect things but have no space in your home. (kinda like me) But you really love Salt and pepper Shakers.  Voila, you can make collages of different ones you see and like, and they don't cost you any money or take up any space.  

Perhaps unusual tea pots  . . .  


Quotes about tea . . .   

Places you would like to live  . . . 


A representation of your faith   . . . 

What's important in your week  . . . 


Or things that make you feel good  . . . 

Thought provoking  . . .   


Holiday collages  . . . . 


Seasonal collages  . . . 

Or just wonderful forms of expression . . .   I can think of worse things to do with my time. 

Todd's Birthday lunch has been postponed until tomorrow now.  Tina and Tony's car is in having it's MOT and they weren't sure if it would be done by noon, so we thought it better just to leave it til tomorrow. That way nobody feels pressured and lunch doesn't dry up waiting!  It will be all the better for the wait!  Or at least I hope it will.  


I got busy yesterday with one of my recipes that I am writing about this month on that site I write on. Chicken Satay Skewers with a Rainbow Salad.  Whew!  It is a lot of work, developing the recipe, photographing all of the elements, putting everything together, and writing the article, but I really enjoy it, and I get paid for doing it. I can't complain!

Ohhh, I heard from my Editor and things are starting to look up.  He is trialing out a new print company, so we will see. Fingers crossed Book 2 does come out!  Please pretty please!  In the meantime my other book is available on Amazon in paperback, but woa!  The cost is almost double what it was.  If you have a hardback one at the old price, you can count yourself lucky!!  I doubt any will be purchasing at this new price.

The power of advertising.  I saw a video of this on Instagram one day and used some of my precious earnings to buy one.  Shhh . . .  don't tell Todd. 


It also operates as a collander, so if you are grating things that need rinsing afterwards, you can do that without any problem.  But like anything made in China, and what isn't these days  . . .  the instructions for use are sadly lacking.  Hopefully I can figure them out!  Hope it lasts longer than the last grater bowl thing I bought.  That one was supposed to be dishwasher proof, but the  lid warped in the dishwasher and rendered it pretty unusable.  That is one thing the Chinese excel in, disposable goods that you can use or wear a few times and then ditch because one, they break or fall apart, and two, you didn't pay much for them to begin with so you don't feel too guilty disposing of them.  Not sure how good that is for the environment, but then again, this is a country that had ground melmac in their baby milk.  I know it is a generalisation, but I feel that their bottom line is making money, at any cost . . .  talk about a sleeping dragon.

And with that I best get off here and get on with my day!

A thought to carry with you . . .

 ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Conquer the angry one 
by not getting angry;
Conquer the wicked with goodness;
Conquer the stingy with generosity,
and the liar by speaking the truth. 
~Buddah•。★★ 。* 。• ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

 Cheddar & Corn Chowder 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheddar & Corn Chowder  . . .  so yummy.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. Its raining here and feeling quite chilly!  Brrr . . .  they say we are going to have an early and very cold Winter this year.  I hope not!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    




  1. Gadegets..a weakness:):)I hear you:) Love the collages!!

    1. I too, have this illness Monique, lol. I am trying to cure myself, but so far, am not having much luck! xoxo

  2. We had a few days that were cooler and felt like fall last week, but now we are hot and bad to summer temps. I'm thankful we still have some wonderful days to enjoy. It's supposed to be a cold and snowy winter here, but then that is nothing new. It happens every year without fail. That is why I'll particularly enjoy these extended days of summer!

    1. Our seasons here in the UK seem to be melding into one season, with perhaps a week of really hot weather in the summer and a week of really cold weather in the winter and the rest of the year waffling back and forth! lol Happy Wednesday! xoxo

  3. I LOVE PicMonkey! … but never thought about 'mood board' collages. Since I've precious little space, this is a brilliant idea!

    1. I really need to explore it Mevely and learn to use it for more than what I do now Mevely! I am sure I could be getting a lot more from my subscription to it! xoxo

  4. It is still impossible to not buy from China...but generally we do try. Yes, when they put nasty dangerous stuff in pet and baby food...that went too far. I feel too we should try to only get food grown locally so much as possible for all kinds of good reasons. But like you, sometimes, we need a tool to help as we get older (I assume that is one reason you wanted the special grater) and of course, most are made there.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It is getting more and more difficult to not buy things that are made in China Elizabeth. Almost everything we use comes from there. I think it is to our own detriment! Love and hugs, xoxo


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