
Thursday 12 September 2019

My Favourite Things 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, or that I just enjoy.  Maybe they will do the same for you.     

I have always loved to read. I cannot imagine a world where I could not read. It has always been this way.  My tastes have changed through the years and I tend to find one author and then read all I can from them.  Through the years I have enjoyed all the works of Catherine Cookson, Steven King, Taylor Caldwell, Enid Blyton, and many, many others.  I love the classics.  I love history.  I love romance. I love a good mystery.  One thing though, if a book has not caught me within its first few pages I have a difficult time to go on. Am I alone in this? How do you feel?

Anything to do with drawing, colouring, painting, sketching, creating something new where once there was nothing.  I have always been this way, since I was a small child and could hold a pencil in my hands.  I was always creating something new, revising something old, doodling, etc.  All of my notebooks and brown paper covered school books have always been covered with doodles and sketches.  It is like breathing to me. 

I love writing them, reading them, playing with them.  I just love words.  I love to learn new ones and their meanings.  Word puzzles, Scrabble, Boggle . . .  words just simply delight me.  

Cooking  . . .  any kind.  Main meals, desserts, baking, etc.  Chinese, Italian, Mexican  . . . I love food and I love to make delicious things with it. It has been an interest of mine all of my life. As a child I loved to be in the kitchen watching.  I loved Home Ec, especially the cooking part.  I love experimenting and creating something tasty from what I have to hand. I just love cooking! 


I love fixing things.  If the hoover stops working or gets jammed I am the first one in there to try to figure out what is wrong.  I love to learn how things work, putting things back together, etc. It fuels and draws on my creativity I guess.  Its like solving a puzzle. 

I've aways loved walking, going on walks, sharing walks.  Fast, slow and inbetween.  Sadly my arthritis makes it very difficult for me these days, and I don't get to do a lot of it anymore.  


I love discovering new places and things, meeting new people, seeing things I have never seen before, traveling to new spots, learning something new every day  . . . 

I love doing what I can to help others, to make a difference, to do good.  I think that is the key to a happy life, to reach out to others and to meet them where their needs are.  Sometimes I can do a lot, most times it is only a little, but all times it makes a difference.  Sometimes it is all I can do to reach where I stand.  Kind words.  Kind deeds.  Kind thoughts.  Prayers. Love.  Helpful thoughts and helpful deeds just because.  With no thought of recompense . . .  in fact I am not fond of renumeration. It makes me uncomfortable.  I just want to make a difference in whatever way I can. 

Nature and the natural world. Animal, flora, fauna, birds, fishes, bees . . . it all interests me.  I could watch nature programs for hours.  The only things I am not comfortable with is when it shows things being hunted, eaten, killed, etc.  I am not a fan of carnage of any kind, even if it is the natural order of things. I know it happens, don't want to see it. 


Old television shows, films, etc.  I don't care if they are in black and white, or in colour.  I just love them all and would rather watch them than most things on the telly today.   There is  no gratuitous violence, no nudity, no swearing.  They are just nice.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good mystery/police drama, and I like shows like Downton Abbey/period dramas.  But the old ones are my favourites.  I never get tired of them.

And those are my favourite things for this week!  Tina and Tony are coming for lunch/dinner today and I am really looking forward to it!  I also love to entertain! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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F.E.A.R. has two meanings.
Forget everything and run.
Face everything and rise.
The choice is yours.•。★★ 。* 。 

Stacked Turkey Mexi-Melts 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Stacked Turkey Mexi-Melts.  Yum!  I love me some Tex Mex flavours!

Have a wonderful Thursday and don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. I, too, have always loved reading. I used to think it necessary to muddle through a story - particularly if I paid retail. Now? Nope! Life's too short.
    Best wishes for a most enJOY-able time with your friends!

    1. You are right about that Mevely! Life IS too short to spend any of it doing something that doesn't make you happy! xoxo


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